Indoor Bushmasterar15 does it again

hey bush i noticed ur light schedule is 19/5 first time i see this whats ur thoughts behind this?[emoji846]
I noticed that too... kinda makes sense if you think about it. So many people take 20/4 or 18/6... why not go happy medium? :pass:

My question to @bushmasterar15 would be... have you seen any noticable differences?
Here we go on day 56. I have pics in order Short Stuff Purple Gorilla, Auto Seeds Diesel Berry, BombSeeds Berry Bomb and Fastbuds Zkittlez. My feed schedule is still same 4g/gal megacrop, 1g/gal sweet candy, 1ml/gal greenlife biotics mc, 1ml/gal greenlife bloom and 8ml/gal earth juice oilycann calmag.
hey bush i noticed ur light schedule is 19/5 first time i see this whats ur thoughts behind this?[emoji846]

I noticed that too... kinda makes sense if you think about it. So many people take 20/4 or 18/6... why not go happy medium? :pass:

My question to @bushmasterar15 would be... have you seen any noticable differences?

I've run 18/6 in the past with great results and normally that would be my go to lighting schedule. But recently have been able to run the 19/5 schedule which seem to keep the plants happy, but at close to the 18hr on you can see the plants starting to want to droop for rest. I'm going to run the 19/5 schedule again with my other lights autocobs next run to see if they do the same.