Lighting Autocob grow with big sm0 and mephisto.

lmao I don't think you'll have a problem hitting a pound. This is amazing!

I hate to get cocky but this isn't going to be a problem at all. I really hope people can learn from this most importantly. Wattage claims and wattage in general is sort of meaningless. It's all about light and that's what you get with Cree and citizen cobs. As I hear people talk about budget I cringe when I see them using inefficient lighting they bought based on upfront cost. 220 watts is going to pull a substantial yield while hardly affecting my light bill at all. To get this with leds you would need a heck of a lot more wattage and there for costing more each month. Life span is lower and the warranty, well good luck depending on where they are purchased from. I hear most companies send parts and expect the customer to fix it. I stand behind these lights 100%. I don't expect anyone to have a problem and if one arises it will be sorted in days without hassle.
Epic grow BigSmo! I am amazed but not surprised. I can't wait to get on the cob train with these lights. I have an older cob unit but drool over these.

Much respect.
Thanks yeaster. You have been following along on most of my journals. Hopefully your amazed as I am. This is my best grow yet wouldnt you say?
I like this Thread well done.:cheers: How is the Ca Mg consumption compared to the amare grow?

Lower PPfd given more on hours = higher DLI and lower intensity requiring only atmospheric co2 with good circulation, bump in efficiency? DLI = ppfd x hours of light x .0036

450 ppfd vs 900 @ 12, 18 and 24 hours

450 ppfd= 19.44 / 29.16 / 38.88 DLI

900 ppfd= 38.88 / 58.32 / 77.76 DLI

@ half the ppfd yet the plants are still getting the same total light as a plant doing 12/12 @ 900 ppfd

For reference other sun loving plants require 22 mol/d
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I like this Thread well done.:cheers: How is the Ca Mg consumption compared to the amare grow?

Lower PPfd given more on hours = higher DLI and lower intensity requiring only atmospheric co2 with good circulation, bump in efficiency? DLI = ppfd x hours of light x .0036

450 ppfd vs 900 @ 12, 18 and 24 hours

450 ppfd= 19.44 / 29.16 / 38.88 DLI

900 ppfd= 38.88 / 58.32 / 77.76 DLI

@ half the ppfd yet the plants are still getting the same total light as a plant doing 12/12 @ 900 ppfd
I am giving the AutoCob girls the same feed as the Amare girls. Lower wattage is definitely showing healthier plants though. Thanks for the math above. I didn't know the exact numbers till now but yes it all adds up and makes perfect sense.
Even though I haven't seen new pics since the last one... I am still so excited for this grow!

Thanks for the math above. I didn't know the exact numbers till now but yes it all adds up and makes perfect sense.
Even though I haven't seen new pics since the last one... I am still so excited for this grow!

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Hate to make you wait. Just got in from watering. They went a day to long so the leaves are a bit droopy.

Just now realized the serrated leaf edges. She is getting a little to much light. I'm pushing them a bit harder now at 12" away and it's to close. One cob over this plant :doh:
Thanks yeaster. You have been following along on most of my journals. Hopefully your amazed as I am. This is my best grow yet wouldnt you say?
This is one of the best grows Ive seen, period. I'd be hard pressed to say I have ever seen more bud per square inch, without dwc. A true, live testament to superior lighting.
Simply killer plants bigsm0!

This is one of the best grows Ive seen, period. I'd be hard pressed to say I have ever seen more bud per square inch, without dwc. A true, live testament to superior lighting.

Ya man, women will sing songs of this grow!

@NebulaNuggets (just thought you'd like this)