Outdoor Bud's Back Yard - UK 2017

Hey @StickMan my good friend ............. patience.

Your White Domina / Frost Dragon cross looks like a winner after all ...

The speed of flowering is awesome. 14 days if I recall ... wasn't even enough time to train her.
Slow down, think, use these genetics ... I just know the buds on this are gonna be big and dense .. kudos bro. :smoking:
Fuck off, too busy my ass! Get jiggy dude ....

Some crazy Canadian shit goin' on here ... semi-auto 'I-need-a-lot-of-calcium' ... there's cal-mag in the feed, cal-mag in the foliar spray, and even some dolomite lime in the soil.
Who bred these? a fucking dentist? :biggrin:

Fuck off, too busy my ass!
That's it! I reported your ass to the higher ups here, so fuck off yourself old man.:crying:

Sorry couldn't help myself my friend. Just re-read your intro over at our other haunt, and nearly pissed my self. Thanks for that. I forgot what an awesome sense of humor you have. My kind of humor for sure, maybe cause it looks like we are of the same vintage age wise, all though it looks like you may be a few months older, thus the old man line. Actually honored to call you my friend.

Hey @StickMan my good friend ............. patience.

Your White Domina / Frost Dragon cross looks like a winner after all ...
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The speed of flowering is awesome. 14 days if I recall ... wasn't even enough time to train her.
Slow down, think, use these genetics ... I just know the buds on this are gonna be big and dense .. kudos bro. :smoking:
Sweet! Glad I have been too busy to find and shit can the rest of these seeds. Not sure though, might have sent the rest I had to BZ. I will let you know if I need to grovel for some F3s LOL. Actually made my day, seeing your gal. Does look like she will fill out nice. Will certainly look forward to a smoke report, and see how long she needs goes from seed to weed.

Ok, out to check on the OD ladies and chop that MOB that some mold is popping up.

By the way, all of your gals are the picture of health.

Your brother,
Ooooo,K. Been a while.

Harvested so far ... 2 x Daiquiri Limes, 2 x Colorado Cookies, 2 x Brooklyn Sunrises (one still to go), 2 x WD Frost Dragons, or thereabouts.
Biggest so far, the Daiquiri in the pit .. 132 grams dried weight. :headbang:


Not bad for an outdoor-grown auto in the UK, reckon?

Still have this Sunrise to go ..


Very nice, gave u a :slap: . Any mold problems BC of rain? i had some mold probs...

Thx for the rep dude. :thumbsup:
I did have one spot of mold on just one of the potted Sunrises .. however the one in the greenhouse growpit is just fine .. no insect or mold problems evident.
I think this strain may be a little susceptible to mold tho' .. I went to great lengths to avoid it, and still managed to get a small patch.

The Daiquiri Lime, on the other hand, is tough as fuck .. still my favourite DP auto strain. :smoking:
Thx for the rep dude. :thumbsup:
I did have one spot of mold on just one of the potted Sunrises .. however the one in the greenhouse growpit is just fine .. no insect or mold problems evident.
I think this strain may be a little susceptible to mold tho' .. I went to great lengths to avoid it, and still managed to get a small patch.

The Daiquiri Lime, on the other hand, is tough as fuck .. still my favourite DP auto strain. :smoking:
you my friend are a inspiration i tried my first uk outdoor grow why my tent is down i did ok but i got hit by mold on all but 1 plant so had to chop some before i would of liked its a practice i will do every year i only had a 10 quid pop up greenhouse and the others just stayed under the stars but i will be buying a better greenhouse as time goes on also how do you control the smell :slap: plus you deserve some rep plus i ended up with around 50 grams of ok buds
nice pics and even better harvest. great job man love your green house. are you able to grow in the winter?
Unfortunately not @SUNDOG .. I move into the shed over the winter though :biggrin:

I'm using the space to force-flower these atm .. they're outside all day, and only under lights for the first few hours of the day and the last. :eyebrows: