Sweet Seeds Bob's Sweet Seeds Grow - Chapter One: Bruce Banner Auto © & Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto ©

Thx brother! The vibes are well received... Take a look if you will ;)
Both seedlings emerged completely during the day, I just had to help the Amnesia Haze get rid of it's helmet :toke:
I placed the seedlings under a selfmade 50Watt blurple light. Something my pepper seedlings like very much.
Next month the nights will probably not be as cold anymore so I can put the plants in the greenhouse...We'll see :shrug:
For now they have room enough :bighug:
Hey growmies,

Nothing much to say other then I gave some root booster because I looked this morning and they seemed a little dry. Also put a small plastic bag over the young seedlings so humidity stays high enough. Hehe High...OK, last night smoked my first joint in about three months. Found a small baggie of OG Kush CBD from last year I missed and got wasted. To think near the end last year before I threw everything away I was smoking about a gram of concentrate a day and barely feeling anything. :doh:
Well go figure...
Ohh yeah!

I hope to see Bruce Banner transforming very soon. :smoking:

Sweet smokes,
- Apolo

As with all things small and fine the first steps are the slowest. ;)
Today both seedlings are showing their second leaflets although still very small.
Bruce needed some support as it is slowly stretching towards the light. Should I give it more light as it is already under a 50W 220V AC blurple LED or am I just to impatient? It'll probably be the latter ;)

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto

Bruce Banner Auto
Hey growmies,

Yesterday evening I made myself 5L A/B concentrated feed. This is enough for approx. 1000L mixed with water and only costs pennies.
After that I made the first 1L to give to the plants (EC 822 µS/cm & 6.01 pH), which I gave this morning after removing the plastic baggy which isn't going on anymore. The small seedlings will have to do without their protective cover and higher humidity.

Another new thing I'm glad to announce is I'm going to culture my own Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, better known as the stuff that's inside Hydroguard and others alike. I found a thread about it on Reddid so I'm not claiming the tech as my own, but I did want to share it here as doing it yourself is lots of fun and can save you money which can be used to buy more seeds for example ;)
As soon as I'm ready to go I will document everything and will be using it in this grow. But for the people who are interested in the article. You can find it here.

And almost forgot... Here's another pic update...


Good morning ya'll,

Nothing much to say other then I lowered the seedlings away from the light as I think they where a bit to close to it.
Still giving them their daily dose of nutrients (EC 822 µS/cm pH 6.01) with the bottle I made earlier this week. Of course with the necessary runoff as to prevent salt buildup.
Do they look as they are growing to slow or is it just me being impatient?
Day 9:

Hello fellow growers :toke:

Yesterday evening I gave the last of the nutrients I made the previous time. So I made a new bottle.
I upped the dosage from 2ml A/B to 3ml A/B + 5 drops Potassium silicate + 8 drops Sulfuric acid in 1L water which resulted in:
  • EC 1271
  • pH 6.01
I tested the solution today and the pH dropped to 5.87... Sweet :)
Tomorrow I'll try to catch the runoff from both cups and measure it against what went in. Just to be sure.

Here are a couple of pictures of the ladies :jointman:
They are starting to grow faster every day. I'm a happy camper so far!
Bruce Banner Auto®

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto®

I also started my DIY Bacillus amyloliquefaciens culture. When it is finished I'll make a separate thread about it, but for now...a small sneek peek.
Tomorrow morning I'll check the culture. It should smell like fresh sweat. Not my most favorite smell, but recognizable none the least.


Day 13:

Gooday to all. It's a beautiful day. Got the best news in a long time today...so the sun is shining and the birds and the bees... Well you get the drift ;)

On Monday I gathered two fabric pots (I think 7 gallon or 25L) and filled them with the washed and cleaned coco from last years grow. I inoculated it with the Bacillus culture I made earlier and set it aside for a couple of days and let the bacteria do their thing.
This morning I did a last flush with pH'd water (5.8) because the previous flushing was with straight water from the fossette. After it drained for the remainder of the day I repotted the seedlings in that mix (3 parts coco and 1 part perlite) and didn't give anything else. Let's see if they like their new surroundings first. There should be enough food and drink for them to get acquainted to their new home.

And to end todays posting...here are the ladies :coffee:

Bruce Banner Auto got planted a bit deeper as it was stretching in the plastic cup

Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto