Indoor Bushmasterar15 growing again

Don’t I know it! Lol! I never have fallen in love with the 300Blk like I thought I would either. I’ve always been a precision guy and I just can’t get them to run with the accuracy I want. For CQB type work they’re great but my interest lies more in hunting/predator control. Thank God for low profile electronic muffs at reasonable prices these days.
I really like the 300 too. Just got to find a nice optic for it. I cant decide
Subbed up for the ride :pop:.

Any amendments to the coco besides MegaCrop? Is this your first time running MC? And pure coco? Experienced any deficiencies in the past? Sorry for the buttload of questions :toke:.

Last grow I had I tried the same monkey fans. Very satisfied with their performance, the second speed is a respectable breeze :thumbsup:. However, I'm not sure if one of them will be on par with an oscillating tower fan :2cents:. Oh yeah, 2 out of 4 of these monkey fans died on me during the last phase of the grow :cuss:. It would probably be wise to add a timer on them and give them a daily rest.
This will be my 3rd run is just pure coco. I only precharge the coco with light nutes, calmag, no other addititves mixed in. Then will be my 2nd time running Megacrop, Sweet Candy, Redline and Mother Monarch. I can always put back in the tower fan if needed or hook up the other monkey fan.
Here I go again. Setting up the autopots. Have a new light I'm trying out KindLed XL750 and a Monkey fan oscillating compared to my tower fan before.
Does that fan clip onto the tent pole? If so I want to know where you got that? I can never find decent fans for inside the tent.
Ok I have Seed Stocker Northernlights, Mephisto Heisenberg x Sour Hound, Sweet Seeds Trainwreck all standing proud and Mephisto ManBearAlienPig just starting out of the coco. So I guess I'll consider today as day one. Will get some new update pics on Saturday.
Well I screwed up it wasn't the MBAP that was last to come up, it's the Heisenberg x Sour Hound as I just peeked into the tent and read their cards on the pots. Guess I should've just taken some pics to post so will do that now instead of tomorrow.
You don’t happen to have any discount codes for them, do you? Their shipping is horrible, but their pricing is better than most places for those.
I don't have any discount codes for them as I looked before too. From all the places I looked that carried them the shipping is about the same minus a few bucks here or there but they were always out of stock.