Boveda Wants to Hear From YOU!

That's a bit of a risky endeavor my friend. I hope you haven't put a lot of bud in that jar. This is not how Boveda works and 70% humidity is now in the realm of mold growth, most of which you won't be able to see very well. Please be careful with this experiment.

Boveda is a humidity regulator not a desiccant so it may not re-absorb that way at all. Keep us posted :)

I am still burping the jar as I normally would and the RH is now down to 65%. The dry packets don't seem to absorb much and have been inaffective in reducing the RH at all. They have gotten slightly softer although still quite hard. I guess they must need a higher differential to re-hydrate fully.
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products?

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)?

Do you flush?
No, supersoil/water only approach. Nothing to flush.

>if yes, for how long?


>>do you count days or 'waterings'?


>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?


B>if no, why not?


FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:

I’m trying to go as organic as possible. Going for quality over quantity. But as a noob, even one bud is one more bud that I didn’t have before.

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I am still burping the jar as I normally would and the RH is now down to 65%. The dry packets don't seem to absorb much and have been inaffective in reducing the RH at all. They have gotten slightly softer although still quite hard. I guess they must need a higher differential to re-hydrate fully.
I also took a wee branch & added to a wafery boveda on May 4th. It may have absorbed some but not much. So no doubt the salt in solid form (when used) takes actual water not just vapor or a high RH. (like you stated above in other words).
i think theres 5 questions i only remember seeing 4

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience. I had a personal hiccup that stole a week or 2 from me. I'm eager to get this finished & do the draw.
Stay tuned :)
Did anybody win?

There was a comp ?:shrug:

How did I miss that , I love free stuff :rofl:

There was a comp ?:shrug:

How did I miss that , I love free stuff :rofl:

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Hey there! You're in luck. I work remotely writing and engaging on behalf of Boveda. Life happened & it's now still ongoing much longer than I anticipated. (thanks everyone for your patience!)

If you go back to the beginning of this thread & follow it thru, you'll see the 4 questions on your technique for harvest. I'm about to post the 5th one.

I figure I'll draw the 5 prizes later this week. Originally, the prize was a Boveda Butler but as mentioned above, we're getting inconsistent feedback on the Butler and so we're holding it back until perfected. In place of the butler (and possibly even more valuable for growers) will be actual Boveda product of both RH's (58 & 62) so you can try both.

There will be 5 prizes in total.

Thanks for your interest!