Indoor Marty's 1st DWC Nightmare!!! The plants are taking over!!!

Was doing a bit of research on what happened with your girls and I suspect that the which caused your root rot was brought in by the girls themselves. in soil there are enzymes that digest dead plant material and convert them to sugars, these same enzymes appear to also prevent the build up of the pathogens that cause root rot. When you moved them to hydro without supplemental enzymes you inadvertently gave the pathogens a perfect breeding ground. If you're using AN the adding some like Sensizym might have helped.

I'm pretty new to this so I am hoping someone here can correct me if I'm wrong or verify if this seems legit.

Hey, thanks for that.

I was adding sensizym when the rot struck, which was the confusing thing. I was always of the belief the combination of voodoo juice and sensizym would protect against root rot, apparently not, according to guy in my local hydro shop.

I suspected the rot, so I done a res change, washed everything down, and I think this accelerated the growth of rot, as I basically washed all my beneficial bacteria away, I did add more sensizym but this seemed to encourage the growth of the rot.

This healthy roots by guard an aid seems to be doing the trick at the moment. I will probably just run it with every res change.


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Good to know! I might have to email AN to what they have to say. Certainly not a problem I want to deal with. I am planning to run a water chiller and an air stone in every bucket so hopefully that plus Sensizym and Voodoo will keep me out of trouble.
From what i understand sensizym just breaks down any dead roots and turns them into usable nutrients somehow?
And voodoo is basically a beneficial bacteria that helps toot growth.
I dont see either protecting against root rot.
I really recommend a product like sm90, hydroguard or that one that @Marty5678 just got. These are all especially for root rot prevention
Good to know! I might have to email AN to what they have to say. Certainly not a problem I want to deal with. I am planning to run a water chiller and an air stone in every bucket so hopefully that plus Sensizym and Voodoo will keep me out of trouble.

I think this has been my misunderstanding on what different additives are actually doing. I would highly recommend against just using the combination of voodoo and sensizym just on their own as a root rot treatment. As sanguine has said, something like sm90, hydroguard, or what I'm using, healthy roots, as well as those beneficials, should protect against root rot. It was literally less than 24hours and my roots were complete slime, so I think having something at hand to treat immediately would be the best route.

I've read a few grows of people using hydroguard and sm-90 with res temps of 24-25 degrees and these still protecting against rot. I'll update accordingly how I find healthy roots, but so far seems to be working well.

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From what i understand sensizym just breaks down any dead roots and turns them into usable nutrients somehow?
And voodoo is basically a beneficial bacteria that helps toot growth.
I dont see either protecting against root rot.
I really recommend a product like sm90, hydroguard or that one that @Marty5678 just got. These are all especially for root rot prevention

Yea you're pretty much spot on there bro. It's been my misunderstanding of what different additives are doing. I thought a combo of sensizym and voodoo could be used as a treatment for it.

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Auto daquiari lime. Day 33, I think.

Was severely under watered yesterday, gave her 2L of feed yesterday, hasn't bounced back yet, still droopy, but still growing, height is 75cm, great structure to her, I'm a bit annoyed my tent is so full actually, would really love to open her up to really maximise yield. With a bit of LST she could really fill a space.

But here's some pictures. A bit of yellowing on the leaves, but I'm not too concerned at the moment. Overall so far been nice to grow, had a few problems but that's down to me. I will be growing this strain again to try and get most out of her.
She is completely taking over my tent, so I'm thinking of going to sort a bigger setup this week.



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Auto night queen.

The root rot issue seems to be resolving, white roots are starting to appear, and the brown slime has decreased.

pH is sitting at around 6.4.

Res temps 18.3 this morning.

All growth seems to be very vertical, all stems are straight, but this morning she's been praising the light, I'll take this as she's happy, so the res change yesterday seems to have benefited, and any more deficiency symptoms seemed to have stopped progressing. I'll monitor the condition of the leaves.

Was going to adjust pH down a bit, but plant seems relatively happy as she is, so just left it for the moment. Will see what's happening later on.

Gonna get myself an EC meter at some point this week so can really see what's happening with feeding etc, I'm just keeping everything relatively low st the moment, no nutrient more than 1ml /L at this stage.



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Looking good man bit over crowded but the lady's look healthy what are you doing about room humidity it might be a problem when they start to flower the last thing you want is bud rot just a quick heads up
Looking good man bit over crowded but the lady's look healthy what are you doing about room humidity it might be a problem when they start to flower the last thing you want is bud rot just a quick heads up

Once I've got the white widow and sweet seeds plants out, should have a bit more room to control RH, there will also be two less pots with water in which I'm hoping will help. The night queen and daiquiri lime are loving the high humidity at the moment, and the two flowering don't seem to mind, I have a fan blowing on buds to try and keep bud rot at bay.

It's a bit over crowded yes, I was getting a bigger tent last month, but ended up not getting it, so I had planned to have much more room. Unfortunately hasn't worked out that way.


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Auto night queen. Day 25.

Think the rot is clearing up nicely, new white growth starting on roots.

Very strange structure, majority of side branching has grown taller that central stem, lots of vertical growth.

Got an EC/ppm meter today, my water out the tap comes out at 130ppm
Nutrient solution in res at 820ppm
pH is rising around a point a day. Anything that could be causing this? Currently resetting with pH down to around 5.8.
Will be testing ppm tomorrow to see if it's rising or dropping to see if solution too strong or weak.
There's no burning on tips, all though I have noticed some slight curling on ends of tips, which makes me think maybe to high in N, or the pH is swinging out of range a bit too much.

Overall, still happy with rate of growth for my first attempt. Will definitely be running more DWC buckets in future.


Sweet seeds - day 60ish.

Nearly time to start flush, perhaps another week or so on over drive, then will just flush medium for a week. I may chop a touch earlier depending on how full my tent ends up in a weeks time, lol.

Funny old aroma to this one, nice fruity smell at first, then a strong sour smell, very similar of tom cats piss.

Nice resin coverage, been a bit hot with nutes, but tend to push some plants in late flower.



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