Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

I have hesitated to say this up until now, but I can't remember seeing a plant of this size with as much bud on it. It is incredible, most hobby growers would be happy to get one or two cola's like that on a plant and you must have 20 or more, and they all look so fat and resinous. All her resources will be devoted to pumping out more resin and really getting the buds large and sticky. Lets be honest, who has seen anything like this before at day 66 on a plant which has stayed below 1m in height? I reckon the guerilla growers will love this as much as the indoor growers.

All you can say is that she will be even better in 9 days. A picture of this girl with the leaves cut away would look insane. Amazing work Seymour, we love it.
my god... I know I've never seen anything like that. Tony, hope you guys have loads of seeds, 'cause this one is gonna be flying off your shelves for sure!
Only 66 days and it's humongous,and still 9 days to go,can't wait to here some weights and smoke reports on this beauty. :ladies: :bong:
Lets be honest, who has seen anything like this before at day 66 on a plant
which has stayed below 1m in height?

That is the bit that got me..there are a lot of bigger autos out now..but for me there is a direct corellation between Height and Grow time..
Think Different has the Best of Both World..Big And Fast....:booya:

Well Bred DP Team..she is a Very Classy Lady...:clap: :clap: :clap:

seymour...:booya: :booya: :booya: ...maan...she is Bloody Lovely..

wish I could stick me nose in your grow cupboard..:D
@seymour - Id definetly be sticking my face in that bush and giving it a good sniff, I bet your fingers stink after you give her a quick rub!

@tony - how stable is this, can we all expect to see this frame on our TD's, or do the phenotypes vary?
first off seymour just :drool: i mean :drool:

and i wondered that to Mr. mcg bout the phenos
quick 1 about the size of her......

something i did different with this grow is i added silica into her res at the beggining of the grow and ran it for a few weeks, now the whole purpose of this was to give her a better structure so she could hold bigger flowers and to try and stop the plants from stretching to big, had i just stuck with my base nutreints she may well have overstretched

her overall frame is the most sturdiest i have seen with thick branches, i think thats the beauty of hydro where you can add and subtract nutrients to tailor to the kind of grow you wanna achieve, if by adding more or subtracting certain nutrients or making them available in different ratios will play a significant role in what the plant does

i know from past grows from using diferent nutrients that the different n-p-k ratios can give me different outcomes, if i have to much nitrogen the plants will absorb that and grow taller where as if i lower the nitrogen and increase say the silica it will give you a more sturdy shorter plant, i know a lot of you guys are gonna say its down to plant genetics on how they turn out which in part is true but if you dont give the plant the right amounts to sutain her full potenial you can create a different outcome

on my next grow im gonna be running dutch pro take root and regen-a-root and monitor the diferences , ill also do 1 plant with silica and 1 without just for comparison, i love experimenting with plants as it makes growing so much fun
@seymour - Id definetly be sticking my face in that bush and giving it a good sniff, I bet your fingers stink after you give her a quick rub!

@tony - how stable is this, can we all expect to see this frame on our TD's, or do the phenotypes vary?

Hello McGregor mate,

After 5 years of working with them we have managed to improve consistency significantly. Having said that I should say that we will know better as more people get the Think Different to try, so far only Seymour has had the beans early enough to progress a grow this far.

Also, and I realise this doesn't really answer the question, but as Seymour commented the skilled hydro growers do have a certain amount of 'steering' capability on the plant growth regime with the nutrients used. In this exhibition grow from Seymour we saw the effect of silicon giving a sturdy, stout and strong frame. This in turn gave a squat plant with unfeasable levels of bloon. Different conditions migt have given a slightly lankier girl.

AutoFem's from the better seed suppliers ought to be, and I believe are, reasonably uniform. Perhaps they don;t have quite the same consistency yet as the best feminized photoperiod varieites. But then again we have been doing fem photoperiod strains since the 1990's and AutoFem's have only been mainstream for 5 years. And during those 5 years we have been on an accelerated learning curve.

I know that was a long winded answer, but I hope get my drift.
long winded is good, shows you have the time for us :thumbs:

Im really excited about growing these and seeing other people grow them. i need to look into silica, i have been hearing about people using it but allways overlooked it.