New Grower Bagseeds in a 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Buckets


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
Pretty excited to begin this journal. This first post will be to give the specs of my growing setup, and a brief background into the current plants growing in there. I will be sharing pics and update on their progress in subsequent posts. Will try to update at least once a week.


I used to grow some years ago, but feel like I'm starting from zero. So even if things seem like their going well, please don't hesitate to comment, specially if you feel something wrong in spite of appearances hehehe. I'm not really focused on yields, just on dialing in everything to have healthy plants grown in my room.

I'm coming back into the cannabis-growing world with a friend. We planned to both have the same setup, but he had some money issues and still hasn't been able to acquire most of his stuff. He provided me with many bag-seeds which we plan to use during 1 or 2 test/dial-in runs, and then will pass into growing some seeds from Dinafem and HSO, and hopefully many others after that. I hope to have just one, max two plants per run in my setup.

My setup:

-24" x 24" x 56" (2'x2'x4.6') Finether grow tent.
-One Autocob (3500K) from @BigSm0 at, placed 30" above seedlings and lan to let them grow into light unless it becomes obvious they need more light.
-Coco-coir in 0.7 Lt and 1 Lt Hempy Buckets (perlite at the bottom, the rest coir). Will eventually use a 7 Lt Bucket.
-No-brand hydro nutes ( I usually only have to lower pH and use white vinegar for it. I have some MC stored away, might use them eventually.
-Water with nutes everyday, once a day in the morning.
-Temps and RH are... min 70 F, and 70% tops during no-light... with light on it ranges from 78-81F and 36-40's %.
-Tap water is always between 49-55 ppm's. Ph fluctuates a lot, but usually is between 6.8 and 10.0

Have some basil and chamomile growing with my cannabis plants, and have two groups of cannabis plants:
Group 1, germinated between the 5th and 9th of December.
Group 2, germinated the 21st.
This photograph was taken today.

Will post some more pics in these days showing their progression so far.

PD. per requested, @Rollin_along, here I begin!
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cheers for starting a journal :pass:wow ph of 10 :yoinks: double checked ph pen ?
nice neat set up :thumbsup: and you off to a good start :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit.
Welcome and good luck. I don’t think you will be able to fit more than two plants in that space. I know because I have the same size cabinet. Also, you will need more light. One cob per plant is about as low as I would recommend for an absolute max of four in that space, if those are the 55 watt versions. If they are 65 Watts, I would limit at 3 there.

Good luck, bro!

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cheers for starting a journal :pass:wow ph of 10 :yoinks: double checked ph pen ?
nice neat set up :thumbsup: and you off to a good start :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit.

the pH pen is one of those cheepo yellow ones but I make sure it's calibrated every week (have a bunch of those calibrating solution packs!). i think the ph fluctuation is due to many repairs being done in my buildings watering system recently. there used to be a time when it came out at 7.0 with just a small 0.2 fluctuation. but its 30+ old building so i imagine those pieps are quite rusty.. I was amazed at the ppms actually.
Welcome and good luck. I don’t think you will be able to fit more than two plants in that space. I know because I have the same size cabinet. Also, you will need more light. One cob per plant is about as low as I would recommend for an absolute max of four in that space, if those are the 55 watt versions. If they are 65 Watts, I would limit at 3 there.

Good luck, bro!

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nice to meet another person with this sized tent! i used to use a 3x3 with 600 watts HID but began with a 1x1 with 70 Watts HID ... feels so nice to go back to something smaller while feeling the light is so powerful! so far this cob is beating the 70 Watt HID.

I plan to flower only 1 plant per run. maybe 2 if its a strain i find is not big enough, but really just need one i think. i don't use much weed, just enough for a few small vaporizer hits on the weekends, so as long as one plant gives me at least 50 dry grams, I'll be set for about 4 months hahahha
i think i have the 65 Watt autocob, btw
I think the 65 Watts on the one plant will work well! Good choice with lights.

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Let's begin the journal!
Group 1 (two older plants):
Plant "D1R" aka "the mutant" (usually to the left in the pictures):
-Scarrified using a razor blade. Went too far and the plant has scars from this scarifying done.
-Put to germinate in wet papertowel on Dec 5th, by the 6th it had a 1inch taproot so it was put in a perlite-peat mix in a cup. It sprouted the 6 and by the 8th had cotyledons open.
-This plant didn't display the one-pointed leaves, it grew some pistils of sort and then grew the next node with normal 3 pointed leaves.
-Put in the autocob tent on the 12th, before that in was under a 23 Watt CFL.
-from cup into 0.7 Lt bucket.
Plant "X1RS" aka "the warrior" (usually to the right in the pictures):
-Scarrified usign a razor blade. Went too far and the plant has scars from this scarifying done to it and also some scars and deformities from its struggle to lose it's shell.
-Put to germinate in wet papertowel on Dec 5th, by the 8th it had a 1inch taproot so it was put in a perlite-peat mix in a cup. It sprouted the 10th but had really tough time getting rid of the husk/shell, and by the 11th had a one pointed leaf growing from within the husk but no cotyledons were to be seen.
-This plant had such a rough time loosing the seed's husk/shell that most of its initial days it grew everything inside the shell.
-Put in the autocob tent on the 12th, before that in was under a 23 Watt CFL.
-from cup into 0.7 Lt bucket.

Pictures of their progress:
20181218_074639.jpg 20181218_084933.jpg 20181218_084958.jpg 20181218_085029.jpg
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In the last picture, D1R was placed at the right and X1RS to the left. But in the other pictures it's the opposite.
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Group 2 (two younger plants):
This group originally had 3 seedlings: two in coco 1 in peat-mix. One of the ones in coco damped.
Plant "DR1R":
-Scarrified using a sandpaper tube.
-Put to germinate in wet papertowel on Dec 19th, by the 21st it had a 1inch taproot so it was put in a coco-coir in a cup. By the 24th had cotyledons open and one pointed leaves in formation.
-Always been in the autocob tent
-from cup into 1 Lt bucket.
Plant "DR2R":
-Scarrified using a sandpaper tube.
-Put to germinate in wet papertowel on Dec 19th, by the 21st it had a 1inch taproot so it was put in a peat-mix in a cup. By the 24th it had cotyledons open and one pointed leaves in formation.
-Always been in the autocob tent
-from cup into 0.7 Lt bucket.

Pictures of their progress:
20181226_072643.jpg 20181226_073131.jpg 20181226_095904.jpg 20181226_095913.jpg 20181226_095920.jpg
12/27/2018 - morning pics
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12/27/2018 - afternoon pic, notice how DR1R (brown bucket), now has its leaves pointing up, which wasn't the case this morning. ¿maybe light is too intense for it?
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12/27/18 - night time check revealed two things: First, DR1R (Group 2) might find the autcob too strong, because in the afternoon i noticed its leave pointing up, so assuming it was light stress I pushed her away from the light and now she has her leaves horizontal again. Second, X1RS (Group 1) might have a deficiency, prob Mag? this coco coir is not buffered and I'm not giving add cal-mag so i guess its expected. Here are some pics of the symptoms circled in red:
20181227_220608.jpg 20181227_220635.jpg 20181227_220659.jpg