Lighting Autocob grow with big sm0 and mephisto.

Hope you have good airflow Big, it's getting to be a Jungle in there! Looking good as usual, 12 inches is too close tho. I keep backing mine off! It is amazing the size of buds I have that are 36 inches or more away from the cobs. After this round in my 4x4 I am removing 1 Autocob, for a total of 5 with reflectors, but keeping them 30- 36 inches away, instead of 18-24. The difference in inches can make a huge difference in health. The Calmag problems happen when the cobs are too intense. Just dropped 8 Toof Decay seeds in paper towels. I am going to hook them up to AutoPots, and put them in my 4x4 getting the same feed as my 3BOGS did. Will remove 1 Autocob once I start them.
Hope you have good airflow Big, it's getting to be a Jungle in there! Looking good as usual, 12 inches is too close tho. I keep backing mine off! It is amazing the size of buds I have that are 36 inches or more away from the cobs. After this round in my 4x4 I am removing 1 Autocob, for a total of 5 with reflectors, but keeping them 30- 36 inches away, instead of 18-24. The difference in inches can make a huge difference in health. The Calmag problems happen when the cobs are too intense. Just dropped 8 Toof Decay seeds in paper towels. I am going to hook them up to AutoPots, and put them in my 4x4 getting the same feed as my 3BOGS did. Will remove 1 Autocob once I start them.

Nothing better than having a plan and it falling perfectly into place. Everything I see in the lighting industry, cobs more importantly have been fulfilled with these and your grow is another perfect example. Not everyone has 30-36" ceiling heights to play with and even still with your situation are able to remove lighting at ease. As plants grow and mature they require more or less light. Being able to cater to their lighting needs is just one of the benefits that's exclusive to these lights.
"Ya man, women will sing songs of this grow!"

Hey, in Mexico they have a music genre' dedicated to criminals/cartels, so why shouldn't BigSm0 have a genre' too. In fact I think I will demand it!
The testing I did the reflectors helped the plants even 16" away. Even on a horizontal plane. I will draw up something explaining what I mean. Ill never go without reflectors again.
Can you please tell me the screw size/length needed for the domes/adapters to fit correctly? Thanks.
I think you have me confused with another user. I'm not m3x6.
I'm sorry. It was another member on a different thread asking about the screws. To answer your question the M3x6 is what I use for the holders and the reflectors come with tabs built in that fit in the holder. No additional screws or pieces needed