Humboldt Seed Organization Humboldt Dr Greenthumb's Dedoverde Haze & Lemon Juice Express

13 day's in and looking in really good shape :pass:

Are they Autopots that your running buddy?

How are you finding them?

Have you used with autos before?

Looking good from here my friend :pass:

Kind regards

Thanks @HSO-Mark , yes they are the Autopots 15L/3.9gal 4 pot system. I really like them and have been using them almost 2 years now strictly with autos. Only thing I've changed is lighting to see if theres a difference and went back to my original autocobs.
Thanks @HSO-Mark , yes they are the Autopots 15L/3.9gal 4 pot system. I really like them and have been using them almost 2 years now strictly with autos. Only thing I've changed is lighting to see if theres a difference and went back to my original autocobs.

Thanks for the added info mate :thumbsup:

By the sound and look of things the autopots are performing very well indeed :pass:

Kind regards

Day 21 they are on the reservoir and starting to take off. First pic Dedoverde Haze, Second pic Lemon Juice Express
As you can see I use clothespins to LST which makes it easier for me. Here is a pic of the whole tent and the HSO are on the right side autopots.

Very cool and creative use of the clothes pegs mate :thumbsup:

Love it and plants look great also :pass:

Can't wait to see these 2 ladies in full bloom :thumbsup:

Kind regards
