Dinafem Big Kush Outdoor Guerrilla in the U.K.

Yeah me too, just getting to the best bit, just hoping no 50..or rippers get in on the act..let alone mould/mildew. :cheers:

Did u say u used to run this in your back garden?

I’ve never done a Dinafem Big Kush in my garden, I did some other Kush strains tho, RQS Special Kush No.1 was one, I forget the others tho cos it was ages ago, then the plod moved in next door so I had to find somewhere else.

They do much better when they’re getting fed and watered tho bud. The stuff I used to do in the garden was actually better than what I was growing indoors at the time, proper strong and very tasty according to those who smoked it. The Kush No.1 had a freaky week of really hot weather in early September tho (maybe six or seven years ago) which really finished it off nicely.

Let’s hope for late summer sun, it makes a massive difference.
Thanks for looking in Mark, I do have some seaweed extract, thats kelp isnt it?

So will up the dose tomorrow along with the mollasses.

Btw I've invited you (& vlad) to my main grow thread, as also have HSO 707 and amherst sour diesel going.

I'll check the HSO thread out brother. Now that we have a dedicated HSO support forum any chance you could get a thread going over their also for the HSO ladies ?

They are going to love and appreciate the extra ammendments put down and we are having one great summer so far. Let's hope it continues if it does this is going to be one of the best seasons to date :pass:

Thanks for the outdoor update mate I'll drop back in on the next :bong:

All the best





Stupid wildlife! [emoji16]
The wildfire have been bad in the UK. In the Midlands we had a very bad one, Kind of freaky.

The main grass was a burnt down but all the walking paths remained. A very strange one for sure.

@Vlad The Inhaler Thanks for the outdoor update mate I'll drop back in on the next :pass:

All the best

The wildfire have been bad in the UK. In the Midlands we had a very bad one, Kind of freaky.

The main grass was a burnt down but all the walking paths remained. A very strange one for sure.

@Vlad The Inhaler Thanks for the outdoor update mate I'll drop back in on the next :pass:

All the best


Fookinell Mark! How much have you chonged tonight brooo?

It’s a deer, not a fire! [emoji23][emoji23] (wildlife)

More updates on the broken Kush this Sunday...

Cheers bud. [emoji1365]
Forgot I'd taken more pics at the weekend, this one with the odd leaves seems to be on beast mode, about 4 ft tall:

This one may suffer as set back behind the one above, so may not get as much rays, i should've set them further apart as theres not much space between em:


The other one set aside is doing well despiye being in the shade during part of the day:


No deers or wildfires as yet! @Dinafem-Mark will get a thread up for the HSO, did not notice the forum section.

Cheers peeps, long may this heatwave continue! :cools:
Thanks vlad, good to see yours have bounced back, had a feeling they would. Your dungeon's looking pretty jungly too, crazy size buds!

Cheers bud. One of my outdoor Kush looks a bit fooked TBH. The main growth tip was on the ground when we arrived on Sunday. Dunno what broke it but it’s looking like it’s gonna be a Bonsai!

Aw well... plenty of other plants. [emoji1360]
Here’s the Kush..

They’re a bit fooked tbh. I’ve topped the biggest one a few times today hoping it’ll spread out a bit, but the main stem got eaten so what you see there is a side branch that’s taken over.

No sign of the deer coming back tho. [emoji1360]