Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

cheers for the support guys

ill try and be as accurate as i can and if you wanna know anything about my setup/ nutrients / ec and ph etc etc just hola at me ;)

Yes man, I want to know EVERYTHING about Your setup (area, watts) / nutrients / ec and ph etc. Pretty amazing... 356 grams :)
Welcome Bong

Hi Bong

Welcome to AFN buddy! :)
I'm not sure you'll get a quick reply here from seymour as he hasn't posted since July. I think he's kept a pretty good account of what he did and when, but i appreciate it's a large thread to work though.
If you're looking for some other active monster grows to follow and learn from i can certainly point you in the right direction! :)

Why not pop up a hello over at introductions for a nice warm welcome from our members ^_^

Happy growing Bong
All the best

Blue ^_^

:styles rasta::styles rasta:
I would also suggest reading through all of SBs threads, as he goes through alot of his techniques in more depth in some of the other threads. Most of them are stickied in the DP section.

Hi Bong

Welcome to AFN buddy! :)
I'm not sure you'll get a quick reply here from seymour as he hasn't posted since July.

he's still about though just not been as active as I was but ill get my current grow listed in the coming weeks

im pretty sure if you check my diaries you can answer most of your questions regarding everything from nutrients to ph to dwc etc etc as my threads are quite detailed

thanks for the comments and glad you people are still enjoying the diary and hopefully taking something positive away from all my journals, pretty amazing what these plants can do in short space of time ;)

Can't wait to see you back at it Mr Buds :bow::bow::bow::smokebuds:
Truly Amazing Stuff seymour-buds. I'm at a loss of words. What are your thoughts on Cultured Solutions Nutrients? Would that be a good supplement for Canna Aqua & Flora? I'm using a Current Culture H2O system and was advised that I should only use Cultured Solutions Nutrients. I would like comparable results, so just wanted to pick your brain.
Awesome grow I want to switch up from photo to auto and also from M.H./H.P.S. to LED any suggestions on LED set up I should get. My room for setup needed is 14X14 w/ 10' ceiling. I'm use to running dwc in winter and flood & drain during rest of year but have ran just about every grow system out there for at least 1 grow, any greater outcomes with 1 system over another with auto or is it just personal choice?
Awesome grow I want to switch up from photo to auto and also from M.H./H.P.S. to LED any suggestions on LED set up I should get. My room for setup needed is 14X14 w/ 10' ceiling. I'm use to running dwc in winter and flood & drain during rest of year but have ran just about every grow system out there for at least 1 grow, any greater outcomes with 1 system over another with auto or is it just personal choice?

Hey Dank,

Looks like you've asked this in a couple different threads now.
You might get better replies if you start your own thread or ask in the 24/7 help thread.
Thanks I was trying to ask u and it kept asking me to sign in then posted, sorry new to site