Nutrients Biotabs Communal Battle Thread with Seed-Stockers and Fastbuds genetics!

My 3 biotab plants are flying! Running out of space need to move them around .zamnesia blueberry. Female seeds auto kush.fastbuds orange sherbet
Well lessons learnt and MAJOR note to self...
DO NOT reuse lightmix and don't be in a rush to start when you don't have all new kit...

All seeds sowed are stunted and not looking particularly healthy so I contacted @TheMongol to ask permission to start from scratch using fresh soil, so that's where we're at now.

It must only be the soil as environmentals are all spot on...

I guess there was just too much residual nutrients left from the last run with BioTabs and I burnt the roots of something?

It's been a HUGE lesson, which is a good thing in itself but a poor show from yours truly for my first go at battles.

Anyway, new seeds in today...

and a busy day ahead of me tomorrow...

The girls that are still showing some sort of life will be re- potted and given a chance to grow in the lovely UK sun we're having. Even a few juicy nugz is better than killing them off.

Hope you're all keeping well and thanks for being so patient with "Chronic the impatient stoner"

Oh... here's what I mean by stunted... these are all 3 weeks old!
FastBuds Wedding Cheesecake

FastBuds Orange Sherbet

SeedStockers Blackberry Gum

SeedStockers Purple Punch (2 weeks old)
So here we go again...
Fresh start, new beginnings, all that jazz...

Yesterday I cleaned out all the old medium (threw it on one of the flower beds in the garden) and mixed up a fresh batch.
As before the airdomes were centred at the bottom and surrounded by clay pebbles. Each pot then received a mix of:
12 jugs of light mix
2 jugs of clay pebbles
75g Startrex.
(Jugs being a 0.5ltr Pyrex jug)

This morning all the beans were looking keen to get going:
View attachment 1197391
So 3 biotabs were placed in each pot.
2g Bactrex was popped into the verve and a seed of choice placed on top before covering and watering with 1ltr of water mixed with 2ml Orgatrex and 1g Mycotrex.
View attachment 1197390
So here's the (hopefully final) setup with each girl in place...
View attachment 1197389View attachment 1197388
And we are off....... Splitty checking in for the biotabs/fast buds grow off! Here's my wedding cheesecake day one above Coco. Really looking forward to seeing how biotabs work their magic in this battle
! Good luck everyone and stay safe!