Lighting AutoCOB 55 Watt COB LED Grow Light

Cobs are powerful and efficient. Like fuel mileage. Hps and epistar leds get 20mpg. Cobs get 50+ mpg. Quality leds are expensive and more expensive to mount and wire. Unless they are on cheap printed boards which most eBay/amazon leds are and typically very inefficient. The 20% efficiency affects people directly in energy usage. 20% of every watt is light. The solution was quality leds but again the price skyrockets, Cree leds can cost as much as 7 dollars each. Where cobs come in is instead of buying and wiring multiple leds that's all in one single compact cob. Same and sometimes higher efficiency but less cost.

The reason I like to help so much is so people don't have to deal with the stuff I have. I also hate waste. Regular leds wasting 80% of their energy is complete nonsense! It's the typical overseas motto. Build it cheap because plenty of people on a budget will pay for them before doing any research. I hate to see people spend hard earned money on things like this too. So I help, and try to do so as much as possible. To be 100% honest I'd rather see 100 people convert their blurple leds lights to cobs then sell a single unit in the next year.

I doubt this will happen since I do feel these are a great niche in the market. Once people understand claimed wattage and real wattage are 2 totally different things and 120w @20% vs 50w @50% equal the same light output but will save money each minute in operation.

I was looking for the type of COBs (EU) you use since i woul like to give it a try, but shipping to europe+tax would be too much cost unfortunately. Must be the latest tech in COBs, hate those tax issues...

Wow !! Congrats guys! Hope it all goes great for you. We seriously need serious people putting out serious products! How's I'd love to try one myself, but I'm in europe :/

Sweet !! The world needs this!

If you are interested we can Team up and look for a similar built for EU suppliers. I already found most components in EU, just not the COBs Bigsm0 is using. I dont want to waste Money on last year tech since i am about Efficiency lately...:crying:
Cree and citizen are my choice of cobs. I just made a great analogy between the two in the DIY section. Check it out. Eu pricing is crazy due to the tax and shipping. Part of me wishes the USA would do the same.
found these on ebay, guy was selling them on a another board.. 250W for about 356euros;
That's a great kit. If someone was ready to build a light and frame that would be a good option. If money is very tight yes I'd recommend the 4 cob option. If not the singles have a lot more benefits. They are out of the box done, ready to hang, safe, tested and sold by a very large successful forum.

Besides that the single cob, with single power cord is much safer. Compared to running singles off one driver piggy-tailing 18 gauge wire across your tent. The solution is building a frame then you lose flexibility. You also lose the option to add or remove cobs at your own leisure. Financially this has been working for a lot of growers too. This is the most flexible cob light sold. The benefits in being able to adjust each cob separately is priceless.

Still babies but growing quick. I'll add in another cob later this week.
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