Indoor Autoseeds Girl Scout Cookies Auto, Biotabs and Autopots


Hi mate. I'm a bit weary of giving anything above 2ml bio pk as I gave 2ml first water and it worked well then gave 3ml 3 days later and ended up with burnt tips.

I like the idea of using honey, would you recommend to add that in with every top feed till chop day? I was thinking about mixing the honey with some hot water first then adding to watering can to thin it out?

Thanks for all the advice!

I understand on the Bio PK. If they are burning from it, then you have to read the plant and go with that. My Grow currently, I have one plant that didn't like too much either, but it only slightly burnt those tips, which means, it is almost the perfect amount, and she might even handle more. Getting the soil as rich in Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Magnesium, and the micronutrients, all add to bigger, better buds!

At this stage though, there isn't no a lot of time anyway. Don't stress at all. If you did nothing but just give her water, she would still have enough energy in her own leaves to finish out. Your good bro. Be cool, and just enjoy the end of the grow. They are awesome to look at. Those tasty buds are all yours and you grew them yourself, you don't have to pay anyone for a nice bag of that!

Cool stuff!!
Oh yeah, the honey dissolved in hot water, and then added to cooler water for sure. I just mixed up today 10ml/l BioPK, Bactrex at 1/2 teaspoon per liter, Carbo Load at 2ml/l, Advanced Nutrients Bio Bud booster at 1ml/l, stirred that crap up and top fed all the ladies about a liter or so each, and the two larger plants got about a liter and a half. I will follow that up by then bottom feeding tap water in the evening, and then again bottom feeding tap water only all week until next feeding.
@MedCzech Just noticed you add 1/2 teaspoon of bactrex to the feed too. I'll try a wee half spoon to see how it does. Will feed her in a few hours.

Yep, just keeps population of bacteria high in soil, plus then they are right there to feast on the goodies in the boosters I gave them.

Don't be too afraid to add a little here and there. Organics are that way. Some people are constantly feeding with teas, which are brews of various types of things all mixed and fed to the soil each time, and they have some amazing plants.

I like to add a few things along to way to make sure biodiversity, and nutrients are available for the bacteria to feed from. Each of us find our own way. You will find yours.
Just my 2 the last 2 3 weeks i dont care about some tip burn.
The quote from @Iriee Vibez that the Med posted hit my brains forever...we are growing buds...not leaves.:d5:
I dont see little bit of tipburn as a big problem, like a real def i mean. At least not in the last stage.
Waiting for some pics Q!:pop:
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@MedCzech @Moonshade

Cheers! Just fed with 2.5ml bio pk and 1 1/2 teaspoons of honey in 1.5l water.

Here's some pics for you! Broke out the scope too. Hope that's enough pics for you. :pighug:




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Nice nice nice.
How do u handle with the cal def brown spots in this late stage?
Did u used silicium flash? Anticipation in another way? Cuz i see u have the brown spotties also here and there.
Thats not a blame friend...just interested in the cal def icw biotabs a lot of people seem to struggle with...