Dinafem Big Kush Outdoor Guerrilla in the U.K.

Looking good Jay. I never do anything about deficiencies outdoors, the plants have a much harder life outdoors and they always pull through without adding stuff. There’s always loads of rough looking leaves lower down. Give it a month and they’ll go BOOM!

Fair point mate, and I can see yours look like they had the same thing, yet delivered the goods.

Not going to do anything drastic, just up the seaweed extract a tad and maybe some mollasses, see how they respond, i really suspect K def tbh. :thumbsup:
Fair point mate, and I can see yours look like they had the same thing, yet delivered the goods.

Not going to do anything drastic, just up the seaweed extract a tad and maybe some mollasses, see how they respond, i really suspect K def tbh. :thumbsup:

I agree it does look like a (k) deficiency (k = potassium ) the increase of seaweed will help and the added molasses will be if benefit :bong:

Do you have access to kelp or kelp meal as this is a Fantasic organic source of potassium?

Thanks for the outdoor update mate I'll drop back in on the next :pass:

All the best

I agree it does look like a (k) deficiency (k = potassium ) the increase of seaweed will help and the added molasses will be if benefit :bong:

Do you have access to kelp or kelp meal as this is a Fantasic organic source of potassium?

Thanks for the outdoor update mate I'll drop back in on the next :pass:

All the best


Thanks for looking in Mark, I do have some seaweed extract, thats kelp isnt it?

So will up the dose tomorrow along with the mollasses.

Btw I've invited you (& vlad) to my main grow thread, as also have HSO 707 and amherst sour diesel going.
Morning peeps. Here’s the Kush!

They’re bouncing back ok, just hope that furry little wanker doesn’t show his face again!


Should be ok. [emoji1360]
They look way better than mine Jay! You wait til August, they’ll be catching easyJets in the top branches.

Only cos yours got a deer cut mate, though they seem to have bounced back and all this good weather can only mean one thing for them.


And yep slightly concerned they're gonna go too big, 3m is ok, but anymore and they'll be too obvious, gonna have to supercrop or trim back the mofos.

Yeah man, tie them down before it’s too late! [emoji16]

Nah, you can keep bending and snapping them, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens! [emoji16][emoji16]

Yeah me too, just getting to the best bit, just hoping no 50..or rippers get in on the act..let alone mould/mildew. :cheers:

Did u say u used to run this in your back garden?