Losing the fan is no biggie, i bet the secondary below it takes off! Select pruning can be beneficial.

Im worried about eye....
Yeah was thinking that myself, just getting frustrated with this grow. Yeah I hope she's ok, is it like her to disappear for periods?
Yeah was thinking that myself, just getting frustrated with this grow. Yeah I hope she's ok, is it like her to disappear for periods?
Not like her to disappear honestly and soon I am going to call it here as it is not ok for her to disappear like this
She has not logged onto the site since 2/2/2017.
She has not logged onto the site since 2/2/2017.
I know that she has some health issues but i dont think she disappeared on purpose.
Especially without saying anything.
But i understand calling the battle
I know that she has some health issues but i dont think she disappeared on purpose.
Especially without saying anything.
But i understand calling the battle
Yeah I get that part and I am sympathetic for sure but after a month a decision must be made
Going away for 5 days presents a slight problem just as my girl is about to explode with growth. She wasn't really ready for another drink yet but i needed
to get that water in so I fed her anyway. 4l of 2ml grow, 1ml topmax and a drop of calmag per litre. Should get her through to Monday.

Toof decay is struggling. She hadn't dried out yet but although pale is showing signs of N tox and magnesium def. I had to get some calmag in so gave her a litre of heavy feed, and chucked an extra fan directed at the pot to help her dry out. We'll see what happens with her. Hey ho at least I'm posting a plant. Lol

It will bounce back with a vigor. Its always good to have a plant to take a picture of

:d5: great job getting the def under control