Indoor Black Berry Cobbler Seed by Gabe

@Gabe I'm here boss.
I'll tell you this, every one sprouted and grew vigorously in the paper towel. Lost a few actually, from the roots going to far into the paper towel. I just had surgery and couldn't get them out of the paper towel as soon as I should have.
Here's 6, going into bigger pots next week. I have 3 I planted in larger pots outdoors.

Can't get close ups, because I'm not supposed to bend down or lift anything over 5 pounds, for the first week. Hence the delay in me getting them out of paper towel, mixing soil etc. I apologize. Really looking forward to the others man. I appreciate it.
Looking great man! :pass:
@Gabe I'm here boss.
I'll tell you this, every one sprouted and grew vigorously in the paper towel. Lost a few actually, from the roots going to far into the paper towel. I just had surgery and couldn't get them out of the paper towel as soon as I should have.
Here's 6, going into bigger pots next week. I have 3 I planted in larger pots outdoors.
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Can't get close ups, because I'm not supposed to bend down or lift anything over 5 pounds, for the first week. Hence the delay in me getting them out of paper towel, mixing soil etc. I apologize. Really looking forward to the others man. I appreciate it.
Looking great man! :pass:
Thanks, plan on moving them outdoors when they reach the stretch, or after the stretch.
Soil is amended with earth worm castings, azomite rock dust, and chickenfuel brand compost (2-2-2), going to try and keep as many as I can organically grown, otherwise I'll be using either fox farms, grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, and solubles, open sesame, beastie bloomz, and Cha Ching. Some others will use megacrop. All will always be started with earthworm castings, I find that the best way to get nutrients to the seedlings without burning them. Other things I use are dynagro protekt, super thrive, npk industries, humic acid and kelp. I've also got molasses and mammoth p for the organic plants.
"The Savage way" Can't go wrong with that.
Looking good as always bud.


i genuinely believe you are right....if you " Swing the Savage way " you wont go far wrong. MEGACROP and water...........thats all you need You can chuck some other stuff in if you have money or not if you dont.

i genuinely believe you are right....if you " Swing the Savage way " you wont go far wrong. MEGACROP and water...........thats all you need You can chuck some other stuff in if you have money or not if you dont.
Yes sir, I love it, I won the 22lb bag on another site. Only used in a handful of plants so far but it's done very well.
You tried the bloom booster they have yet?
Debating on ordering some. It's not expensive by no means, hell the megacrop isn't either, the bag I have is like $55 but it will last a long time, more Than I can say about other cannabis geared nutrients.
I did this just now...honestly.

I sent a video msg to the Megacrop "Suggestions Dept" and said i have a suggestion.

" Dear Sir, i suggest you add a free saw with eaach of your bags so customers can cut their produce down "

they havent replied.