Indoor Bushmasterar15 Another Grow

So you just use the pins as weights to clip on, and get them to bend over?
Yes, just the pins and move as they stretch out. You can manipulate the stems some and if you need extra weight just clip on an extra pin to the existing pin (or hot glue coins etc). I'll then remove after stretch has stopped and they look like they are staying where I want.
Yes, just the pins and move as they stretch out. You can manipulate the stems some and if you need extra weight just clip on an extra pin to the existing pin (or hot glue coins etc). I'll then remove after stretch has stopped and they look like they are staying where I want.
Very nice! Thanks man! Your girls are coming along nicely! Good work!
Why did you choose to grow in fabric and autopots? Just your experience with the strains, or just only had 4 APs, and wanted to grow more than 4? Lol
Very nice! Thanks man! Your girls are coming along nicely! Good work!
Why did you choose to grow in fabric and autopots? Just your experience with the strains, or just only had 4 APs, and wanted to grow more than 4? Lol
I normally only grow in the 4 autopots but had a couple extra that I needed to run so trying the growbags.
Portal Stone99 V6's at day 39.
Ok here we go at day 43 on the Portal Stone99 V6's. These are a quick strain normally ready from seed to harvest in 60 days. As you can see I have a purple pheno and green pheno. The purple I'm getting a berry n grape smell and the green is weird as I'm getting sweet watermelon n floral spices.