Lighting Autocob grow with big sm0 and mephisto.

@slowandeasy 2 comments above is the plan.

Blumat Deck and Planter Box Kit, Medium Size 12 Plant Stake Kit.

The reviews on these are amazing. What I like the most is there is very little adjusting.

One thing I did think of was instead of the one line that drips from the carrots was to add a splitter and 2 short lengths of line to more evenly water the pots.

Edit.. left a big fat link to amazon which is against the rules. I deleted that and left the title of the product.
I've been running blumats for awhile now in organic soil w atleast %30 Coco. 1 carrot will do up to 5gallon. Bigger than that u'll need Maxi's or 2 carrots. They have distribution drippers that hook to the carrots and are popular for the soil bed guys. I've also seen the split off one carrot feeding more than 1pot at a time..... can't wait to see how they do for ya
I've been running blumats for awhile now in organic soil w atleast %30 Coco. 1 carrot will do up to 5gallon. Bigger than that u'll need Maxi's or 2 carrots. They have distribution drippers that hook to the carrots and are popular for the soil bed guys. I've also seen the split off one carrot feeding more than 1pot at a time..... can't wait to see how they do for ya

Thank you very much for the info. Just spent a couple hours planning this all out. Open for suggestions as well. I usually run 7 plants in the 3 flood trays. The typical setup for blumats is just one to the next with the T's. My thought was to run the main line down the back wall with 7-8 T's with a short length of hose and a shut off valve at the start of each line. Sort of like a manifold that typically works much better. This would cost much more up front and be more work to set up but possibly save time and energy in the long run. I was also looking at the inline filter to for $35. Then thought what about a smaller one for each line. Not sure exactly what I want to do yet but know I'll rip it all out it I find a better way shortly after.
Hey Big, the problem that happens with Blumats is they will flood if your Rez level gets low and you refill it very full. I used to travel a lot for work and used Blumats flawlessly for a long time. However, the pressure changes on a gravity feed system from different water levels. The carrot will need adjustments from time to time. But at all costs, NEVER let your Rez get really empty and then fill up high. If so, stick around for a few days to toy with the drippers. Use Drip clean to avoid clogs. And turn the carrot periodically to avoid Mounds of roots above ground. Blumats work great with Coco. But just be aware of those fee things. Having the runoff tray will avoid floods, but your whole Rez could drain empty if you are not around. Peace,slow
The main cause of the blumats running over in my garden has either been they get dislodged dry out and flood. Or they dry out from low res which drys out the cone, opens the valve from the vacuum in the this point u pull it out , clean it off , submerge underwater,cap it off underwater ,insert carrot in new spot and start over on watering and adjusting.

I've gone from 2gallons to 14gallons in minutes no problem so long as they don't go dry........if anyone has any extra used blumats on the cheap pm me I'm looking for 30-40 carrots.
What alot of folks in the know recommend running the main black line around the perimeter in a loop back to resivoir.then pick extra long roll of the 3mm brown drip line (aka spaghetti) and tee off lengths of spaghetti to drippers. If I had the funds that's what I would do. I ended up getting a 100' roll of black vinyl 1/4"? ( Don't member)dripper line that is flexible like rubber hose and loop from pot to's finicky to move shit around . .... The black line they come w suck seriously bad. All that black main line paired w short spaghetti ends up putting pressure on the carrots or pinches the tee off . To remedy this u have to secure the main line at each pot. If I'm rambling on and it doesn't make sense I'll snap some pics.
What alot of folks in the know recommend running the main black line around the perimeter in a loop back to resivoir.then pick extra long roll of the 3mm brown drip line (aka spaghetti) and tee off lengths of spaghetti to drippers. If I had the funds that's what I would do. I ended up getting a 100' roll of black vinyl 1/4"? ( Don't member)dripper line that is flexible like rubber hose and loop from pot to's finicky to move shit around . .... The black line they come w suck seriously bad. All that black main line paired w short spaghetti ends up putting pressure on the carrots or pinches the tee off . To remedy this u have to secure the main line at each pot. If I'm rambling on and it doesn't make sense I'll snap some pics.
Perfect, that's exactly how I plan to do it. Didn't think to loop the main around back to the res though. I would guess that's to stop any pressure lock.
It does a few things...give air a way out back to res if it ever gets in mainand gives a redundant circuit of flow should it ever get blocked . U can pinch off the spaghetti lines w a clothes pin or hemostats instead of pricy valves or close the valve if not in use. If u have it out to service something just toss it in a solo cup full of water. Cones must stay wet or the flood gates of fuck start dribbling. Another note is that the caps on the carrots hold tiny fukn bubbles that throw off the vacuum in the chamber. If they aren't washed out they can cause run off. Hope some of this helps. I'm still gaining experience and run a dead res w water only. I added a fish aquarium pump filter w the filter removed to create a waterfall for oxygenated nutes. Bubbles in a res for a strictly hydraulic system made me nervous of air build up. But so far I just run water only and drippers oxygenate the water.
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Here's the tubing I used for the main.its food grade BPA free 3/16" i.d.


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