Outdoor Buddha Magnum outdoor grow

Chopped them on Monday. Drying in the bags on a rack in the tent. The new money bush plants have taken their place lol!!
Any plants or flowers that are recommended to plant outside to help cover the smell? Worried when the flowers come it's going to smell a lot. Have close quarters in my neighborhood.
Magnum did not stink for me inside, it does produce a yeast smell when up close that can be managed. Outside you have to be very close to the plants to smell anything. I grow the Magnum regular autos, I assume the fem version is the same.
Things are defenently going a lot slower outside. Must be from the big temp swings. I do cover every night with plastic and cloth tarp, also has a heater keeping temps up as much as possible at night. Been seeing 36-40ferinheight most nights. Or some transplant stress too. Post up some pics later.
dont give up, sometimes they start small and then get their beast mode on|Mine seemed stunted and then they woke the fuck up!
Oh man! Left the plastic on a little too long the other day and fried the girls a bit.