i wish i was you neighbour i would gladly throw a loving arm around them :hug: hope you get something sorted, have you got a garden shed or anything like that?
thankyou for all your replies had a phone call of my mum while i was pottering about thinking what to do. An she has agreed to let me throw my tent up in her spare room for 4 weeks she may let me leave it longer hopefuly but saves hastle at this house as were going to have people viewing for the next few weeks so all is good for now phheewwww :dance::dance: Im knackerd lol time to sit down and unwined with a nice Joint of SD :group:
Awww man congrats bro ....i can't wait to see how the berry Ryder rides out bro ....i gotta do her again it was truely amazing and I broke my Virgo ity with her ya know ...i think I would do alot better job now and have the willing to do it again ...she was Hoyt at the end lol
Awww man congrats bro ....i can't wait to see how the berry Ryder rides out bro ....i gotta do her again it was truely amazing and I broke my Virgo ity with her ya know ...i think I would do alot better job now and have the willing to do it again ...she was Hoyt at the end lol
Ph has slipped funnys on the BR added some lime but no joy yet most of the big fan leaves are yellow and dead big set back but still going to let her ride it out :thumbs:
They did that as well to me bro ...
My best lady was in Scotts Seedling mix ...it was Peat based but never had any ph issues on her ...
That best flavor I got was in Coco permits and Biomax seaweed compost ....and fed her ridiculously ....
I think when id run her again she will be in some kinda supersoil or TLO ...and hopefully she will be a winner. ...
I dunno how good this actually worked but when my ladies slipped in this run ...
I just did something for shots and giggles and I aerated Dolomite lime with humic for about 72 hours. ...it took about a week to really see adjustments but I feel it helped alot faster all my ladies are alot greener but shit im 2 weeks away from chopping a couple ....
I have 1 that will stay till around 3-15 giving me a 90 days old girl that's all dragon genes ....opps I'll be lost cause she's superfrostwd
Ive missed so many threads too my subs dont show up half the time and i lose track of where im at lol thx for stopping by and im good thankyou reb just plodding along hope all is well in your house hold:thumbs:
Forgot to mention i checked on the girls last night at my mums and the Ghaze x c99 x c99 is going to need to calmag today and a proper check over.. Temps in the tent were at a max of 18c and a low of 14c so i had to put in a CFL to get the heat up till today and i can sort out the heating for the room that the tents in as i was realy busy yesterday so CFL will be back out today :group:
im sorry theres not alot of pics hard to do pic update while the girls are at my mums house.. They are both smelling good now but the Berry Ryder seems to be stuggling the fans have yellowed and died off well most of them ive added garden lime and phd the feed going in now to try bring her back.. I noticed she has a red fan leaf has any1 any ides why lol?
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