Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

Update day 29 & 18..

and I guess day 3? haha or am i considering the FIRST time it came through the soil as day 1? lol idk who cares =P

This will be another picture-less update (for the most part) until later on today. Ive been trying to not check on them as much- aka every 2 hours lol- because I feel like I over-parent when I do, lol. I start nitpicking and getting paranoid. 'oh no, whats this spot? oh no is this a new hole? oh no, does this one need nutes? oh no, the top soil is dry, they must need water!' lol. So far Ive been doing good keeping it to poking my head in in the mornings and then only going in once or twice after they wake up. But once AM2 really starts to flower/bud up, we'll have to go through this process again. Thats when I REALLY get enamored with 'em. lol

For the most part they look healthy, lol Only exceptions being the ripped leaves (the ones that were my fault, lol), the holes that WEREN'T my fault lol... and yesterday, AM2 stood proud at about 7.5 inches and then last NIGHT around 930pm she stood at 8.5 almost 9. She's uber bushy - almost a foot wide. I think she's growing in reverse lol. So I tucked her biggest/longest fan leaves inside the pot, and moved the 2 side cfls closer to really get some light to the bud sites they were blocking.Checked on em before bed to make sure all was still well, and it was. Well this morning when I 'stuck my head in', I noticed that overnight, one of the leaves I'd tucked had popped out...directly into the CFL. :cuss:so now Ive got about 1/2 inch of light burn on the tips of one of her fans :( I guess that's the whole point of tying them down when you do it that way vs tucking under another leaf, no?
Ah well. you live, you learn.

20140311_111016.jpg is all of this bright lime green normal...and by normal i mean not a bad sign lol it's on all of the brand new growth at the top of all the flower sites..20140311_111023.jpg

Not OVERLY concerned, since it seems to only be the one seedling leaf - but if its something that can effect my OTHER plants in the room, I want to know. If it is infact some sort of 'contagion' for lack of a better word, do i cut the seedling leaf off or do i bag the whole thing all together??
zoomed in - shitty quality, i know, shut up lol


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Looking good over there. The lime green color is fine for new growth. No need to worry unless you see that color in your older fan leaves. :gthumb:
Update day 31 20 and we'll call it day 5

Girls are doin' pretty good I s'pose..

AM2's upward growth has stopped. Like came to a screeching halt which makes me sad...she's not very big. all. She hasn't grown since my last update when she was about 8-8.5 inches. I mean..I know that due to the fact that my whole operation is less than opportune, and autos are small and easily stunted and or stressed and so forth - I know my PH was off for a hot minute there, but damn, lol. I guess it was off for its whole life and probably still isnt 100% where it should be, buuutt.....8" in a 3 gallon? ouch.
She is throwin pistils like crazy, but Im 100% positive due to her size, yield will be severely compromised. Especially for a sativa dominant hybrid, that paradise advertises as being between 70cm to 1 meter in height.

I do however have high hopes for Auto Acid...for a few reasons.
1- for 21 days (in comparison to AM2 at 21 days) she's already got a pleasant, slightly skunky smell coming off of her.
2- she's in a smart pot; and even though its a smaller pot, as we know air pot= oxygen to the roots= bigger more vigorous plants.
3- she is in a completely different medium all together.
4- she officially sexed 2 days ago
20140314_100417.jpg20140314_100412.jpg from 2days ago at 730pm

I also made another stoner whoops last night.
so i go in the plant bathroom (yes. it belongs to them and our pita dog lol. not us lol) and mixed a gallon of 1/4 strength nutes (grow and bloom) for AM2's last mixed feed before I go straight to bloom.
sooo la di da, I hit the bowl, and go in to water the plants. I take AM2 down off her (quite literally) little pedestal so I can move her bottom branches around so I could water her without getting her all fucking soaked.
ummm-success btw. ijs.
and then the not so success....
erm...i did however water AA and little tiny baby FB with the same 1/4 strength nute water. :no: For a forum full of pot smokers, Im not sure why there isn't a 'SMH' smiley where he smacks his head at the end of the head shake lol ^ he will have to do. so far they seem to not really be effected but in all fairness, its only been 24 hrs haha.

I wouldnt be offended if someone made this smiley and named it the WTF WDWA face - haha.

Opinions on if you think the ph being too high for the majority of AM2's life is what stunted her growth would be marvelous.





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RPT - Random Plant Thoughts

AM2's size has been stressing me to no end.

Like..making me bonkers.
Im sure you've all seen the picture of the tiny auto in full bloom that was barely the size of a cigarette pack...thats how I see AM2 in my head lol.

So for some reason I start looking up info on foliar feeding, which somehow led to a 45 minute long google search extravaganza on LST lol
Back before we even got our beans, I decided I was bored one day, and made a superbly ghetto SCROG screen from a giant picture frame I had, nails, and craft/jewelry wire haha :roflcry:
Then it sat in the dining room...and sat...and is still sitting lol.
but its too big and would just be grossly inconvenient, considering I can hardly water my plants now, and I wanna add a giant SCREEN on top? haha no thanks.
So the fleeting SCROG thought was just that. fleeting lol. It then ventured to the other side of LST and that would be the tie down method.
And I found a video on you tube on ZLST...or doing LST with zip ties; which i conveniently watched on my television thanks to this quaint little device- the google chromecast...(which if you havent already invested, i strongly suggest it lol).

I cannot BEGIN to describe the amount of zip ties this man has, which makes that RIL convenient lol.
Considering the amount of informative murder porn (south park reference) that i watch, that should make me terribly afraid lol.
So Im considering giving that a only kind of..unanswered question is, is it too late in the game for AM2 and too early for AA? OR is it just right for AA and not prime for AM2 but would still be beneficial?

During my first searches on foliar feeding, there was a lot of information about watering the soil.
Im coming to be very confused on when and when not to water the plants. I keep reading sooo many different things and I honestly, at this point, dont know what to go off. I keep hearing...seeing...reading
-stick your finger down the first few inches of the soil and if its moist, dont water.
-water when the pot feels light
-DONT wait until the soil pulls away from the sides
-you DO want to wait until the soil pulls, but only a little.
-Dont/Do mist the tops of the soil between watering
-Water more in low humidity

Like...why cant growing weed be more factual vs opinion? I know that there are TONS of strains from OG to Autos and each and every variation is going to respond differently in varied situations. I get that. Now I could see if I were asking "yes, and exactly how many days should I wait between waterings" getting such varied responses, but why is there no concise answer on if I water when the pot is light, or when the first few inches are dry? Because those two things aren't always simultaneous.
For example. AA and FB are both in 2 gallon smart pots. This morning,with FB the 'finger test' (TSK TSK. You get your mind out of the gutter:brow:) was damp, indicating no water. Lifted the pot. She was heavy/ish - again. No water.
Now AA. The finger test (lol ok now it just makes me giggle, haha) was damp saying don't water me, HOWEVER, lol upon LIFTING her, she was grossly light, and the soil made this cute little fault line ( <----sarcasm), which to me would indicate, bitch im thirsty, give me a drink.
So whats the deal?

And that concludes this Episode of RPT: Random Plant Thoughts with WDWA.
Have a good day, and try the veal :thumbs:
:slap: for the time and effort you put into each one of your post bro, nice work hope it turns out beaiutful!:Sharing One:
sort of - haha.

I been doing a lot of reading for the last 4 hours about these holes. Im still not finding a lot- however I did read that if the PH is really off, then it can cause deformed leaves/and or/ nute lockout causing deformed leaves.

So the babes will be waking up in 2 hours and I will do the following - in no particular order-

Clean the lense on my loupe and check again for bugs and or larvae.

Run 2 PH tests.
Ill run two because i ALSO read, lol, that digital soil PH meters arent the most accurate things in the world. So I'll test with my meter, and then do an old school PH test with the kit we got for the last grow.

Order some Neem Oil from Amazon...or perhaps..I'll make my own insecticide. I found a recipe, if you will, on for a homemade insecticide..Ive actually seen it around a bunch of places, and im actually thinking about looking for other variations on vegetable gardening forums.

so i'll update once Ive completed the above.

I don't know where you got the idea digital PH meters were so inaccurate. Its those crappy test strips you want to use with great suspicion. They can be as much as 1 full step off in either direction! If your PH meter is off more than +/- .1 junk that thing and get a good one! But if you keep it calibrated, there is no reason for it to be off.
:grin: What's good GF?! ..I see your caffeine powered posting has continued unabated! LOL... Like your humming bird metabolism, it's just how you are,.. :smoke: *** Dote all you like on your girls Mz. W', that you look carefully and frequently is generally a good thing! You'll settle down and poke around less as you get more experience, but to this day, I check my plants, even if it's just a glance to note growth or admire, at least a few times a day,... Besides, this is how you spot trouble early on, and with auto's, that's huge,...
>>> :grin:AM2 is a nice stout plant, if short,... lots of possible reasons for her not getting as big as you liked (soil, nute's, lighting just for starters), but also, when you see breeder claims of height and yield, assume that's what the best growers can expect, generally, nothing automatic at all about it... Hell, I'm still dialing in my first critical-3 weeks to get bigger plants!...and have had lots of runts,.. This is why auto's are more challenging, there's little to no time for "fixing" errors that compromise growth at this stage, and there's plenty to have to learn and have a plan for before you even drop the seed... *** The slow down in vertical stretch is normal at this stage, though as a sativa-dom. she may go more as she buds; diff. strains, diff. behaviors! ...don't sweat the nutes you gave AA and FB, they'll be fine; FB's thrashed cotyledon is probably from her getting buried earlier,...
>> AA is a little stinker, huh? LOL- The Frost Dragons I finished recently, were the most stanky plants, even in veg', I've had to date! I'm talking well before preflower too... ** What soil is in there?...Smart pots are great! No doubt, my root masses are bigger and denser; another advantage with them is roots reaching the edges don't start wrapping around and self-choking, they stop there, and send out laterals,...
>>> scrog technique I've never done, and it's a pretty advanced skill,... some folks here have done it with auto's, but most don't bother due to the very short veg' time with them; plus, you need to have plants that will be big enough to apply this to, and these current girls are too small,... LST works great with autos though, but again, it's a learned skill, often the hard way by snapping some plants apart as you try to work with them,...:no:... it's tricky to learn how much bending force will be okay, and getting an early start when the stem is still fairly flexible is important, otherwise, you roll the dice... small frequent adjustments are best to avoid damage, when the lead parts of growth are nice and flexible,... look up Mod. Bromeo, he's excellent with this, and getting crazy big plants out of small pots!
>> Watering,... :thumbs: everybody has their preference and method, but the finger test (snicker!.. this is your pervy thinking, I wasn't even thinking that way,...yet! :roflcry:) and pot weight are what I use; finger to test moisture levels near the top, and weight for depth.... you can have a dry top zone, and a well moistened middle -> down, which will mean lighter watering, vs a light pot overall, which will need a heavier drink to soak all the way down... you have to calibrate yourself, hefting a well watered pot and a dry one when you can, tell get a feel for it,... I try to keep fairly even moisture all the time, no stress for too much/little moisture if I can help it; surrounding conditions determine the when! Set no schedule, just check daily, which you do anyway, and water when needed, whatever amount is needed,... ** Foliar- did you get that wetting agent yet? we'll talk turkey about this more if you like,... we did some already, right? :dunno:..loosing track.. LOL! *** pH monitors- most all the ones with those metal soil probes are sucky, whether it's a needle-type meter or digital display,... too iffy and inaccurate.... the REAL digital ones that test a soln., and require calibrating, are very good, but not cheap ( about $50-90); the one soil probe type that is decent is Accurate 8, I believe.... I'm guilty of not having either yet, just the dropper type to test anything I water with,... I'm lucky to not have pH prob's yet, but it'll become critical to have a quality unit when I do,... so I trouble myself to make sure things are adjusted and buffered beforehand! :grin:
waira - caffeine powered posting? whats caffeine?? :roflcry:
I've been writing unnecessarily long things since i can remember. I used to want to be an author when I was a kid. I've always journaled (I was addicted to LiveJournal for yearrrrrsssss), but a few years ago I had stopped, so I reckon my replies/posts are so long, cause i'm subconsciously making up for lost time :thumbs:

AM2 is actually turning out to be quite the plant, and she's really starting to bud up nicely. Before I started to tie down the main cola (more on the LST later), out of sheer curiosity I decided to see if she'd gotten any taller..and she did! She'd grown almost a full inch since whenever I last did a height check. So she is, definitely still growing. Additionally, last night when I was checking on them, I noticed her starting to glisten. Needless to say Im getting pretty pumped.

See theres another piece of useful information from you, Waira! (holy names, batman! Idk why it too me so long to make the connection,lol but I almost called you mr. w. and you call me mz. w.....HAHAH!) Id always heard/read that autos typically take longer to finish than advertised and about the yield, but not the height part.'re saying DONT worry about the nutes I gave FB? I feel like that goes against like..... everything Ive read about autos and nutes. Especially an auto in FFOF, which is supposed to be hot to start with. I mean....the FFOF is mixed with seedling mix and that harvest bio-char compost stuff..
so hypothetically, if the soil mix was perfect nute wise, don't I run the risk of burning this tiny baby?
And isn't it not a great idea to give a tiny seedling flowering nutes?
lol, I mean please correct me if im wrong, but thats the impression Ive been under until this point.

AA is rather stinky...but then again she is a diesel hybrid. I think Im more attracted to the diesel/skunk scent. I mean, AM2 smells good, dont get me wrong. Just AA is stronger and more delightful :coffee2:

-Side Rant- Waira, were you involved/did you see this ( thread (I already know Andy was and you guys are the only ones who reply to my journal haha)? It was suggested that perhaps smell and taste is psychologically linked to tolerance issues. What do you think??
The more I think about it, the more Im tending to agree.
As far as smell goes, I already like the diesel hybrid more. Clue 1.
I can get a quarter of headband and make it last a week.
I get a quarter of banana kush and I make it last 3 1/2 days, because to ME? It sucks, I hate it. I end up smoking bowl after bowl after bowl, just to get where Id be after one bowl of headband. It's not a 'bad batch' thing either. Months could go by, and still. I hate it. lol
on the flip side of that theory though i just read (may have even been in that same thread) that the way you're taking it in will also effect how you feel. IE - I smoke bowls. I havent rolled a (big fat pregnant, lol) joint in years, and I cant roll a blunt to save my life - so hopefully it will never come down to that lol. I do own a mini bong (with a carb instead of a slide) and a few bubblers, but they never get used. Again - I smoke bowls lol. (dammit that shoulda been my username lol) so maybe if I switched up my method of intake, I would have different results? Whatchufink?

who does the frost dragons?? I know you like sweet, is it them? lol
Luckily on one of the pages I was reading on LST on autos, was not to over do it -especially when starting LST late as its entirely possible to snap a stem; a good way to avoid doing that is by going slow and making sure the plant isnt thirsty so its stems are more bendable to start with. So, so far it's going okay...i guess...maybe? lol ....again - more on that later :grin:

(snicker!.. this is your pervy thinking, I wasn't even thinking that way,...yet! :roflcry:)'re right lol. my mind is forever trapped in the gutter. Im more of a guy in that way.
Need proof?-
you can have a dry top zone, and a well moistened middle
this too made me snicker. It's that damn gutter again ;)'re saying DONT worry about the nutes I gave FB? I feel like that goes against like..... everything Ive read about autos and nutes. Especially an auto in FFOF, which is supposed to be hot to start with. I mean....the FFOF is mixed with seedling mix and that harvest bio-char compost stuff..
so hypothetically, if the soil mix was perfect nute wise, don't I run the risk of burning this tiny baby?
And isn't it not a great idea to give a tiny seedling flowering nutes?
lol, I mean please correct me if im wrong, but thats the impression Ive been under until this point.

I have to say this quietly or the nute police might bust in and give me Chinese water torture with a 50 gallon drum of FF Big Bloom...ssssh. But autos won't spontaneously combust if they get some extra nutes. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty much convinced that because of all the dire warnings and general fear about burning your plants, we have a lot more underfed plants here than we do plants that are stunted by overfeeding. Now this doesn't mean you should start giving your seedlings kegstands of Florabloom or dumping nutes into your pots like Ice Cube pouring one out for a dead homie. But generally speaking, your plants be OK with a little overfeeding as long as you don't go nuts with it. Doing nothing about the extra nutes for your young plant is preferable to flushing your pot with gallons of water or some other 'fix' that will likely just make things worse. BUT, this leads me to my own personal rule about tending plants. When I have transplanting, feeding, or other important duties, I save the vape session until after as a nice reward for my efforts. I've caused too many problems for myself trying to tend plants when I shouldn't be handling anything more than a cold beverage and the TV remote. :roflcry:

-Side Rant- Waira, were you involved/did you see this ( thread (I already know Andy was and you guys are the only ones who reply to my journal haha)? It was suggested that perhaps smell and taste is psychologically linked to tolerance issues. What do you think??
The more I think about it, the more Im tending to agree.
As far as smell goes, I already like the diesel hybrid more. Clue 1.
I can get a quarter of headband and make it last a week.
I get a quarter of banana kush and I make it last 3 1/2 days, because to ME? It sucks, I hate it. I end up smoking bowl after bowl after bowl, just to get where Id be after one bowl of headband. It's not a 'bad batch' thing either. Months could go by, and still. I hate it. lol
on the flip side of that theory though i just read (may have even been in that same thread) that the way you're taking it in will also effect how you feel. IE - I smoke bowls. I havent rolled a (big fat pregnant, lol) joint in years, and I cant roll a blunt to save my life - so hopefully it will never come down to that lol. I do own a mini bong (with a carb instead of a slide) and a few bubblers, but they never get used. Again - I smoke bowls lol. (dammit that shoulda been my username lol) so maybe if I switched up my method of intake, I would have different results? Whatchufink?

Yes, all that comes into play. The magic word of the day is terpenes, and they play a big part in our enjoyment of certain strains. I personally can't handle the lemon Pinesol smell and taste of some strains, and I have no doubt that my distaste for it factors into my dislike for the high it gives me. The good thing is that we can all find something out there that perfectly suits us in today's wonderful world of cannabis...

and here comes Mr. Botwin outta the wood work with some more (monty python was first=P) good comic relief!

good call on saving the smoking until after the important tasks..especially when you're me lol.
the mental note has been carved in stone - feed plants, get high, and then stare at them. feed plants, get high, and then stare at them :roflcry:

...and I have no doubt that my distaste for it factors into my dislike for the high it gives me.
I wouldn't even call it a distaste.
To me, a distaste is going to be something like the taste of chlorophyll or mid grade bud. Something that I dont like the taste of. Its not that I don't like the taste of the banana kush, its a pleasant just...didn't do it for me.
Maybe Im doing my usual and reading waaaaaaaaaaay too far into it... But maybe it's more of a psychological thing in the sense of having a pre-conceived notion about what 'good weed' should smell/taste like?
-For instance -
Ive been smoking weed for 13 years, but only smoking medical grade for the last 4 years - so im still relatively new to this end of the spectrum. Its not that it wasnt available to me, but I was always the one saying 'why spend 20 bucks on a gram when i can spend 20 bucks on 3.5 and have more?'. So quality weed was a very sporadic treat for me.
so what myyy screwed up brain is wondering- hypothetical situation lol -(if you are/were a cigarette smoker, you'll understand this analogy better lol)
lets say you smoke non-menthols. but occasionally when you're at the office, you run out, and EVERYONE in the joint smokes menthol cigarettes. So you're forced to either suffer or to bum a newport, lol so you do, and afterward you know you just had a cigarette but it was completely unsatisfying in every way because it didn't taste likewhat you normally smoke...and in theory- still suffering, and on the verge of a nic fit and punchin' a bitch in the dome piece. :roflcry: