Indoor Bushmasterar15 growing again

I have well over half (if not 2/3) left of the GG4 tincture. I made it at about the same time I jarred up a little over an ounce of flower. Odds are i'll be done with the buds from the cheese before I run out. If I didn't love the act of smoking/vaping it so much, I would go 100% tincture (or other purified extract).

But there is no chance I am giving that up. The taste is such a huge part of the experience that I just can't fathom losing it.
I really enjoy dabs of shatter/budder/crumble as the terp flavors pop. I still need to try the diamonds/sauce.
sweet, we have a similar set up and I am dropping my eggs as well. Looking forward to watching your grow! Hopefully I can emulate some of the sweet buds I have seen you put out. This is going to be fun!:cheers:
So far I have Seed Stockers Northernlights, Mephisto Heisenberg x Sour Hound and Sweet Seeds Trainwreck that have broke free and starting to stand above coco. Still waiting on the Mephisto ManBearAlienPig to rear it's ugly head but shouldn't be much longer.