Old Reviews Coast of Maine Stonington Blend

A valid question for sure, I was hoping CoM figured the amount within the soil would carry it through? All the more reason we need to act as Guinea pigs and test their nutrient schedule on a 15g. To be true to their recommendations I think I would have to PH my RO water, what’s the best organic ph up for the job? Or should I try just RO?
I am not knowledgeable on any organic PHing solutions, I just use the General Hydroponics ph down, 2 drops in a gallon of water throws me right in the 6.3 ph range and I run with it.
I did my last grow with Acadia Spring water and that stuff ph's at 6.2 right out of the gallon jugs with a 120ppm.
sorry i missed your ph question @Newman’sOwn i emailed them and asked them how to use soil with RO and they sent me the same PDF you shared. i also asked if i should PH water they said i quote"
"As a living soil the ph of your water will make very little difference because the soil is naturally buffered and will return quickly to it’s natural PH."
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Had my phone conversation with Dylan from CoM, he liked the potassium question, since he was the guy involved in making the Autoflower schedule.
His suggestion is to do a 2nd Stonington plant food feeding in around week 6, along with your first Fish Bone meal feeding.
So thats my plan of attack. 2 stonington feeds instead of the one feed only at weeks 3-4, then all Fish Bone from that point.
Great thread you guys have got going here. I too find myself in the position of a guinea pig. I personally do not want to water only, so I will be top dressing in a 5 gallon pot rather than growing in solely a 15G. Ok guys, so this is what we are looking at. 4 separate 5 gallon pots, all will get their first top dressing around day 21. Then just water until week 5. At the beginning of week 5, I will be top dressing again with the organic plant food, per Dylan's recommendation to Badfinger. At the beginning of week 6, I will top-dress with the fish meal, and then again at week 9 if I have a longer running strain. I will be straightforward. THIS is my dive into organics. I have no prior experience running organics, so I am excited to see what I can learn from this.
If this schedule works, theoretically the nutes should last for 6 grows. Based on four 5 gallon pots.
If this schedule works, theoretically the nutes should last for 6 grows. Based on four 5 gallon pots.

Nice. As it is I have to buy bottled nutes every grow to every other grow currently due to me running coco. Id love to be able to get multiple grows out of soil.
Nice. As it is I have to buy bottled nutes every grow to every other grow currently due to me running coco. Id love to be able to get multiple grows out of soil.
Re-conditioning soil is a whole other subject. There are a bunch of folks on this forum that do it.
RO water actually goes acidic 5.5 or less when exposed to air. Pure water starts at 7.0 but it attracts Co² and becomes acidic rapidly. You do not need to PH it but you may want to add a little of the Lobster Meal to your applications. Don't go crazy.

Have we talked about your tap water? I have talked to so many I don't remember.
I'm using an old modified photo feeding schedule. Can you repost the auto schedule. For some reason page 2 is blank.

Thank you