Indoor Bushmasterar15 does it again

Now all together

Looking great bushmasterar15!!

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Ok time for the weekly update. All the girls have been on the airdomes since day 10 and at day 15 were big enough for the reservoir. I skipped my normal week feed of 3g per gallon megacrop and straight jumped to 4g per gallon which caused some tip burn but hasn't slowed them down. So from day 15 when I've filled the reservoir they've been getting 4 grams Megacrop, 1 gram Sweet Candy, 1ml Greenlife Biotics MC and 8mls Oilycann Calmag per gallon. I've also been leaf tucking this past week and just started with my clothespin LST training today.
Bey bushmasterar.. ladies look gorgeous.. are you just like weighing the branches down with the clothes pegs?? Like sort letting the pegs just hang on them?? Subbed :pop::smoking:
Yes the clothespins just clip on and hang to weight the branches down. Then as they stretch I move them out. If I have to later on I'll clip extra pins to the original for more weight as they get bigger.
Bey bushmasterar.. ladies look gorgeous.. are you just like weighing the branches down with the clothes pegs?? Like sort letting the pegs just hang on them?? Subbed :pop::smoking:
Here is a couple pics from past grow showing more of the clothespin LST and you can also see how I add the extra pins.