@Habitual you are a member with almost 5,000 posts and I haven't seen you in reported posts before this week so we take it into consideration.
I get the same myself some days..but try to stay out of the threads incase I bite someones head off...
The idea of having our own Test Team is to get Real Reviews for us from members and staff that we know and trust.
You can actually See them happen.
The internet lies.
Massive wars and flam happen and you can't Trust any of the Reviews.
So we did it for Ourselves....

..so We know.
And the members can Watch..if someone is bigging a product up...you don't have to take their Word..you can See it happening..or not.
All we ask the Test Team for is a weekly update..and an Honest Review at the end of it..
Good or Bad...
Maybe Luckily the quality of the goods we get to Test are Good..

..a vendor would be mad to let us Test crap..coz it would show..they have their balls to the wall on Live Testing..no hiding place.
But..it does happen..and like in the case of Med Man..it is shown.
We don't expect every vendor to be Perfect..but if we pick up a problem and a vendor works with us to correct it..we will work with them.
If they take no notice and blame the Testers..we won't.
The Test Team is a Service to our members....

..let's you see if the goods do what they say on the can.
Can't say fairer than that.