Nutrients CannabisMingus' Grow Dots - Coco - Autopot experiment

What happened as to where the yield is being affected? Nutrients or grower error or? They aren't done stacking up yet by the looks of all the white pistils still.
I had massive N tox and Zn lockout due to excess P - the 15g/G ratio was way too hot.
I used 75 grams in a 3 gallon pot. :crying:
Yes. I believe Grow Dot ratios are very cultivar-dependent. I think this will pan out where I start at a lower dose (8-12g?) and then supplement, if necessary, based on the grow.
Yes, mine was similar with 65g/3gallons or 22g/gallon.
It may be Autopots/coco make the plant more sensitive to higher nutrient regimes somehow. No idea what process that might be, however. Seems like top/conventional watering has less problems (anecdotally).
Vidamints Chop Day - Day 70

Lol @Cerebral Goo no doubt. It continually amazes me how these plants will still produce despite major grower f-ups. Thanks for the rep!

Think you can chalk that one up to grower "experiment" rather than error my friend. You do quite well!

and I think I've gone through everything Christian Sands has put out and on youtube. Amazing player!
My lady (GSC) is now 30 days old and has just going into flowering - growth has been insane and no issues so far. I have top fed her recharge a couple of times, but other than that it's just RO water (used a little bit of calmag this time around). I am using an autopot for the grow.
Damn shame the grow dots didn't work as hoped still going to experiment with them?