Lighting Berry Ryder and Cres's Ghaze xc99 xc99

Wish they would of been in there own pots...looking good.
Wish they would of been in there own pots...looking good.

Me 2 and sorry to disserpoint you Cres but i was realy struggling for space as i have 6 other girls in there but be sure my next run there will be all the FEMs i have of yours in their own pots and a brand new tent as im moving home in april/may... What do you thijk about me pulling the smaller one out??
no ... you will be fine...
For a second I just thought you had a really productive plant that topped itself...:D

If cres says leave her...REBEL AND DO WHAT YOU WANT!!! ;) Kidding bro, if the man says leave 'em alone...:thumbs:
Sweet deal si :smokebuds:Looking killer. just popped a GHxc99xc99 myself :booya:Subbed
For a second I just thought you had a really productive plant that topped itself...:D

If cres says leave her...REBEL AND DO WHAT YOU WANT!!! ;) Kidding bro, if the man says leave 'em alone...:thumbs:
lmao thats th plan just going to pull them apart and make sure they get some tender loving:thumbs:

Sweet deal si :smokebuds:Looking killer. just popped a GHxc99xc99 myself :booya:Subbed

:D:D ill have a nosey if you throwing up a gro log of her? :dance:
Glad to have you guys along for the ride:group:

While im here i might as well let you guys know that the berry ryde is by far going to be the biggest ive grown she has grown 8 inch in the past 2 days and the fan leaves are bigger than my hands she shown sex at day 20:group: