Indoor CFL grow, soil/coco, 3rd crop, 4 auto's

You're only watering once a week? Or am I misunderstanding?

How does the Lucas formula work?
ya once a week..soil is still wet on top 3-4 days after watering, not drinking too much. Lucas formula just says to use 8ml flora micro and 16ml bloom throughout. or 5/10 if using weaker lighting. I also add Epsom salt every 2nd watering.
ya once a week..soil is still wet on top 3-4 days after watering, not drinking too much. Lucas formula just says to use 8ml flora micro and 16ml bloom throughout. or 5/10 if using weaker lighting. I also add Epsom salt every 2nd watering.
It's too long I'd think for them to go without fresh water indoors/ in a pot.. 3 or 4 days at most. Have you posted in the infirmary? @Waira would know.
It's too long I'd think for them to go without fresh water indoors/ in a pot.. 3 or 4 days at most. Have you posted in the infirmary? @Waira would know.
No didn't post..just waiting for this to finish. I didn't want to water when soil is still wet on top..the plants are tiny..its in a 4 gallon bucket. Just a whole lot of leaves growing..few flowers lol. I chalk it up to this is how auto's are, or I guess the batch I got was cheaper quality. Maybe I expect too much from them after the regular I grew. This grow doesn't interest me too much at all! lol.
No didn't post..just waiting for this to finish. I didn't want to water when soil is still wet on top..the plants are tiny..its in a 4 gallon bucket. Just a whole lot of leaves growing..few flowers lol. I chalk it up to this is how auto's are, or I guess the batch I got was cheaper quality. Maybe I expect too much from them after the regular I grew. This grow doesn't interest me too much at all! lol.
It's not how they are at all. What kind of drainage/aeration do you have for the buckets?

It's different for all plants, but I've gathered the autos like less but more often when they're younger at least.
It's too long I'd think for them to go without fresh water indoors/ in a pot.. 3 or 4 days at most. Have you posted in the infirmary? @Waira would know.
The regular which grew in the summer heat only needed water on the 4th day at it's peak when it just went into flowering..otherwise that one too only got water every 5th or 6th day during flowering. During veg..i watered the 5 gallon thoroughly prior to planting in it..and I actually only watered it once in the 1st month of veg after that..grew like a champ:) These are different lol. I also heard its good to let the medium get a bit dry so as to let oxygen get to the roots..constantly keeping it wet may not allow that and can induce mold. I even started feeding this with first watering, around the first week..supposedly they eat less than regulars and some say not even to feed much until flower if at all. Maybe they don't like this food lol :)
It's not how they are at all. What kind of drainage/aeration do you have for the buckets?

It's different for all plants, but I've gathered the autos like less but more often when they're younger at least.
same as the previous 2 grows. The regular drain holes at bottom of bucket. Mixture is about 20% coco and 20% perlite..the rest is the pro mix
same as the previous 2 grows. The regular drain holes at bottom of bucket. Mixture is about 20% coco and 20% perlite..the rest is the pro mix
Oh I have no idea if it's OK to go that long between. I'm a total newbie!
The regular which grew in the summer heat only needed water on the 4th day at it's peak when it just went into flowering..otherwise that one too only got water every 5th or 6th day during flowering. During veg..i watered the 5 gallon thoroughly prior to planting in it..and I actually only watered it once in the 1st month of veg after that..grew like a champ:) These are different lol. I also heard its good to let the medium get a bit dry so as to let oxygen get to the roots..constantly keeping it wet may not allow that and can induce mold. I even started feeding this with first watering, around the first week..supposedly they eat less than regulars and some say not even to feed much until flower if at all. Maybe they don't like this food lol :)
I don't know about mold but oxygen is exactly what I was thinking...
overwatering is a mistake lots of us make a habit of repeating way to so hurts autos,photos not so much.
but as im an eejit,it could be anything.
These pics are from now..and while its not as bad as the other 2 auto's in the spring..yellowing has once again started and its not even flowering yet. The regular seed grew perfectly without a hitch at all till harvest. No yellowing at all..just great growth. These auto's yellow when they flower and the flowers are tiny in comparison to regulars! It'll be a miracle if I can get 7 grams off a plant!
We've had such opposite experiences. I'm on my third grow too. I've never done photos, but my autos have all given me at least a couple dry ounces each @comet79 ...