She is looking great bud.
Yes very nice!! dark green leaves looks healthy!! u must have scared Eye off?! :shrug:
Day 20 for my toof decay comp girl and I'm having trouble with her, this is the first time I have used a 15l pot, one of the things that I have noticed is that with small plants they simply do not dry out early on so it has thrown my watering/feed routine. I checked on her yesterday and she was showing signs of Nitrogen and Magnesium deficiency. Also here leaves were a bit dry. Pot was still heavy however. She's been given a litre of 2ml plant magic grow, 1ml magnecal+ and 1ml topmax, and is also being foliar fed with sensi calmag xtra. Hopefully she will perk back up. I'll have to watch how I water in these bigger pots. Anyone got any tips? Ponytailing is working well, managed to do a bit of leaf tucking too so secondary's are levelling out. Excuse how bad she looks in this pic, she's just been foliar fed, leaftucked and ponytailed, so she's a bit ragged.


Stark difference to her big sister my Toofless alien on day 33.


Kinda glad I'm not seeing how good @Eyeoftheworld is looking at the moment.
Day 20 for my toof decay comp girl and I'm having trouble with her, this is the first time I have used a 15l pot, one of the things that I have noticed is that with small plants they simply do not dry out early on so it has thrown my watering/feed routine. I checked on her yesterday and she was showing signs of Nitrogen and Magnesium deficiency. Also here leaves were a bit dry. Pot was still heavy however. She's been given a litre of 2ml plant magic grow, 1ml magnecal+ and 1ml topmax, and is also being foliar fed with sensi calmag xtra. Hopefully she will perk back up. I'll have to watch how I water in these bigger pots. Anyone got any tips? Ponytailing is working well, managed to do a bit of leaf tucking too so secondary's are levelling out. Excuse how bad she looks in this pic, she's just been foliar fed, leaftucked and ponytailed, so she's a bit ragged.

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Stark difference to her big sister my Toofless alien on day 33.

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Kinda glad I'm not seeing how good @Eyeoftheworld is looking at the moment.

Looking good to me! that TOOFLESS ALIEN looks niiiice!
Decided that now I have a bit more space since my last 3BOG is down, I might as well fill the gap and make use of one of my prize seeds. A white train bean is in soil in a 10l airpot as we speak. With a Toofless alien, a hbss and a white train going (plus a tiny toof decay) I have the potential for a very full tent.
Decided that now I have a bit more space since my last 3BOG is down, I might as well fill the gap and make use of one of my prize seeds. A white train bean is in soil in a 10l airpot as we speak. With a Toofless alien, a hbss and a white train going (plus a tiny toof decay) I have the potential for a very full tent.

yes its almost time for me to drop three more beans also, i like to germ them in the final pot but room will be an issue for that ill have to figure something out
Hey..what did you guys do with eyeoftheworld???
What a difference a day and picture can make. Here she his on day 21, ponytailing is finished with now and the feed has helped. She has some dry ends on the fan leaves but she's not getting any worse. Still supplementing with foliar spray. Still no sign of sex yet.


And after a leaf tucking.

I'm doing everything in my power to fuck up my toof decay. Accidentally snapped one of her top fans off while tucking earlier, kinda glad @Eyeoftheworld isnt around to see it at the mo.
