Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

update day 22 & 12

sooo it just hit me that the AM2 has the espoma biotone starter+ stuff... i wonder if that is possibly whats putting holes in her? maybe the espoma in conjunction with the fish ferts? idk cause they're both organic and not supposed to burn...

I went to check on the girls today, and I noticed her really new growth doesnt seem to be affected, but perhaps thats because its still TOO new? I got nothin and cant really do much other than wait for the stuff from amazon to get here. Noticed some whitish looking tips on a looot of leaves, and im thinkin that prolly has to do with the PH too.
In all honesty, Im starting to believe any and all problems she is having is due to the ph being off in one way or another. but we shall see.

In other news -
Both AM2 and AA seem to have benefited from the extra night hours.
May just be the 'stretch' ive been waiting for, but AM2 shot up an entire inch since yesterday and AA 1.5 inches.
AA is looking great and, with the exception of the holes, AM2 is looking nice as well.
FB is done. And by done, I mean, effed lol. When I replanted her (after knocking her outta the soil) she popped back through and now, this morning, interestingly enough, she's disappeared. like..I shit you not when I say, there she was right in the middle of the pot, and now today? nada. wtf?

*shrug* idk. heres some pictures of the others



Strangest pistil ever? lol

Hi Mz. W'! :grin: Found your pics, and had a look around here at your thread... (in the future, post such troubles at the Infirmary directly, instead of that Intro' thread- that one is just for "show" and reference! we'll see your post soonest at the hospital thread; You can always send us a Visitor message, or personal too...)
> your pH is fine, if it's within 6-7; besides, that damage isn't caused by Ph/nutritional deformations... don't worry about that bottom-most leaf, they go south pretty quickly, normally... the damage looks fairly old, like something chewed on them or were physically damaged, and grew around it since; if it was a nute'/pH problem, there would be other obvious symptoms all over the leaves, and I see nothing there,... when damage is done during growth, it will cause deformations as the leaf tries to expand around these missing areas; now, there are several types of bugs that may cause this chewed-looking damage... earwigs, caterpillars, grasshoppers,... but since you've found no suspects on the plant, check the surrounding area for the more mobile types that dine-and-shine! LOL ... usually they will go for the youngest, tender leaves too, but not always,... **wait, what's this about a missing seedling? Okay, that is very suspect! young seedlings can be munched down entirely... Time for a serious hunt girlfriend! Look around for any potential hiding place,..pots, under bottles, any debris laying around, etc., then go back over the plants very carefully,... caterpillars are freakin' ninjas sometimes, and hide underneath, stretch out to look like a twig or stem, lay flush to veins to hide their profile,.. color camo' of grasshoppers babies is excellent; earwigs are obvious, but excellent hiders, and very mobile and will travel to get to food, then go hide!
I see that bleached looking discolored flecking on the margins,...not sure just yet what that is, but I'm not worried about it much otherwise, unless it shows up in lots of other places,...
... anyway, I'm outta time for now, so I'll be back later, meantime, look like you lost a gemstone in your grow for vermin, okay? :coffee2:
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Other than the occasional fungus gnat, if that is in fact what that bug I'd posted was, I am, or at least, I was - lol, 99% positive there were no other They wake up in 2 hours, at which point I will go Where's Waldo on 'em ;)
Yea- that disappearing seedling (which feels wrong to say, as it was barely a leaf) - it's reallllllly weird, because the Pandora seed that was planted as well as the two speed devil - all went missing. In all fairness, they never actually broke soil and pretty positive the soil had gotten entirely too dry. But before giving up completely, we'd looked around the soil, move it around looking for the seed, like maybe it was TRYING to come, but there was something blocking it, and we never found them.

This little gem right here is the mother load -
... the damage looks fairly old, like something chewed on them or were physically damaged, and grew around it since; if it was a nute'/pH problem, there would be other obvious symptoms all over the leaves, and I see nothing there,... when damage is done during growth, it will cause deformations as the leaf tries to expand around these missing areas

............HOLY LIGHT BULB BATMAN! lol

This may sound sarcastic and un-educated, however, as sad as it might be, lol I'm 100% genuine when I say this ..... I legitimately did not know that manhandling (for lack of a better term lol) your plants could end up causing this type of damage with no obvious signs of physical damage at the time of said manhandling.

Allow me to elaborate, lol

As you can see in my pictures, I have this big ole thermo/humidifier thing IN the pot with the plant.'s not there for show, its there all the time.
I'm sure you can already see where this is headed lol.

There have been two maybe 3 times I can think of, when I went to lift it up to make sure I watered underneath (to avoid dry pockets) I either didnt have a good hold on it, or when i set it down, it wasnt stable when i let it go..and.....That big ole honkin' piece of battery operated plastic fell on top of my dear AM2. I immediately picked it up every time, and since there was no obvious damage I figured, everything was fine. And on the last grow,
I remember our homemade rubbermaid CFL ballast smacked them when we were attempting to adjust it and me and my no balance, MS, self - lol, had knocked/bumped/almost fallen into them more than once.

Wow. SMH. lol.
It makes too much sense for that NOT to be whats going on.

As for vermin - what is your suggestion with that? Sticky traps are definitely an option, we used them on the last grow. But I'd rather not go that route again if at all possible. Cause I'll Tell ya what. Let me stumble into ONE MORE HANGING DAMN STICKY TRAP with dead and dying fungus gnats on it ..... blech i just got the chills thinking about it sticking to my hair again =Z

How about my switch from Alaska Fish Ferts and Miracle Gro Rapid Start to the 3 part flora series?
Good choice?
Can you offer any solid advice with these nutes or direct me somewhere that can??

Thank yooou!! You are zee best.

is 5 a lot? lol i dont really get how all this rep stuff works
:coffee2:Hi! ...quick dash back in,...I'm checking out some things with your nute's and soils, with an eye to prevention, and lots to comment on, but that'll be a after dinner! LOL .... For now, your last post....
> Yup, the ugly bug is a fungus, or soil gnat! they are everywhere, in staggering numbers outside... often already in some soils/composts...More nuisance that problem, unless they become a plague in numbers...larvae may nibble on roots... deal death out and prevent using Mosquito dunks! You'll find these at OSH, Lowes, other garden centers; they come in pucks, that are meant to float around and slow release in ponds, and I found little packets of granules- very convenient! They are, in fact, a biological weapon; the contain a bacteria that when ingested, or gets into their body some other way, eventually ruins their guts- Muahhahhaaa! (a caterpillar control spray is very similar, slightly diff. strain of bacteria).... for your plants, treat two ways: sprinkle crushed/granules on soil surface, and/or make a drench; in say, 1/2 gal water, add a small amount of plant ferts, (1/8 conc.) and maybe 1/2tsp of that yummy molasses (more on this stuff later!.. dissolve in a little hot water for easier mixing)..this is just for a little food for the bact. to get going on, then add a couple Tblsp. or so of crushed puck (hammer and a tough baggie will work) or granules, toss'm in and stir,... let it set for a couple days while the buggers activate and start reproducing some, the water well- that's it! Last time I did this, they were gone within a few days, and never came back!
>> the missing seeds, likely rotted out, and the shells are a pain to spot after this,.... the hatched one, may have been munched, or rotted overnight (called damping off)... Enjoy the vermin hunt! ...if there is any,... maybe not though, given what you mentioned about the seeds,...
>>:pimphand: :roflcry: no more bulky equipment around the seedlings!!

>>> sticky pads can help,... or hurt! (:roflcry: eeeew!... stuck on your face!! not as bad as fly strips though! ) ..they're great for seeing what might be sniffing around your ladies; Ag' folks set them out exactly for this purpose, to analyze what's around bug-wise, good or bad... Yellow and Blue are attracting colors,... indoors, it's fine I guess, but outside, one may be attracting bad bugs to their plants by having them around.... I don't find them to be curative for vermin, regardless,... In the case of soil gnats, it's babies that are the problem, feeding,... adults not so much... they just crap eggs all the hell over!
... gotta look the MG stuff up,... fish goo (5-1-1) is okay for starters, as young autos burn/stunt pretty easy! I use it too, but stop when blooming starts... feeding it too late in bloom may F' up the flavors! They're sooo many great ferts out there, and $$ is no measure of the quality or results,... an excellent line-up made by Grow-More is readily available and inexpensive,... my buddy Sniper here uses them, and gets KILLER results! We have a thread here in the fert's forum on this line,... *** Okay, dinner time!....last part later! :grin:
...*buuuuurp!!* better,... :Sharing One:better still,...! :check:

Lessee,.. oh- which Flora are we talking about? the GH Flora grow/micro/bloom? Or Technaflora? Either way, they're quality stuff,... Gh fret's are somewhat mild, so that's fine for now...Definitely change over from the Miracle grow stuff,.. nute' #'s are all wrong for this stage (4-12-4), you need more N for the FB, AM should start transitioning over to bloom nutes, but with a couple rounds of grow/bloom blended first,... she just sexed, and most folks feed straight grow nutes or a blend for a week or two at this stage,, as there's still a lot of growing to do,... N needs never go away, just don't get top billing like during veg'... By mid-bloom, I'd look into something with some kick to it, meaning the P number should be at least in the 20's (for example: Grow More's Sea grow 4-24-24; some careful, well versed folks can even use Hawaiian Bud 5-50-17.. pow! -right in the gonads! LMAO!! for now, I advise going more gently,... nute burn is a common FUBAR with autos,..)
>> Molasses...:drool: very good stuff, surprisingly nutritious... it's a pretty good source of P, K and Ca especially, all in a chelated state (more readily absorbed)'s often used to treat Ca-Mg defc. when other dedicated products aren't handy, and as a natural supp'... the sugars make the soil microbes very happy, and the plant gets a wee buzz too, but it's the indirect benefit from happy 'crobes that helps the plant most,... At some point, think about getting or making a simple poop-tea, EWC (earth worm compost/castings)... this is EXCELLENT stuff! Mild nutes, and fizzing with beneficial microbes... do you have a horticulture shop you go to? or a local nursery? If so, ask them,...
>>>light cycle- 18/6 :thumbs:
>> water.. sounds pretty hard,... mine is too, so I mix it with RO water to about 170ppm,.. bottled water is very low hardness too (not natural spring though, which may be fairly hard)... Hate to make you buy all this stuff, but a decent TDS (total dissolve solids) meter is very handy, and isn't very around, $30-50)...some hardness is necessary for buffering capacity
>> soil mix is an unknown to me, since i don't have ratios, but if it was too hot, you'd know it by now,... potential pH prob's are more likely with cistom blends like this, unless you're a wiz' with soil and know how your mix behaves,... next grow, for KISS sake, think about getting a ready made brand....many good choices there....
>> great strain choices! automaria2 is not well known and documented here, but i hear it's a oldie but goodie,... anything from Sweet is Rock
Star grade genetics!
... we'll keep an eye on ya, check you later Mz. W'! :grin:
:coffee2:Hi! ...quick dash back in,...I'm checking out some things with your nute's and soils, with an eye to prevention, and lots to comment on, but that'll be a after dinner what'd you have? lol
LOL .... For now, your last post....
> Yup, the ugly bug is a fungus, or soil gnat! they are everywhere, in staggering numbers outside... often already in some soils/composts Ive actually read that. How do you ensure your soil is clean, so to speak? Not buy and then proceed to use commercial soil?...More nuisance that problem, unless they become a plague in numbers...larvae may nibble on roots... deal death out and prevent using Mosquito dunks! Mosquito dunks are awesome. We got them last grow at the home depot on the recommendation of an employee in the garden center. You'll find these at OSH, Lowes, other garden centers; they come in pucks, that are meant to float around and slow release in ponds, and I found little packets of granules- very convenient! They are, in fact, a biological weapon; the contain a bacteria that when ingested, or gets into their body some other way, eventually ruins their guts- Muahhahhaaa! (a caterpillar control spray is very similar, slightly diff. strain of bacteria).... for your plants, treat two ways: sprinkle crushed/granules on soil surface, and/or make a drench; in say, 1/2 gal water, add a small amount of plant ferts, (1/8 conc.) and maybe 1/2tsp of that yummy molasses (more on this stuff later!.. )<-- Last grow we did use Grandma's unsulphered molasses for a large portion of the grow. We had 2 plants in the same pot but one was done long before the other. So it an attempt to flush one, but still feed the other, i came to the conclusion that I could give molasses as some people use it straight to the end. dissolve in a little hot water for easier mixing)..this is just for a little food for the bact. to get going on, then add a couple Tblsp. or so of crushed puck (hammer and a tough baggie will work)or granules, toss'm in and stir,... let it set for a couple days while the buggers activate and start reproducing some, the water well- that's it! Last time I did this, they were gone within a few days, and never came back! They -the dunks- really are great. we had a REAL bad fungus gnat problem due to over watering w/ a severe lack of drainage and the yellow flat traps that sat on the edge of the soil and the hanging fly papers just werent cutting it. So the dunks really helped out a lot with that one.
>> the missing seeds, likely rotted out, and the shells are a pain to spot after this,.... the hatched one, may have been munched, or rotted overnight (called damping off)... Enjoy the vermin hunt! <--did not. lol ...if there is any,... maybe not though, given what you mentioned about the seeds,...
>>:pimphand: :roflcry: no more bulky equipment around the seedlings!!
hey now. you dont get to laugh at my lack of common sense, only I get to do that lol ;)
>>> sticky pads can help,... or hurt! (:roflcry: eeeew!... stuck on your face!! not as bad as fly strips though!!)<--ok this one is a LITTLE funny lol personally, i have hair just past my shoulders and there is nothing worse than walking into a super sticky Raid fly strip and realizing that the chances that you've got AT LEAST 10-15 dead gnats stuck in all that hair is spine chilling. Knowing you have to actually touch the strip to get it out is almost as bad. im all girl when it comes to bugs... to the point that i love to fish, but i WILL NOT touch that worm..or the fish lol ..they're great for seeing what might be sniffing around your ladies; Ag' folks set them out exactly for this purpose, to analyze what's around bug-wise, good or bad... Yellow and Blue are attracting colors,... indoors, it's fine I guess, but outside, one may be attracting bad bugs to their plants by having them around.... I don't find them to be curative for vermin, regardless,... In the case of soil gnats, it's babies that are the problem, feeding,... adults not so much...<--I disagree with this to an extent. At this point sure maybe they're just a nuisance but I speak from experience when I say that once the girls start to FLOWER flower, thats when they become an issue. Its like all the trichs act as magnets and then all of the sudden, they arent flying/hopping around anymore. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL STUCK IN MY BUDS! lol then I find myself stuck with the unpleasant task of trying to find them all and pick em out with tweezers lol. they just crap eggs all the hell over!.
... gotta look the MG stuff up...the only reason i even HAVE the MG is it was on the ferts list on the grow @ lowes dirt guide i found here on AFN and even though it says in the post that you can drink it without adverse effects I still didn't feel...right about it,... fish goo (5-1-1) is okay for starters, as young autos burn/stunt pretty easy! I use it too, but stop when blooming starts... feeding it too late in bloom may F' up the flavors Id hardly given AM2 any of the fish goo.. maybe 1/4 of a tsp total over two waterings. I was nervous, even though AM2 is supposed to be significantly nute tolerant, I didnt want to chance anything since I didnt follow the grow@Lowes guide 100% so I didnt know what effect/amount of nutes the Espoma and the Harvest bio-char compost were providing. They're sooo many great ferts out there<--I cant vouch for the great part but in my limited google searches and walks thru commercial garden centers, i CAN vouch for the extensive options when it comes to ferts, and $$ is no measure of the quality oresults,... an excellent line-up made by Grow-More is readily available and inexpensive last grow we used the GH Go Box...word to the wise with organic ferts? Keep the lid on them TIGHT and put them babies in the fridge unless you want where ever you're keeping your nutes to smell like bag lady vagina...FOR-EV-ER...not that I know what bag lady vagina smells like, but one could assume lol,... my buddy Sniper here uses them, and gets KILLER results! We have a thread here in the fert's forum on this line,... *** Okay, dinner time! <--no really. what'd you have? lol....last part later! :grin:

I would just like to add that the moment I read the words FISH GOO in this reply- all I could think of was this-
...*buuuuurp!!* better,... :Sharing One:better still,...! :check:
ok. i really need to know, what'd you have? and it better be somethin worth all this burpin' thats happenin' ;)

Lessee,.. oh- which Flora are we talking about? the GH Flora grow/micro/bloom - yeeeup. thems be the ones! Or Technaflora? Either way, they're quality stuff,... Gh fret's are somewhat mild, so that's fine for now...Definitely change over from the Miracle grow stuff <--Well...I have yet to even crack the MG stuff open, the dirt guide said this is the bloom fert and not to start giving that until week 5 and im nooooottt quite there yet. Jeez, now that I think about it, Im not quite a month above soil with her yet... nute' #'s are all wrong for this stage (4-12-4), you need more N for the FB, <---ok Waira. Stop puffin the cheeba before you reply lol ;) im confused now haha. You say I need more N for the FB, which I totallly get as a lot of strains will eat up the N faster in this stage, than you can put it in....HOWEVER, lol - I thought we established that one of 2 things happened to FB - vermin, those bastards, OR she sadly, rotted away. Do you mean the Auto Acid, or do I need to step away from MY bowl? lol AM should start transitioning over to bloom nutes, but with a couple rounds of grow/bloom blended first,... she just sexed, and most folks feed straight grow nutes or a blend for a week or two at this stage,, as there's still a lot of growing to do <---Agreed on the growing part - though over the last few days shes been doing her fair share of that. i honestly didnt know if she would EVER get off the ground (no pun) since its my first grow with autos...which are supposed to stay small, I really didnt think she'd take off in nearly the way that she has.,... N needs never go away, just don't get top billing like during veg'... By mid-bloom, I'd look into something with some kick to it <---this may be another one of those, un-educated sill noob questions BUUUUT, haha, do you think that I could potentially mix the Flora Bloom with a P # of 5 and the MG with a P of 12 and make a solution with a P # of 27 or does it not work like that? (Example/funny story- I popped my Disney World cherry a few years ago, and my boyfriend asked if i put sunscreen on before we hit the park. I had given him some absurd number for the SPF I used because I was adding up the SPF in the sunscreen..and my moisturizer AND in my I figured if one had spf of 30, one at spf 15 and one at 45 - that meant I was using the equivalent of ONE product with an SPF of 90....yeaaaa apparently it doesnt work that way lol)
, meaning the P number should be at least in the 20's (for example: Grow More's Sea grow 4-24-24; some careful, well versed folks can even use Hawaiian Bud 5-50-17.. pow! -right in the gonads! LMAO!!

for now, I advise going more gently,... nute burn is a common FUBAR with autos,..)
>> Molasses...:drool: very good stuff, surprisingly nutritious... it's a pretty good source of P, K and Ca especially, all in a chelated state (more readily absorbed)'s often used to treat Ca-Mg defc. when other dedicated products aren't handy, and as a natural supp'... the sugars make the soil microbes very happy, and the plant gets a wee buzz too, but it's the indirect benefit from happy 'crobes that helps the plant most,... At some point, think about getting or making a simple poop-tea, EWC (earth worm compost/castings)... this is EXCELLENT stuff! Mild nutes, and fizzing with beneficial microbes... do you have a horticulture shop you go to? or a local nursery? If so, ask them,...
>>>light cycle- 18/6 :thumbs:<--- they have actually only been on 18-6 for like..3 days. I staggered the light schedule a little bit, which i've actually read is a good thing to do. So they were 24-0 for maybe a week and half then 20-4 and then 3 days ago, 18/6, which is where they'll stay until harvest..
>> water.. sounds pretty hard <--- I looked up the water quality report for the city I live in and while it all might as well be in hieroglyphics to ME, it says this - Contaminant: Hardness Unit:ppm as CaCO3 SMCL: none Average- 115.4 Lowest -98 Highest- 143. so maybe that means something to you lol ,... mine is too, so I mix it with RO water to about 170ppm,.. bottled water is very low hardness too (not natural spring though, which may be fairly hard)... Hate to make you buy all this stuff, but a decent TDS (total dissolve solids) meter is very handy, and isn't very around, $30-50)...some hardness is necessary for buffering capacity
>> soil mix is an unknown to me, since i don't have ratios, but if it was too hot, you'd know it by now,... potential pH prob's are more likely with cistom blends like this, unless you're a wiz' with soil and know how your mix behaves,... next grow, for KISS sake, think about getting a ready made brand....many good choices there....
>> great strain choices! automaria2 is not well known and documented here, but i hear it's a oldie but goodie,... anything from Sweet is Rock Star grade genetics <-- it's (am2) not very well documented anywhere lol. trust me. Ive looked =P
... we'll keep an eye on ya, check you later Mz. W'! :grin:

Please allow me to toot the horn for him / her.
As always, Waira is, as they say, WIIIIINNNNIIIIINNNNNNGGGG! lol

From the minute I joined AFN, you have given me the most solid,and looking back on old threads vs new, consistent advice and replies.
Sooo...:grat: Thank you:)
Update day 25 & 15...I think..?

Can WDWA count? evidently not ;)

The girls are a-seepin currently, but I did get a minute to go pay them a visit - and of course go papparazzi on 'em lol.

So anyone following my grow can see, that on a solid lead from Waira, chalked the holes up to being from earlier physical damage.

Got the stuff from Amazon yesterday. No one was in need of any water, so I just did a PH test on the water we're putting in the girls as it comes out of the tap AND after its sat out (no nutes added). Both were disgustingly high. Like 8, or a reallllllly high 7. Either way... not good lol.
So now Im plagued with how to bring down the soil PH. I know there are soil additives that you can mix in the soil prior to planting buuuutt...we're a bit past that lol and we have ZERO plans on repotting.
I DO have ph up AND down now though. So what do I do? lol
Do i add PH down to the water prior to watering?
Do i make the ph of the water relatively lower than the optimal PH of 6.5 (ish) that im shooting for, to ensure that the ph is correct at the root zone?
She is in a 3 gallon pot. Do I run, say a 1/2 gallon of properly PH'd water, test the run off, and if its still not right, do it again? Would I use more water?
I'll tell ya. All this PH and PPM crap is driving me up a wall lol. IM NOT A GARDENER GOD DAMMIT! lol well...i guess now technically I am but still, haha. Ive never grown any plants more than a chia pet.

Im gonna go head and say AM2 is becoming in need of nutes. She hasn't had much more than whatever shes getting out of her soil. But then again, maybe there ARE nutes in the soil that're coming from the espoma and the compost (as i doubt there was anything left in the BGO), but due to the ph being so high, things are being locked out?

Now im wondering if I should just under PH my water WITH nutes in it, and water as normal - maybe a little heavy then check the run off, and if its still not in check, repeat the process on every watering, adding nutes every other, until the issue is resolved.

Someone let a sista know what to do! haha


okay girls! now smile and say GREEEEEEEEEEEEN :)))


20140308_114550.jpg20140308_114731.jpgok. its ENTIRELY possible that that red speck on the upper center part of this leaf is something that fell off of something on me, however is it entirely possible that it could be some type of vermin? Or aforementioned vermin's larvae? I zoomed in once I got the pic on my lap top.. only problem there is that I dont have any programs that will clarify when zoomed, cause otherwise when I zoom in on it, it looks like this - blinky.jpglol


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