Indoor Bill's Test Thread

Good Morning.
Ok, for anyone wondering how I'm getting the GLB products to the plants in auto pots...simply need a valve for each pot. Turned off the valves to the 4 getting the GLB, siphon out the liquid that's in there with my trusty turkey baster, fill up the trays with the GLB mix then turn the valves back on. Easy Peazy.


Took a good look at the 3 getting the treatment.....Still no signs of turning or anything odd going on yet.....keep on spraying as they say, might as well cause that's all these 3 are good for now......fingers still crossed.
Moved the 3 pollenator's out to the back deck.

Soaking up some natural sun and loving it. Just gotta keep an eye out for any inclement weather and move them under the roof section when it comes and rig up a couple screens to put at opposite ends of the yard for when they get close to dropping.
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Moved the 3 pollenator's out to the back deck.
View attachment 1460466
Soaking up some natural sun and loving it. Just gotta keep an eye out for any inclement weather and move them under the roof section when it comes and rig up a couple screens to put at opposite ends of the yard for when they get close to dropping.
I was going to put my pollinator in a tent by itself with a filter. My Vet friend was going to send me a fan and filter for the 5 bottles of infused MCT I sent him, but he got screwed by the me. :grrr1:

I'll just have to do like you and put it outside
I got enough of the lattice panel that I can make hides for them around the yard....1 on the deck, 1 out by the pump house in the corner and the 3rd on the other side of the yard... will have to watch em close and at first sign of pollen snip the tops, smack it on the bottoms and put it in a cup of water on the front porch for a few days to get more pollen to save......that's the plan anyways. :shrug: