Nutrients CannabisMingus' Grow Dots - Coco - Autopot experiment

I guess Dankerson agreed with me. I am going to try a new grow dots experiment soon, and I like your idea of letting the pot sit for 15 days, I may incorporate that into my experiment. I’ll be doing a side by side my next grow with 2 gal rain science bags growing 3 x El Chemi Kiwi in canna coco with canna nutrients and 1 in canna coco with grow dots watered with only calmag and silica. It think it will be interesting.

@Dankerson I was planning on using a 15g/gal. Do you think I should up it to 20g/gal? It sounds like yours at 20g came out nice, and canna coco has a very low base EC, so it won’t add much to total EC.
Based on my tests 20g seems to be a good starting point. I am doing my larger run of 3gal rain science bags at 20g/gallon in some biobizz light mix, they are a little over 2 weeks now. Only difference is I'm doing compost teas about every 10 days instead of recharge. Thinking that'll fill in the gaps better and leave me some manueverability to adjust the teas based on what the plants need. I use RO water with about 80ppms of calimagic, yucca and some hydroguard (since it's a res). Plants seem to love it so far.
@Dankerson @MIAutomatic I started some after this thread and havent been back. I tried a few different trials. I have a 10g a gal, 13, and 15. The one with 10g started flowering early. They are also showing N def. Very light yellow leaves all around. Bottom leaves slowly dying. I am not doing anything but calmag and recharge. I want to see if they can actually be used that way. The one I have at 13 is just being weird. She is very short and started flowering at day 15 and never got a stretch. So I have a 1' tall plant pkacing on buds. She is at least green and looking just normal other than stunted. The largest one is at 45. I did what you are suggesting and I started watering the pot a week before transplant from the solo. I dunno that it helped at all. This one still looks a little N def and I am getting heavy Ca issues. I have upped the Ca she is getting and I am still not sure if it is enough. I just started a 4th one. She has 5g in a solo cup and is getting 150ppm of calmag. I did not start in a pellet or anything as grow dots say one transplant at most. So it wil lstart in a solo and go straight to a 3g with 20g each. I will keep the calmag at 150ppm all grow and just see how she turns out.

We just moved to a new house and I havent gotten my environment dialed in so that may be part of my issues, but every plant is way smaller then when I just run megacrop. I might get 4 oz out of the largest. In MC i can normally pull 8. Hopefully I am doing something wrong and can get it going well. Id love to have just a Calmag only system.
@Dankerson @MIAutomatic I started some after this thread and havent been back. I tried a few different trials. I have a 10g a gal, 13, and 15. The one with 10g started flowering early. They are also showing N def. Very light yellow leaves all around. Bottom leaves slowly dying. I am not doing anything but calmag and recharge. I want to see if they can actually be used that way. The one I have at 13 is just being weird. She is very short and started flowering at day 15 and never got a stretch. So I have a 1' tall plant pkacing on buds. She is at least green and looking just normal other than stunted. The largest one is at 45. I did what you are suggesting and I started watering the pot a week before transplant from the solo. I dunno that it helped at all. This one still looks a little N def and I am getting heavy Ca issues. I have upped the Ca she is getting and I am still not sure if it is enough. I just started a 4th one. She has 5g in a solo cup and is getting 150ppm of calmag. I did not start in a pellet or anything as grow dots say one transplant at most. So it wil lstart in a solo and go straight to a 3g with 20g each. I will keep the calmag at 150ppm all grow and just see how she turns out.

We just moved to a new house and I havent gotten my environment dialed in so that may be part of my issues, but every plant is way smaller then when I just run megacrop. I might get 4 oz out of the largest. In MC i can normally pull 8. Hopefully I am doing something wrong and can get it going well. Id love to have just a Calmag only system.
Yeah I get what you mean, honestly I don't support their claims that grow dots and recharge are all you need. I do think they are both excellent products but just not end all be all. Although I have had success with it just those two at 25g/gallon and 20g/gallon.

That being said I have noticed some calcium and magnesium issues myself. Mainly magnesium so I bumped it from 90ppms to about 130-140ppms on the trouble plants. Although the 90ppms works for most of my plants. Hope that helps!
So, I have been trying 12 grams per gallon in 3 gallon bags (so 36 grams total) - this is my 2nd grow so far and I had a severe issue with my first grow with leaves burning up all over, but the buds seem fine and sugar leaves are fine too.

I am now growing a Tangerine that didn't show any of these issues until day 45 or so. This plant is amongst the bushiest ones I have grown, so have had to defoliate 2 times so far. Here is a picture of a few of the leaves that are starting to show burn like marks (she is flowering right now, so I am hoping this wont impact the harvest)


What do you folks think is going on with her?
So, I have been trying 12 grams per gallon in 3 gallon bags (so 36 grams total) - this is my 2nd grow so far and I had a severe issue with my first grow with leaves burning up all over, but the buds seem fine and sugar leaves are fine too.

I am now growing a Tangerine that didn't show any of these issues until day 45 or so. This plant is amongst the bushiest ones I have grown, so have had to defoliate 2 times so far. Here is a picture of a few of the leaves that are starting to show burn like marks (she is flowering right now, so I am hoping this wont impact the harvest)

View attachment 1529704

What do you folks think is going on with her?
Calcium Def. Those are the signs.
I am adding cal mag to the distilled water I feed.. about TDS is around 100 ppm - should I increase it further?

It looks like Ca def. But that does not mean it is actually Ca. It could be locked out for a different reason. Maybe pH is off or something like that. I am unsure as these are my first attempts with grow dots as well. I have upped my calmag from 100ppm to 160. I am seeing if that helps.
It looks like Ca def. But that does not mean it is actually Ca. It could be locked out for a different reason. Maybe pH is off or something like that. I am unsure as these are my first attempts with grow dots as well. I have upped my calmag from 100ppm to 160. I am seeing if that helps.

I have upped my calmag to 180 today - will wait and watch if this helps. She was doing just fine until 10 days (or so) back. I pH my distilled water to 5.8, so I don't think it's a pH issue.