Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

Karma for your gals, weed! I see you're in very, VERY good hands!
:smoke: Howdy! I forgot,... thanks for the Rep' *smeck!* Mz. W'! ...LOL!- and I'm a guy- :ama: -LOL! ... aaaand thanks for the kind words too- :tiphat:..happy to help, though you are getting the 5-star treatment here- LMAO!! ..but you're helping me help yourself, and so I'll keep that Mojo going!.... The Rep' thing, not well explained around here yet,... One gives this to others for any reason they chose: nice grow, good idea, funny shit!, thanks for helping, etc.,... There are limits to how much you can give, how often per day, and to whom you give it; as you log in more and more posts and get more Rep', your max. amount goes up,...I think you can give it 5 times a day(?),... and you must spread it around to others some before give more to the same person...ensuring some degree of fairness and non-abuse!
>> Dinner! Mmmmm-hmmm-hmmmm... :drool: I made a "grape pickers skillet",... take a cast iron pan, layer it with bacon, part in/out, some thyme then a layer of sliced spuds, seasoning (or salad dressing this time), chz, shredded chicken, sliced leeks, more chz, little lemon juice, more spuds, last dash of chz, then fold those bacon slices over the top; cook on stove, med heat for about 10 min., then into the oven @ 400 covered for 1/2hr, remove foil cover for another 20min. or so, until brown and tender!! simple, delish',.. don't expect leftovers! :grin:

>>> Gnats/soils} Well, I can't say it happens often,... some companies do take measures to reduce this happening too much,... being bound up in the bag itself would be lethal to adults, or any trying to emerge...sterilizing is done, I assume final amendments like soil' crobes added just before bagging..?... they can find you bag easily after it opened, unless it's inside,... uncanny how fast they show up when I'm working with soil outside,... Plenty of good choices out there for ready soils,... a chat for later if you like...

>> Molasses} grandma's brand tastes the best to me, so I like it for cooking, but Brer Rabbit is actually more plant nutrient rich, so I use this for the ladyzzz....(scope the labels at the store sometime; Brer has more Ca, Mg, and K in it)..... They get a taste weekly at least, unless I needed to use a more conc. supp' to treat a deficiency, then I switch to honey for a carb source for the soil herd,...BUT be sure to stop a good 10 days before harvest,.. (a tip from one of the Masters here)- extra carbs' left in the plant by harvest will make for awful smoke,... here's a link to a sticky about final cleansing vs. flushing:
In fact, if you haven't yet, poke around in the various forums, and check out the very top areas for other great info sticky's like this one,.. they're scattered around, not always in the most logical place, but you'll see'm! That's the jackpot of info here, beyond what's in the threads...
>> glad the dunks worked! No macro-vermin found I gather? goooood,... LOL!
>>> sticky business} :roflcry: can't resist the comic image of you getting all tangled and shmeered with buggy goo!! "-ahhh! aaaahh!! get it off!! get it OOOFF!!" *thrash-flail* :yoinks: ..not that I blame you in the least! Cleveland says, (Oh,.. that's nast-eh...!) :roflcry: *** good point about the trich's getting fouled with bugs!.. got a pair of needle-tip stamp tweezers for this very thing... in fact, this is part of the plants' defense's- :ama:
>> Gooey stuff} Fish goo is very nice stuff! Not conc. but loaded with other good things,...I don't use it too often either, more as a first feedings nute' before switching to more conc. stuff, which one does by starting them @ about 1/4 strength, them ramp it up a bit from there out, to near full-full strength, depending on size, response, etc.,... oh yes, and your soil's nutrient base contents! - "hotter" soils, like Fox F.'s Ocean Forest, will need less input from you than a much lighter mix, like their Happy Frog,.... In fact, FFOF is usually too hot to start in, so you must start them in something like HF first,... organics are very nice, but usually not very conc., unless you start learning your amended poop-teas, with guanos, composts, etc., which is a whole other skill to learn! ..simple ones like I mentioned with just EWC and maybe some molasses and light nutes mixed in, left to stew for a couple days, are just the start,...**** :crying: :yoinks: :no: :wiggle: BLV!! Cue up Cleveland again plz!! :help: ...such a horrid truth,...LOL! oh my, you are a funny gal,...:clap: ..clip was funny too! ...but I know, you're in it just for calender porn-boy Stamos! :roflcry:*** Okay, back to work here,... :smoke: LOL!- yeah, I'm on da pipe!! I meant the AA, yes... I blame the Green Poison F1 FV (Sweet),... outstanding strain, the most potent Sweet I've had yet, with aromatics to die for! A citrusy-lime-leachee aroma and flavor; you must try her someday... (the F1 Fast Version is an intermediate between full auto and photo... small lessening in light hours will induce blooming, and the speed the buds grow at is un-be-lievable! My >3ft plant gave me an oz of solid death-nugg's in 4+weeks of blooming! -never seen anything like it...)... Anyway, it's AA that still needs grow nutes, AM2 a blend for a few times, then switch to full bloom.... :crying: Oh I gotcha back now, already!!
do you think that I could potentially mix the Flora Bloom with a P # of 5 and the MG with a P of 12 and make a solution with a P # of 27 or does it not work like that?
.... :roflcry: 5+12=...27!! :twist: ..though the SPF math is solid, just wrong for other reasons- :roflcry:....forget my stuff, load me round of yours!! ...yeah, in this case, it's okay to "add" like that,... it's the % available P represented by this, take this blonde wig for a minute... :pighug: LOL!
...>>> Water} ah! it makes sense, though I forgot what SMCL is,... hardness is a measure of how much CaCo3 (and to a lesser degree, MgCO3) is idssolved in the water,... this is what give water it's pH buffering capacity,... low PPM (parts per million) water is very twitchy with pH, and small inputs can make large pH swings, without buffering capacity... It's actually pretty good Mz. W',... 150-170-ish is where I mix mine up to,... Alkalinity measures waters' capacity to buffer pH, directly related to the amount of carbonates dissolved in it,.... lots of subtle water chemistry behind this, which is outside the scope here! Now, I must confess, I've been spared pH problems, which in soil, is a bitch sometimes,.. which is why it pays to dial anything in before you water with it, ...I'll have to look into this more, but the directions on you bottles will help,...(smart-ass, I know!! LOL)... I see no sign of pH nute' lockout, so just keep your water/nute soln. at 6.5 for now.... it has to get pretty bad before macro-nute's get locked out,... alkaline conditions lock Iron out first, followed by other metals, and Boron,.. there would be all kinds of symptoms by now, on the leaves....I highly recommend two books, hugely helpful: Marijuana Growers Handbook (Ed Rosenthal), and Marijuana Horticulture Growers Bible (Cervantes) ...*** Give that AM2 girlie some food, baby!! a blend... *** that bug, I can't tell, but it's sizable, so likely it's a predatory mite, which is fine,... :grin:-love that close-up! :roflcry: -clever, and too funny!! :tiphat:
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and I'm a guy- :ama: -LOL!
- and evidently an angry viking ;) Im pretty sure its in the genetics of your entire gender though, so don't feel bad. Its not a you exclusive, lol. Even double S (Sexy Stamos. its what I call him) has a dark side. :roflcry:

So do you like to cook or just a food enthusiast? Perhaps a bit of both? haha.
I enjoy cooking/baking my damn self...though my incessant sweet tooth means I make THEE best (and the most) desserts. Of which there are never left overs. You'd think Id weigh A LOT more than a hundred and nothin and have a max of 2 arteries left that haven't spontaneously combusted from a stick of soild butter trying to pass through them, lol IJS, haha. Good metabolism I suppose.

... and you must spread it around to others some before give more to the same person...ensuring some degree of fairness and non-abuse!
baloney! 100% pure BO-LOG-NA. What if you dont wanna waste rep rations on just anyone. I mean, what if Anne Frank came to me and said "yo bitch. I need to up my rep so that Hitler doesn't haul me away", I'd have to tell her that I cant help her as I already gave all my rep rations for the day away to Joe Blow Ginger down the road so that Hitler didn't kick his puppy..which looking back on it, this situation is sort of more deserving, lol What kind of person would I be if I denied poor Anne Frank of her rep?! ahhhhhahahaha omg im a terrible person.

and okay.

lol you dont make fun of my EXTRAORDINARY mathematical skills. I'm not sure if my carrier pigeon has made it to you yet or not, but, when he does, theres a little note tied to his left ankle. It reads - WhereDaWeedAt TOOK PRE-ALGEBRA 3 TIMES IN HIGH SCHOOL lol. Now add a few years *cough*TEN*cough* and a few early morning bowl packs to that equation and THAT, my friend, is how 5 and 12 make 27.
:Sharing One:
Stamos never would've made fun of me :thumbs:
:smoke:..yeah, that was the manliest smilie we have just now.... What, you'd rather I used this one?- :KISS:...... or in the event of possible confusion- :bone:.... :rofl: Yes, I'm a bawdy little monkey!! (Stewie) ...and not a stitch of Norseman in me, truly! I'm more the Saxon-Samurai type...:grin: ...Sexy Stamos, huh?.. For you gals, isn't it all one word..? LMAO!
...You called it, summa both it is... lots of great cooks in the family, so were chow-hounds right down to the bones- LOL! -both sides... :drool: Dessert, you say...?! :bow: You'd be right at home here, it's the family curse! Tooth, nothin',... we have a full deck! My 3 fav's, all from Grandma (Mom's side): buttermilk layer cake, with white frosting and dark chocolate drizzle, Shoe-fly Pie, and sticky buns!! ...just typing them makes me drool,... The cake is dense, moist, and creamy; if you like molasses, the pie is outstanding, with a "wet" bottom of flour and crumble thickened spiced molasses, and coffee cake style crumbles piled on top that gets more gooey as you go down.... (Homer)-- Mmmm-ghlllahhhlahhhhummbnomnom.... What's your specialty? :brow: must have the metabolism of a humming bird,...:coffee2:

...Is that pronounced Bow-lawg-nah? :roflcry: ...Oy veh!! Such a rant! :dunno: Who am I, Houdini?? :crying: Next time Blow-Joe and Anny can go kick the computer for it's stinginess!! ..... I think you have to grace it upon several others before it'll let you smack that person again,... no mattah! Guess you'll have to venture out some and start smacking nice people around some!! LOL....
:crying: Extra-ordinary, indeed! -maybe the pigeon and you can play Math-Jeopardy together, after you kick the chickens ass in Tic-Tac-Toe!! :rofl: ..though, I 'fess up, those early morning bowls before school ensured my continued struggle with said algebra too,...hated mathematics !!
Stamos never would've made fun of me :thumbs: could he,...? he's a picture!! :roflcry: :smoke: *** Ooooo! I'll just bet you're looking for something to throw at me by now,... maybe you can get the pigeon to poop my car,... LMAO!! ....have fun tonight Mz.W'- :hug:
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its actually relatively hard to find buttermilk in my area. Granted I havent searched grocery stores far and wide, but whenever I want to use it in something, I usually make a substitute in some variation. Sour cream and milk, yogurt and milk, milk and butter and so forth. I DID however, find powdered buttermilk in the baking while I may not have ever used ACTUAL buttermilk, so I have no comparison, this stuff was great. It was a little pricey for being powdered milk, but price is no matter when it comes to deliciousness haha.

My specialty? Have you ever been to the Philadelphia area? If not, thats terribly unfortunate as over in the East we have these great things called Tastey Kakes. Much like a Hostess or Little Debbie....but 9,000 times better, lol They make Peanut Butter Kandy Kakes which essentially, are two little round sponge cakes, with a peanut butter layer covered in milk chocolate.
Ive recently started making my own giant version in a round cake pan. Im sure its been done before, but somehow I managed to make it taste exactly Like the real thing. Thats one of the pitfalls to never following a recipe...and not writing down what/how much you use.

I dont make these next ones...yet lol, but they are just TOO good to NOT share. Idk how you feel about maple syrup, but I am a HUGE fan, and these are 100% drool worthy. I wish they were around all the time :cuss:
saaaaaaaay whaaaaaaaaaaaa'?! lol Pancake Krimpets. Butter flavored cream filled sponge cake with maple frosting?! dear GOD they are good.

I also make a mean flan (just in case you've never had it, flan is a spanish/mexican caramel custard). I am no Spaniard by ANY stretch of the imaginiation, lol, but i'll tell ya what. Give me a can of Evaporated milk and a kitchen featuring all the staples and I will make you the best flan you've ever had.
Cinnamon Infused Coffee Flan ::drooling::
One last dessert from the repertoire - Creme Brulee Sugar Cookie Cheesecake.
Yup.I took it there, haha. And youre welcome ;) Its exactly as it sounds. A thick(ish) soft sugar cookie crust, with a cheesecake layer topped with crunchy caramelized sugar.
coffee cake style crumbles
you mean streusel? :grin:

I love how this thread has gone from growing to food btw, lol.
WDWA=fat kid at heart.
And ironically I used to be a fat kid lol. There used to be a picture of me floatin around from when I was probably 6, with an open container of country crock in front of me, with a big ole slab of margerine on my fingers, with said fingers in my mouth. WHAT KIND OF PARENTS LET THEIR SIX YEAR OLD EAT MARGARINE FROM THE TUB LIKE THAT?!? lol smh. And then on top of it, take pictures to point and laugh at later in life?! lol :thumbs:

maybe the pigeon and you can play Math-Jeopardy together, after you kick the chickens ass in Tic-Tac-Toe!!
well THAT would never happen.

I SUCK at tic tac toe and the pigeon still has to teach me my times tables before we can play Jeopardy :roflcry:
To paraphrase Monty Python, this is the silliest thread I've ever been in...


Plant Update!

So everything seems to be coming along just swimmingly.

Last night, I went to check on them and get all of the nutes and ph together.
I was checking on the FB one more time before I gave up on it completely, took it out of the room and moved the plants around.

Guess who has decided to make a special guest appearance?

Honestly- I'm baffled. Mind = B.L.O.W.N.
You all saw the FB start to come up with the seed casing still on it. Then I man handled her (hey- some girls are into that ;p) and then she disappeared and now...? lol im so confused. Its taking every bit of self control I have to not fuck with it lol. Like I want to try and move the dirt around/off of her but I KNOOOOOWWW that if she's gonna be a survivor, she'll pull through in her own time. So Im doing my damndest to leave her alone.

Hands off wdwa....

So I mixed 1/4 strength (it was 2tsp to a gallon, so I added 1/2 a tsp) nutes (flora grow and bloom) to a gallon of water. Then I tested the pH of the water with the nutes added and got this -
which I take to be somewhere between 6 and 6.5, so I didn't add any PH down. I figure, worst case scenario, if things dont get better, I can add it next time.

However, I believe things are getting better. No pictures right now, I only stuck my head in the closet on my way downstairs when I woke up (and they're asleep now), but I do have one picture I took last night that Ill share.

Once I realized FB seems to be attempting to fight, I decided to move her under the MH with AA and move AM2 to the CFL side to give her more of a red spectrum.
I changed out a few of the blue bulbs in the ballast for red and I added 2 red side lights -

Really gotta figure out how Im gonna do this though with all 3 in different stages.
Do I wanna 'veg' with the blue CFL and use the ballast for the HPS instead of the MH for the plants in flower on the other side?
Do I want to reverse that and keep the ballast for MH veg and use the mixed spec. CFL for flower.
Does it particularly matter with Autos?

Will update later after they wake up :)
Have I mentioned I love growing weed?

I came home from work this morning and went to check on the girls.
I got the faintest smell off AM2 and got a quick reminder of whats to come. I hope they come out good this time lol

The smoke probably wouldn't have been bad last go round if we A-knew more of wtf we were doing and B- actually let them finish - lol chopped WAY too early and only ended up with about an ounce dried COMBINED off a 3.5ft plant and the bottom portion of the plant that was next to it...we had harvested her main cola first. So after the 2 month veg and 8 weeks of flower the outcome was extremely disappointing. I guess thats what happens though, when you go into a first grow with next to NO knowledge on how to grow anything in conjunction with not knowing the word patience lol.

That little FastBud is such a fighter man, i'll tell ya what. Im still at such a freakin loss as to how this all happened lol Im like..98% positive though, that even if I manage to bring her to harvest - she's going to have some sever issues. Growth will be stunted, yeild compromised...She may even herm...though i've read that it's a lot harder to herm a feminized seed than it is non. Either way.
I kinda wish I had the skills and the knowledge base to bring her up healthy, but alas - I can hardly raise a healthy plant at all, much less raise a healthy, traumatized plant lol
Speaking of trauma. Once again -worst plant parent. EVER. lol
Last night I was giving AA some water and i got some on two of her fan leaves. So to avoid any kind of light burn, I try to gently shake her to get them off. Didnt work. Just made more water drops lol So I go to try and kind of...rub it off....not so gently lol. i meant to! I really did. but i somehow managed to tear a piece off of each leaf.

SMH. sad and unfortunate, but true. I really need to come up with a better way to water these plants lol. Seems like nothing i try works though lol last grow we used an actual watering can for plants. got water ALL over them with that thing. I tried a spray bottle. Got water mist on em. Took the sprayer OFF the spray bottle and im STILL getting water on them lol. Is this a common problem among noobs or is it just a me exclusive? lol
:rofl: Thanks Andy, for that blast from the past!! As a kid, I liked Monty Python,... but the animation was by far my favorite parts!

:coffee2: Okay Mz W', time for you to switch to decaf'! You're killin' me here! :pighug:.... Actually, I've not made that buttermilk cake before,... baking is not my forte'!! I cheat, and use Trader Joe's pie crusts too, but they're made with actual butter, and are damn good tasting,... ooOOoo, I have heard of Tasty Cakes before, they were on a How It's Made show, I think, and a couple other folks have mentioned them as well,... Those maple ones sound the best to me! Nice job replicating the recipe girl! Lemme know when it's ready, I'll bring the coffee!! MY personal addiction,... super fine beans, baby!! I got a friend locally here who has a small but outstanding shop, and he gets unusual beans from all over,..Bali, Flores, Burundi,.... Flan, man,.. oh yes, I dig it! I live in CA, after all, and LOVE Mexican food! Chicken Mole', carnitas, anything Verde,... :drool: Man, you are the worst influence!! :roflcry: -just talking to you will make me fat! And then you go and drop the custom Cheesecake bomb on me,... you're BF either doesn't like desserts or he's hospitalized with diabetes!! That recipe sounds competition-worthy Mz. W, you should go to bat with it someday! Oh, the crumbles from the Shoefly pie are coffee cake type, just flour, butter, brn. sugar and some sweet spices like cinnamon, clove or allspice, maybe a dash of ginger,... LOL!! - ooof! Margarine?? :no: ... good thing you grew out of that,...
Ah! You buried the FB after all! Seedling are tough, in their own way,... so just wait and see; true, often slow starters and feeble growers usually turn out to be runts, or more rarely, herm's, but you won't know 'til you get there,... meantime, let her be like you're been... :grin:
.>>> Your move with the lights is fine! However you juggle them, you know already to give red-spec' to the flowering plants, and save the blue for veg'ing... all this will depend on your bulbs and what spec's they favor,... I have a dual spec CFL (300w baby) that's great, but as you know, I'm OD's mostly... My ID light knowledge is straight from the books I'm afraid, no practical HPS/MH experience... (get those book, I tell ya!)...Did you dig around in the Lighting forum? ask the Mods there for specifics, and confirm if you have broader spec. HPS/MH bulbs... lots of choices these days....
>>> AM2 is looking fine! No further symptoms so far? Yup, she'll start to stank some, from here out! ..... :pimphand: Bad plant parent!! :smoke: Use a paper towel piece or something to get those drops,... (good redeem, on knowing about light burning!)... Now, the water on the foliage thing, done right is just fine... this is a whole lecture on how to,.. learning about foliar feeding and treating for nute' deficiencies is a must in my book; nothing gets into the plants fatser than this method, and if there is a pH/root problem, this takes those out of the equation for the moment,... beading is an issue, as you know already about light burning, and also a fat drop of nute loaded water fast-drying on the leaf surface may burn it chemically too, depends,... To do foliar right, and avoid these issue, you use a water spreader/wetting agent with whatever you spray; this stuff is a surfactant, which takes the surface tension out of the water/soln. you're spraying, making it coat evenly, instead of beading up, rolling off, or causing problems... Most important, it makes what you spray cover more surface are, which means more gets absorbed through the stomas (little "openings" on the leafs' surface, for gas/moisture exchange); top and bottom works best too,... the rest of the leaf surface is covered by a cuticle layer that protects and seals, so nothing gets in through those areas... Pick some up from a Horticulture store, or online... When you do spray, pull them out someplace, like the tub, to hose'm down, and them lt them sit away from heat/strong light until they dry some,... after that, a fine mist is OK in the light, which will redissolve whats left on the surface and get absorbed,... Besides, nothing is automatic about the surface burning,... plants get rained on all the time, and don't get fried in the Sun later every time... BUT make damn sure they're dry by lights-out! Mold is a heartbreaker, and a common problem for dark, wet plants... :smokeit: Catcha later!
Okay Mz W', time for you to switch to decaf

smh. whhhhhyyy does everyone say this to me? lol I work at 7-11 and theres one guy named Larry, and everyday he comes in I holler LARRRYY! and he says one of multiple things 'You are too hyper for this early in the morning' 'How much coffee have you had/You definitely had your coffee this morning' 'you should switch to decaf'
(just in case you don't get the 'larry!' reference)
Its not just him though, i yell lots of other people too haha
I don't believe you have any Moes southwest grill's out in CA but every time someone walks through the door they HAVE to yell 'AYYYYYYY WELCOME TO MOES!!!!!' -my bf is embarased to go there with me cause 90% of the time, i beat the employees to yelling at someone as they walk thru the door lol . its just my personality to yell at people haha "pher Wiggle"

i'll be back later with information/questions/thoughts regarding the rest lol