New Grower Canuk Cheese DWC by Mike20132

looking good,could be a big girl :thumbsup:
I just hope it finishes about 70 days or so. If it runs as long as the GG4 is gonna go, I will go insane. Two of my three grows so far have mutated from the expected genetic expression. The speed buds plant is the only one that finished around when it was supposed to.

The first grow, the Low Ryder2 (was anything but low, :smoking:) was another freak of genetics. 1/4 pound's worth. Also took well over 100 days.
Day 32 (since germination)

Shaping up nicely! A bit stretchy, and I've been careful to keep the light not too far away. Not seeing any definite signs of flowering yet.

Advanced Nutrients B52 + Grow/Bloom/Micro @ 1ml/L. pH is staying just a wee bit below 6.

In-tank PPM is a bit low. Might step up the nutes a bit earlier than I have been if this trend continues. Very healthy so far, otherwise.

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Its identical to the canuk cheese I grew I think it will be a good yielder
Day 39 (from germination)

Not much to say... This is the healthiest looking plant I've grown so far.

Starting to flesh out some budsites.



Day 46 (From germination)

Feed remains unchanged. This plant has to be the healthiest I have ever grown. Trimmed just a few fans and did some tucking to keep the bud sites lit up. Moving along like a champ!




The best part of this grow so far has been the lack of things to talk about in the journal.

Looks healthy as hell, and there are a bunch of nice budsites starting to grow.

Nutes unchanged. Flushed the tank with DI then refilled with the same mixture. pH was a bit low last week, but is manageable. Problem is likely fixed with the flush anyway

Day 53 (From germination):





The best part of this grow so far has been the lack of things to talk about in the journal.

Looks healthy as hell, and there are a bunch of nice budsites starting to grow.

Nutes unchanged. Flushed the tank with DI then refilled with the same mixture. pH was a bit low last week, but is manageable. Problem is likely fixed with the flush anyway

Day 53 (From germination):

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Looks great mike I think Canuk are good seeds Is that the new camera photos they look awesome!!
Looks great mike I think Canuk are good seeds Is that the new camera photos they look awesome!!
Those are from the phone. To be honest, I am not sure I am getting what I should be from the new camera. Might be a good time to read the manual.