This is a test of a particular product which was given me to test. Ask me question I will answer right away . If you want to know my nute regime just ask bro. In a regular journal I will mention the lights once. And my nutrient regime once then she is all about the plants. But I have to test and test I will bro and mention TASTY as much as I can my man. Thank you for the REP SLAP have a great day. @Habitual
This is a test of a particular product which was given me to test. Ask me question I will answer right away . If you want to know my nute regime just ask bro. In a regular journal I will mention the lights once. And my nutrient regime once then she is all about the plants. But I have to test and test I will bro and mention TASTY as much as I can my man. Thank you for the REP SLAP have a great day. @Habitual

I got the title, so I read the thread as a test. I had it figured out....I thought it was funny hahaha 14 times that's it nothing more .

But how people flog the test stuff "best ever" on here i dunno??? It was the comment you made I quoted it below, but hey your staff never mind, my bad i'll get back in line. Since you misunderstood I thought it fair to clear up.So Is this a test or a sales pitch or both maybe lol ? I searched and not one test product ever gets even a neutral review never mind negative lol. It's not my integrity and I am not questioning yours, these lights rock dense nugs and are quality built just saying! and I hit you with two slaps before I posted the last, so again this is about "testing" not you. I'll just stop reading em, Thanks for your time bro.

I would love to find a link to your 4 oz 24c though. :bighug::pass:

I owe there speed to my lighting period. TAKE CARE
Bud I am not mad at all It is my opinion this is one of the best made lights for the price point. I will do my best to get you a link. But this thread is all about this light my man period it is a test of a high end product and the vendor does hope it will increase sales.
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Maybe you need to take the time to consider that we have just got started with these tests. And believe me, if we find something wrong, you will know it! However, product testing should be done with total integrity. State facts first, then your opinion. And that is most what the test team is doing. We're not here to be bash factory like RIU, we're not going to treat everything like its junk and we'll prove. We are going to give the the manufacturer a fair, unbiased test. I myself believe 70% of the nutrient products people buy are snake oil, designed like fishing lures. You know about fishing lures right? they are designed to catch fishermen...... But if I'm asked to test one, I will and I'll give it a workout. If I think it actually did anything I'd say so, and if not, sponsor or not, I'll call it bunk.

Do you think fairlynew would talk up this light if he didn't SEE the results?

Give out test team some credit. If they test something and you disagree with anything in the test, state what it is. Help us out. WE are doing this for YOU.

And Fairlynew, you are doing an awesome job!


I got the title, so I read the thread as a test. I had it figured out....I thought it was funny hahaha 14 times that's it nothing more .

But how people flog the test stuff "best ever" on here i dunno??? It was the comment you made I quoted it below, but hey your staff never mind, my bad i'll get back in line. Since you misunderstood I thought it fair to clear up.So Is this a test or a sales pitch or both maybe lol ? I searched and not one test product ever gets even a neutral review never mind negative lol. It's not my integrity and I am not questioning yours, these lights rock dense nugs and are quality built just saying! and I hit you with two slaps before I posted the last, so again this is about "testing" not you. I'll just stop reading em, Thanks for your time bro.

I would love to find a link to your 4 oz 24c though. :bighug::pass:
Maybe you need to take the time to consider that we have just got started with these tests. And believe me, if we find something wrong, you will know it! However, product testing should be done with total integrity. State facts first, then your opinion. And that is most what the test team is doing. We're not here to be bash factory like RIU, we're not going to treat everything like its junk and we'll prove. We are going to give the the manufacturer a fair, unbiased test. I myself believe 70% of the nutrient products people buy are snake oil, designed like fishing lures. You know about fishing lures right? they are designed to catch fishermen...... But if I'm asked to test one, I will and I'll give it a workout. If I think it actually did anything I'd say so, and if not, sponsor or not, I'll call it bunk.

Do you think fairlynew would talk up this light if he didn't SEE the results?

Give out test team some credit. If they test something and you disagree with anything in the test, state what it is. Help us out. WE are doing this for YOU.

And Fairlynew, you are doing an awesome job!


Yeah you seem to not have read the my post, good luck, Snake oil is right though. But I apologize for going of topic tasty is grand feel free to adjust my posts accordingly.
I read your post. I ignored your backtracking at the end to make a point. However, if you think you could do a better job, offer your services. I responded because of the snarky tone your post seemed to have. If I'm wrong, I sincerely apologize.

Yep, its not a cheap light. I for one am done with cheap, shitty lights like Vipar. It hurts like hell to spend the kind of money these lights cost, BUT no one complains about paying $20+ for a freaking seed! And a good light will pay for itself. I expect to increase yield with my light at least 25%.

Realize, I do understand where your coming from, I too question everything. And I can see why you responded as you did. I'm just asking you to look at all aspects of what we are doing. I truly believe that not one of the people doing tests would risk their personal integrity for a handful of products.



Yeah you seem to not have read the my post, good luck, Snake oil is right though. But I apologize for going of topic tasty is grand feel free to adjust my posts accordingly.
@Habitual ..two reported posts from you in one week that I have been called out to...

I don't like to bust anyone if they are having a bad week..but I'm not spending my time cleaning up your bad language/attitude either.

I searched and not one test product ever gets even a neutral review never mind negative lol

You Obviously haven't read Med Man then...:shrug:...have you..?

Here is the Link.
... :doh: or A-Train's and Hobbes' review of the Mars II lights, with chronic burning diode syndrome- :nono:... it's all out there, you just have to look... A big part of the apparent positive "bias" comes from the fact that before a vendor is taken on, members and staff have already had a good look into a given product, and found it to be worthy of deeper official testing. Why bother with shwagg in the first place, right?! Test stuff here is pre-vetted already in a sense...