Been awhile, to long actually. Got some smaller strains going and they are looking fantastic. One of the first afn members to buy cobs from me said awhile back that he was going to run smaller strains becuse they yielded more per square foot. I was way to hot headed and wanted to impress everyone with donkey D buds so I didn’t listen. Now I am.
This is what I have learned. The bigger plants take up more space, require more work, and have more chances of having problems or foxtailing. The quality isn’t as good either. On the flip side smaller strains are overall less risky. I very rarely see a smaller plant foxtail and even if it did it won’t hurt much since I t’s not taking up much space. You also get much denser buds across the whole plant. Quality on something like a double grape or avt is usually much better than something like hubbabibba too. Thick layer of resin across the whole plant. I hope all this makes sense. Every single small plant I have ever grown was excellent. 10-20% of the bigger plants I have grown had some sort of issue and yielded terribly. While it makes for better pictures I’m going for quality and quantity and not just quantity.
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