Indoor Boognelson grows murdah cookies

Day 57: going great. I backed off to a 730 ppm feed. No reason other than an inner gut feeling saying go low this one and hit her hard the next. She's getting so hard to get in and out watering. Think I might go to every other watering to run off with just extra run off during that feed to minimize chances of breaking branches. It's a pretty loud funky smelling plant. I'm just gonna leave it to that. Everyday it changes it seems. This plant could be done better. With a full tent of new strains and unexpected sizes they didn't disappoint. Just doesn't allow me to open them up like needed. So good chance a two stage harvest will happen. The colas are too close to the light to let go all the way to a good amber. In past experiences of taller plants it seems best to just cut a week earlier or so. Gonna be dense buds. I'm already supporting branches. Not because they need it just because I see a few I know that will just because of how long the branches got. I'm sure my increased nitrogen and high temps early that made me use less light effected the internodal spacing. great plants so far
Day 60: @Blu_tri everything is going very well. I hit her with 1315 ppms today. A couple things I'd like to point out. Density. It will be lacking on the lower half of the plant. That's not the genetics or plants fault. That's because I got two big 5 gallons and they are sharing a 300 watt light when in reality the plant needs to be like this. But that's just my grow method and part of it. Also you can see how close the cola is too close to the light lol. I will be cutting the cola in a week. Better to do it then stress it or it go bad. The smells now are just hard to describe. How I like it. Funky lol. But just different. And I'm not the best nose for smells. I just know that carbon filter works lol. Potential for grown better is definitely there but overall still very very nice imo. I always improve growing same strain multiple times.

@Boognelson87 you are doing a great job at showing the potential of the genetics.
Yeah some might do better, but I’m willing to bet, there will be more that can’t do half the job that you have done.
I’m very thankful that you are happy with the genetics and that you are taking the time to show it off. That’s priceless.
You set the bar high on the Murdah Cookies, hopefully others will want to show their skills off.
Thank you
Day 63: man time goes. Week 9 and she's still impressing. 1086 ppm feed today. That last feed actually let me go 3 days without watering so it's time to back off and taper down to the finish line.

Smells. A little citrus undertone, some berry in the purple, chem, this certain funk that may come from gorilla glue. I haven't grown gorilla glue and only smoked what I believe was just called gorilla glue and not the actual thing. It's complex and I like it. It will be easier in jars to smell since there's mixed smells from multiple plants. It's good tho. Both sticky and frosty.

The murdah cookies is on right. I just went ahead and put a 2 ounce plant in front of it to show the plant size better. Cola has been cut already on the small plants @Blu_tri are you wanting to know rosin percentage? When time comes I can do 5 grams of each pheno. One Gram runs and can give you the average of each plant? Or do you just want me to press it and tell you how it compares to all the others over the years?

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@Boognelson87 I only roll up. Green swisher 1st choice. Backwoods when I’m feeling some type of way.
Brother you have done enough just by journaling the grow. You definitely showed the MC’s potential. That’s not new, because you do that with everything you grow.
If you want to do anything extra, that’s on you. Just know it’s not necessary.
The MC It’s just my way of showing you some of what I’m smoking on.
When you get her dry, roll some up. That’s how we do it.
hell yeah, I want to know what you think about the smoke. But we can talk about that in private if your like.
An honest opinion is all i want.
@Boognelson87 I only roll up. Green swisher 1st choice. Backwoods when I’m feeling some type of way.
Brother you have done enough just by journaling the grow. You definitely showed the MC’s potential. That’s not new, because you do that with everything you grow.
If you want to do anything extra, that’s on you. Just know it’s not necessary.
The MC It’s just my way of showing you some of what I’m smoking on.
When you get her dry, roll some up. That’s how we do it.
hell yeah, I want to know what you think about the smoke. But we can talk about that in private if your like.
An honest opinion is all i want. View attachment 1356997
Np, I was just uncertain if you'd like to know..she seems like be a good presser but I prolly won't be smoking any wax until holiday season. 80 hour work weeks ahead and I just prefer the grass then.I prefer the rolling myself. I'm a zig zag fan. Papers or zig zag straight up wraps. Not always available is king palm but I have to order or drive 40 minutes for them. so plain Swishers is next up so I can taste my weed.idk if I ever had the green swisher. I just know I hate flavored anything. I like tasting weed not artificial chemical fruit lol. Thank you I just try to think what i may like to know if someone was testing my gear. An honest opinion will be what you get for sure.
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Day 67: everything going great. I cut the cola off pink pheno. Ill be honest an inch or two from the light she suffered. I wanted to be able to smoke it not just let it get destroyed. She took one for the team. It really helped the rest grow by keeping the light directly over it. Small sacrifice.

I like growing big stinky frosty buds I consider buds the size of half gallon apple juice containers big buds. Gonna be a nice respectable harvest that I'm over joyed with and eager to try.