Nutrients Biotabs Communal Battle Thread with Seed-Stockers and Fastbuds genetics!

@Ribbzzy i know you use soil but I've never run biotabs before I'm now at day 30 and day 28 on my 2 girls they have only had water besides there one starter feed and a little spray of boom boom each week and its says to give them one more feed of bactrex and orgatrex in week 5 is that week 5 from in the pot or the plant's age sorry for sounding dumb and would you give it more than a one time feed of orgatrex
if anyone else can chime in also id be grateful's 2 pics from yday


@Ribbzzy i know you use soil but I've never run biotabs before I'm now at day 30 and day 28 on my 2 girls they have only had water besides there one starter feed and a little spray of boom boom each week and its says to give them one more feed of bactrex and orgatrex in week 5 is that week 5 from in the pot or the plant's age sorry for sounding dumb and would you give it more than a one time feed of orgatrex
if anyone else can chime in also id be grateful's 2 pics from yday


I would hit her with a little more orgatrex, it never hurts, but they're looking green and healthy. I have been giving a shot every 7 days, just to keep things active.

How many tabs are you using in ratio with soil?
I would hit her with a little more orgatrex, it never hurts, but they're looking green and healthy. I have been giving a shot every 7 days, just to keep things active.

How many tabs are you using in ratio with soil?
2 tabs in 12 litre i think in both pots will i be ok giving her 20ml per litre once a week or 20 ml per 500 ml
2 tabs in 12 litre i think in both pots will i be ok giving her 20ml per litre once a week or 20 ml per 500 ml
you got it covered mate
Is it ok if I join as well?
I am growing NL auto Nirvana with BioBizz Light Mix and BioTabs Starter Kit that was send to me 2 years ago but I didnt use it till now.
Here is the link to this grow
My plant is now 47 days old, under HS1 led light and in 0.16m2 space (40×40×160cm)
Just feeded it 6 days ago with 20ml Orgatrex and 1g of Bactrex with 500ml water and I can say it is strong solution and I got nute burn for sure. So my advice is to go easy with it. Anybody has any advice about feeding with Orgatrex/Bactrex solution as guided by BioTabs? It was first feed of anything from adding biotabs and some 4 weeks in between. Today I aslo added, for first time, BioBizz CalMag with watering (0.75ml per liter), as I got some marks on top suggar leaves, not sure is it is Cal deficiency or just another expresion of nute burn. Does Orgatex contain suficient amount of Calcium and Magnesium if somebody know? I mean was it mistake to add CalMag few days after Orgatrex?







I just took photos of the issue and, ok, now I am thinlking it must be nute burn only



