New Grower Canuk Cheese DWC by Mike20132

Day 70 (from germination)

Still rocking right along. Nothing unusual. pH is running a bit on the low side, so I have to keep an eye on that. Will be switching to Overdrive this week (probably Tuesday after I flush out the tank)

Some of the pistils are starting to brown, so I think we might be getting close to the end (few weeks more at least, though)





Day 70 (from germination)

Still rocking right along. Nothing unusual. pH is running a bit on the low side, so I have to keep an eye on that. Will be switching to Overdrive this week (probably Tuesday after I flush out the tank)

Some of the pistils are starting to brown, so I think we might be getting close to the end (few weeks more at least, though)

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Looking great bud!!
My previous update reported that it was at 70 days. That was incorrect. It was actually 60 days.

Today, Day 67 (From germination) (Breeder time was 8 weeks)

The clusters are continuing to grow and get frostier.

Gonna say at most two more weeks. Maybe one.

Just did a full tank flush, and it only took ~70% capacity in solution, so the root mass is probably pretty big. It sure looks nice and white. No pics of that. Those would require more than two arms to photograph.








Beautiful looking flowers Mike. More full jars coming your way well done champ!
My previous update reported that it was at 70 days. That was incorrect. It was actually 60 days.

Today, Day 67 (From germination) (Breeder time was 8 weeks)

The clusters are continuing to grow and get frostier.

Gonna say at most two more weeks. Maybe one.

Just did a full tank flush, and it only took ~70% capacity in solution, so the root mass is probably pretty big. It sure looks nice and white. No pics of that. Those would require more than two arms to photograph.

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Beautiful looking flowers Mike. More full jars coming your way well done champ!

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Fattening up nicely!

Thanks guys. Really looking forward to trying it. This grow could not have been easier. The only problem I ran into was going a bit long between tank flushes. After a few weeks of just topping it off, the pH started to drop. I think that might have slowed it down a tad.

I really hope this turns out to be some good smoke. If you can get your hands on some beans, I think this is a great choice for someone starting out in DWC.
...And now she looks like this






Harvest numbers:

Raw (chopped branches, large fans removed): 440 grams
Trim: 59 grams
Net: 381 grams drying in the tent

The trim was about 25% popcorn by weight. Will be making that into tincture soon. Will post that here as well.
Nice man! Congrats on the harvest. That should keep you in smoke for a day or two. :smoking:
I'm impressed with the size of the plant you grew in that little herb garden thingie.