Hi! ...quick dash back in,...I'm checking out some things with your nute's and soils, with an eye to prevention, and lots to comment on, but that'll be a after dinner
what'd you have? lol
LOL .... For now, your last post....
> Yup, the ugly bug is a fungus, or soil gnat! they are everywhere, in staggering numbers outside... often already in some soils/composts
Ive actually read that. How do you ensure your soil is clean, so to speak? Not buy and then proceed to use commercial soil?...More nuisance that problem, unless they become a plague in numbers...larvae may nibble on roots... deal death out and prevent using Mosquito dunks!
Mosquito dunks are awesome. We got them last grow at the home depot on the recommendation of an employee in the garden center. You'll find these at OSH, Lowes, other garden centers; they come in pucks, that are meant to float around and slow release in ponds, and I found little packets of granules- very convenient! They are, in fact, a biological weapon; the contain a bacteria that when ingested, or gets into their body some other way, eventually ruins their guts- Muahhahhaaa! (a caterpillar control spray is very similar, slightly diff. strain of bacteria).... for your plants, treat two ways: sprinkle crushed/granules on soil surface, and/or make a drench; in say, 1/2 gal water, add a small amount of plant ferts, (1/8 conc.) and maybe 1/2tsp of that yummy molasses (more on this stuff later!.. )
<-- Last grow we did use Grandma's unsulphered molasses for a large portion of the grow. We had 2 plants in the same pot but one was done long before the other. So it an attempt to flush one, but still feed the other, i came to the conclusion that I could give molasses as some people use it straight to the end. dissolve in a little hot water for easier mixing)..this is just for a little food for the bact. to get going on, then add a couple Tblsp. or so of crushed puck (hammer and a tough baggie will work)or granules, toss'm in and stir,... let it set for a couple days while the buggers activate and start reproducing some, the water well- that's it! Last time I did this, they were gone within a few days, and never came back!
They -the dunks- really are great. we had a REAL bad fungus gnat problem due to over watering w/ a severe lack of drainage and the yellow flat traps that sat on the edge of the soil and the hanging fly papers just werent cutting it. So the dunks really helped out a lot with that one.
>> the missing seeds, likely rotted out, and the shells are a pain to spot after this,.... the hatched one, may have been munched, or rotted overnight (called damping off)... Enjoy the vermin hunt!
<--did not. lol ...if there is any,... maybe not though, given what you mentioned about the seeds,...

:roflcry: no more bulky equipment around the seedlings!!
hey now. you dont get to laugh at my lack of common sense, only I get to do that lol 
>>> sticky pads can help,... or hurt!

roflcry: eeeew!... stuck on your face!! not as bad as fly strips though!!)
<--ok this one is a LITTLE funny lol personally, i have hair just past my shoulders and there is nothing worse than walking into a super sticky Raid fly strip and realizing that the chances that you've got AT LEAST 10-15 dead gnats stuck in all that hair is spine chilling. Knowing you have to actually touch the strip to get it out is almost as bad. im all girl when it comes to bugs... to the point that i love to fish, but i WILL NOT touch that worm..or the fish lol ..they're great for seeing what might be sniffing around your ladies; Ag' folks set them out exactly for this purpose, to analyze what's around bug-wise, good or bad... Yellow and Blue are attracting colors,... indoors, it's fine I guess, but outside, one may be attracting bad bugs to their plants by having them around.... I don't find them to be curative for vermin, regardless,... In the case of soil gnats, it's babies that are the problem, feeding,... adults not so much...
<--I disagree with this to an extent. At this point sure maybe they're just a nuisance but I speak from experience when I say that once the girls start to FLOWER flower, thats when they become an issue. Its like all the trichs act as magnets and then all of the sudden, they arent flying/hopping around anymore. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL STUCK IN MY BUDS! lol then I find myself stuck with the unpleasant task of trying to find them all and pick em out with tweezers lol. they just crap eggs all the hell over!.
... gotta look the MG stuff up...
the only reason i even HAVE the MG is it was on the ferts list on the grow @ lowes dirt guide i found here on AFN and even though it says in the post that you can drink it without adverse effects I still didn't feel...right about it,... fish goo (5-1-1) is okay for starters, as young autos burn/stunt pretty easy! I use it too, but stop when blooming starts... feeding it too late in bloom may F' up the flavors
Id hardly given AM2 any of the fish goo.. maybe 1/4 of a tsp total over two waterings. I was nervous, even though AM2 is supposed to be significantly nute tolerant, I didnt want to chance anything since I didnt follow the grow@Lowes guide 100% so I didnt know what effect/amount of nutes the Espoma and the Harvest bio-char compost were providing. They're sooo many great ferts out there
<--I cant vouch for the great part but in my limited google searches and walks thru commercial garden centers, i CAN vouch for the extensive options when it comes to ferts, and $$ is no measure of the quality oresults,... an excellent line-up made by Grow-More is readily available and inexpensive
last grow we used the GH Go Box...word to the wise with organic ferts? Keep the lid on them TIGHT and put them babies in the fridge unless you want where ever you're keeping your nutes to smell like bag lady vagina...FOR-EV-ER...not that I know what bag lady vagina smells like, but one could assume lol,... my buddy Sniper here uses them, and gets KILLER results! We have a thread here in the fert's forum on this line,... *** Okay, dinner time!
<--no really. what'd you have? lol....last part later!