Sweet Seeds Bob's Sweet Seeds Grow - Chapter One: Bruce Banner Auto © & Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto ©

It was actually my mate who thought about checking the battery. I even didn't think about them as the battery indicator was showing full...

Freakin' strange indeed, but they are growing and stretching now. Hopefully I can put them in the greenhouse so they can ripen under the sunlight...
Day 46:

And the plants are still stretching, but are slowing down remarkably...
I still hope that the weather will change very soon and the night temperatures go up, but that's between me and the weatherman ;)

Day 51:

Hey Guys,

Transferred the plants to the greenhouse tonight. Don't have any pictures from their new location as it was pitch dark when I moved them. So that will be for tomorrow. :thumbsup:
This will probably be the last timelapse I'll make of this grow as the camera is needed somewhere else... so enjoy!! :toke:


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Neat! I hope you bring it back during flowering. I'd love to see how some of the buds progress.
But the flowering has already started for Bruce Banner Auto...See for yourself ;)

Also Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto has survived the night :woohoo:
But now in the light of the greenhouse the damage done to these plants is very recognizable...

It's probably to late to recover these ladies, but they will be getting the DIY version of MC. I truly think it has something to do with the fact I didn't water until runoff and that there was a salt buildup with the above symptoms. This and the nutrient recipe will change from this day on, so if something will change you'll be the first to know it ;)


Hey guys,

Today I rolled up the sides of the fabric pot and topped it with the same medium and drenched everything again. In total 10L of nutrients went through the pots. Hopefully the new recipe and multiple waterings with 20% or more run-off will do something to get them up and running again, or at least walk with a cane. :shrug:

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto

Bruce Banner Auto

Bruce Banner Auto


Day 55:

Gooday to all. Today I've come to the conclusion that I completely f#(ked up this grow. I truly apologize to the Sweet Seeds team for screwing their otherwise great genetics up :wall:
If I put the pictures from Tuesday next to the ones I took today I can see that Bruce Banner doesn't make any progress at all. The leaves remain screwed up.

Tuesday Today

But luckily the Sweet Amnesia Haze is making a bit of progress and even the older leaves (see photo's below) are turning lighter in color

I'm going to keep both ladies running until the end as they have both put in so much energy to stay alive despite my actions. But also to show future growers how it's not done! So not everything shown on AFN is a success story!! I truly hope that this will be my last screwup for this season and that I learned some valuable lessons from it!
  • calibrate pH pen at least every two weeks or compare the values measured with a standard solution and then if need be calibrate
  • if your going to play around with DIY nutrient recipes be sure you measure everything correct as PPM and PPB are waaaay apart from each other ;)
  • Don't go over 780 µS/cm of 500ppm as auto's don't like heavy feedings

:deadhorse: Lesson learned :deadhorse:
Day 58:

These plants keep amazing me! Look at the pictures for Bruce Banner. I'm not saying everything is fine and dandy, but BB has made a very nice recovery. I never wouldn't have thought the leaves would improve that much!!

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL

Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner

