Old Reviews Coast of Maine Stonington Blend

Most people count day 1 as first day above ground from what I've seen
Agreed I’ve seen it all ways too. So I decided for me I’m going to starting counting when the grow starts. Just makes it easy day 1 seed touches water grow starts. To each their own I guess
Agreed I’ve seen it all ways too. So I decided for me I’m going to starting counting when the grow starts. Just makes it easy day 1 seed touches water grow starts. To each their own I guess
Just as long as you know you'll need to add time to the breeder estimates more so than what's typical when they list a seed to harvest time, you should be good!
Just as long as you know you'll need to add time to the breeder estimates more so than what's typical when they list a seed to harvest time, you should be good!
Oh totally get that. I still having hard time meeting those timelines with the added few days. :crying:. This is just giving me a better idea of how my starting process is going. So I can have definitive start time. I’m just trying dial in my process. I think the first 2weeks in critical with autos so I count every day I think something should be happening.
Alright guys quick update time. I checked my purple punch auto and it was at a level I'm comfortable planting at. I put it in the soil today. I have decided NOT to post a starting picture, just because we all have grown before and personally if I saw a picture of a newly planted seed I would probably keep on scrolling. I will however be posting a one week update, and we can see where the seed is at.

On another note. I trimmed and weighed my first ever auto today. It was a Northern Lights by growers choice. Beautiful aroma coming off the buds. Smells like berries. All told I pulled 2.5 ounces of smokable bud (unfortunately every single bud on the plant was LARFY, not much dense but frostier than anything I've personally had.), and another 1.5 ounces of bud that I could trim better and use as smokable bud, but I think I'm gonna give it to my buddy for edibles. Pretty happy to see these results from my first ever cannabis plant. Really excited to see what her sister comes in at. She's still got another 4 weeks left or so and looks 2x as big as the plant I just trimmed.
You probably could get by with just watering the area around where the seed was going into the pot.

Unless your trying to give time for some organic nutes to “cook,” why have the whole pot soaked? The roots won’t touch these areas for a few days and the whole thing will remain moist. I don’t see this as a required step.

I hand water in a spiral around the young seeding at first, until week 3 for an Auto. At that point I’m soaking the pot and looking for flower pistils. Just my 2 Cents.
Took down the Do-Si-Do's yesterday. She took a while coming in at 109 days from first peak above ground
CoM Stonington soil and Stonington amendment.
I top coated 3 times with 2 top coats of Fish Bone Meal.
Used soil went into a pail and will be used again in a couple weeks.


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Took down the Do-Si-Do's yesterday. She took a while coming in at 109 days from first peak above ground
CoM Stonington soil and Stonington amendment.
I top coated 3 times with 2 top coats of Fish Bone Meal.
Used soil went into a pail and will be used again in a couple weeks.
Hey BowHunt3r, could you run that feeding regiment by me again, 3 times with 2 top coats?
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I really don't follow a set feeding schedule. I modified it according to what I see the plant doing.
I put down my first top coat of Stonington when she was 1 week above ground the again when I topped at the 3rd node. I did it again at the first sign of flower along with the first top of fish bone meal. I let it go about 3 weeks I think then top coated again and added some worm castings.
I tend to load up the plant early on with a heavy 1/4+ cup fulls. Then let it run its course. I'm on well water and grow in an open room.
I dont PH I don't worry about temps or humidity. The room is 68-70 degrees all the time.
I could never do a grow journal because I wing it every grow, but it works for me and the weed is killer.
I keep a little for myself and gift the rest and have friends lining up for it.

I have 2 Mephisto Genetics Skywalkers going now.
1 is about 3 weeks above ground and has been top coated and topped. Will top coat again in a couple days. The other one is about 2 weeks above and will be top coated today. Not going to top this one.
Alright guys. Little update/question post. Up until today, everything has been going quite smoothly with the CoM soil. It is one week from germination, and a picture has been provided. This is a post watering picture.

Unfortunately, as you can see from the picture, I now have fungus gnats. I will be making a post on the beginner advice forum as well, but if anyone wants to offer any advice here I would greatly appreciate it. I mainly need advice regarding whether to harvest my two mature plants now and what I should do. This plant is in the same tent as two plants that I plan to harvest on the 22(48 hours from now). Would it be beneficial to move the two out now to a different area? They have been in the same tent as this plant for about 10 days and today is the first day I'm noticing the gnats(I check for pests everyday) I will also say I looked for a while and saw 3 gnats max. I really only saw the one pictured, but I caught something floating/flying out of the corner of my eye and it could have been dust or gnats. I'm gonna lie on the side of caution though. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Alright guys. Little update/question post. Up until today, everything has been going quite smoothly with the CoM soil. It is one week from germination, and a picture has been provided. This is a post watering picture. View attachment 1422697View attachment 1422698

Unfortunately, as you can see from the picture, I now have fungus gnats. I will be making a post on the beginner advice forum as well, but if anyone wants to offer any advice here I would greatly appreciate it. I mainly need advice regarding whether to harvest my two mature plants now and what I should do. This plant is in the same tent as two plants that I plan to harvest on the 22(48 hours from now). Would it be beneficial to move the two out now to a different area? They have been in the same tent as this plant for about 10 days and today is the first day I'm noticing the gnats(I check for pests everyday) I will also say I looked for a while and saw 3 gnats max. I really only saw the one pictured, but I caught something floating/flying out of the corner of my eye and it could have been dust or gnats. I'm gonna lie on the side of caution though. Any advice greatly appreciated.
I'm also one week in, and have the gnats. They just come with soil growing. I got them with every brand I've tried.