New Grower Canuk Cheese DWC by Mike20132


Lies can become truths, if we let them.
Oct 29, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla Glue
Strain: Canuk Cheese
Medium: DWC (1 Gallon Res)
Food: Advanced Nutrients Grow/Bloom/Micro, VooDoo, Big Bud, B-52, Overdrive. GH CalMag+
Estimated Harvest Date: August 10, 2018

Environment: 50% RH, 75-85 F, AutoCob 30W (20/4)

Just peeked above ground.... Can't wait to see if it really smells/tastes of cheese...

Strain: Canuk Cheese
Medium: DWC (1 Gallon Res)
Food: Advanced Nutrients Grow/Bloom/Micro, VooDoo, Big Bud, B-52, Overdrive. GH CalMag+
Estimated Harvest Date: August 10, 2018

Environment: 50% RH, 75-85 F, AutoCob 30W (20/4)

Just peeked above ground.... Can't wait to see if it really smells/tastes of cheese...

View attachment 913026
Thick trunk!

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Thick trunk!

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

Yep. Also really green. Haven't seen that before.

I have a few Canuk seeds I've not got around to dropping, so I'll keep an eye on your grow. Looks like they have added some more breeders since I last bought.

This was my first visit there. Originally picked up some Jedi Kush, and this was a freebie.

Along for the ride! Looking forward to your excellent harvest

Me too! I love cheese! :jump:

it is rather meaty :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit

Best start of any of my attempts so far. Thanks!
Great start to life so far! What's the plan for first feed!

Day 10 I'm gonna top off the tank with 'stilled water, then add the second dose (1.5ml/L) of inoculate (VooDoo), along with 1/8th strength (0.5ml/L) of (AN) B52, Grow/Micro/Bloom direct to the tank.

Then I mix up a batch of 1/4 strength nutes (1ml/L) B52 and Grow/Micro/Bloom and slowly replace the solution as the plant drinks up the weaker mix. No Cal/Mag until she's really putting on fans.

Edit: To clarify, I have 4L tanks.
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Day 11: Started feeding. added .25ml/L Grow/Bloom/Micro and .5ml\L VooDoo and B52. I had already dosed the majority of the VooDoo yesterday.

Moved the light down to 24" clearance. Already looking like she's gonna be a tall glass of water.

