Day 10 for Toof decay girl, still not a lot to say, she's just preparing for the explosion of growth coming in the next 10 days.


@Ripper did I hear mention of a gladiator badge? Do I still get it if I end up battling myself? Lol
Day 10 for Toof decay girl, still not a lot to say, she's just preparing for the explosion of growth coming in the next 10 days.

View attachment 702361

@Ripper did I hear mention of a gladiator badge? Do I still get it if I end up battling myself? Lol
Yes you will get it.
Day 10 for Toof decay girl, still not a lot to say, she's just preparing for the explosion of growth coming in the next 10 days.

View attachment 702361

@Ripper did I hear mention of a gladiator badge? Do I still get it if I end up battling myself? Lol

I sure hope eye is just sick and will be back. Need to send some good karma and prayers her way
Day 14 for the toof decay, she's one of the slower plants I've grown, bit disappointed so far, so she's had a small feed of 500ml 0.5ml grow. I put it down to planting directly into a 15l pot for the first time and hoping she speeds up.

That baby is looking good, just building roots!