Lighting AutoCOB 55 Watt COB LED Grow Light

Your comment was just a good place to speak about them further. There has been comments about the low wattage.

1000 watts of incandescent light bulbs vs 100 watts of cobs. Crazy as it sounds the cobs would produce more than the incandescent.

Update on big bertha. 165 watts on a single plant. Just increased the calmag today.
Thanks baj. Actually these wouldn't work well in a small space like that....
...Spacing is 16x16 and starting height is 24" high.

I wouldn't be comfortable setting up a full-on indoors grow due to the probable current draw that would entail.
My 1920's house has a definite case of "Old House Wiring" syndrome dontcha know. Keeps the horticultural pursuits outside for the now!

This lil' COB you've come up with though...... whaddaya think.... a single Efficient Grow Light augmented with a couple fluorescents might could do for a single plant? Mebbee?

Spring is soooo very far off.....
Wattage and size of the light has little to do with useable light.

Drawing 55w at nearly 50% efficiency your plants are seeing 25par watts or useable light per cob.

A typical LED panel is 20% efficient. The claimed 300w lights draw 140 watts at the wall are giving your plants 28 par watts or useable light.

This is where the benefit as far as electricity useage goes. Close to the same amount of light and 95 less watts Which is close to an amp. Yes it will flower a plant on its own. 2 lights can flower as much as 3 medium sized plants.
@MedGrower Eventually we will offer different temperature cobs. I do have 3500k and 6500k now. I live in a big hps state. Close to half the sales I make locally are for 6500k since the guys are swapping these for their t5 setups for veg and doing extremely well.

Another benefit to the 6500k cobs Is growers are adding these in place of metal halide to their flower rooms. The bright blue color is known to increase resin and terpenes.

I don't like hps and really think it's dangerous especially after my firework show in my flower room. That's when I went to leds. That ended worse then hps believe it or not then I switched to cobs and never loooked back since.

You gotta tell me how that happened, sounds crazy....

3 autocob update. Buds are getting sticky! The smell is toxic too. It's in a sealed building in a tent with a small 4" carbon scrubber running and I can smell it 200 feet away.
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I have to confirm the COBs were a strange thing to me but now it is understood mainly what they are about and increasing my interest. Gotta love @BigSm0 you really do a good job and i love how you share your wisdom/knowledge. Thank you. And this plants are looking just beautful....
You gotta tell me how that happened, sounds crazy....

I have to confirm the COBs were a strange thing to me but now it is understood mainly what they are about and increasing my interest. Gotta love @BigSm0 you really do a good job and i love how you share your wisdom/knowledge. Thank you. And this plants are looking just beautful....

My hps situation started when I saw a dim bulb. The bulb itself started to separate from the mogul socket. Even the solder that makes contact did as well. Cheap ballast I'd assume. I unplugged the ballast and fiddled with the bulb, it was very loose so I unscrewed it. Later tried to screw in a new bulb which threaded enough to hold it and not knowing there was solder still in the socket plugged in the ballast. The solder itself shorter out on the new bulb and sprayed my room the instant items plugged in.

Then I went to kind led. Which lasted 2 weeks.
Then to ceramic metal halide which did ok but not enough for my needs. Then on to cobs.
You gotta tell me how that happened, sounds crazy....

I have to confirm the COBs were a strange thing to me but now it is understood mainly what they are about and increasing my interest. Gotta love @BigSm0 you really do a good job and i love how you share your wisdom/knowledge. Thank you. And this plants are looking just beautful....

Cobs are powerful and efficient. Like fuel mileage. Hps and epistar leds get 20mpg. Cobs get 50+ mpg. Quality leds are expensive and more expensive to mount and wire. Unless they are on cheap printed boards which most eBay/amazon leds are and typically very inefficient. The 20% efficiency affects people directly in energy usage. 20% of every watt is light. The solution was quality leds but again the price skyrockets, Cree leds can cost as much as 7 dollars each. Where cobs come in is instead of buying and wiring multiple leds that's all in one single compact cob. Same and sometimes higher efficiency but less cost.

The reason I like to help so much is so people don't have to deal with the stuff I have. I also hate waste. Regular leds wasting 80% of their energy is complete nonsense! It's the typical overseas motto. Build it cheap because plenty of people on a budget will pay for them before doing any research. I hate to see people spend hard earned money on things like this too. So I help, and try to do so as much as possible. To be 100% honest I'd rather see 100 people convert their blurple leds lights to cobs then sell a single unit in the next year.

I doubt this will happen since I do feel these are a great niche in the market. Once people understand claimed wattage and real wattage are 2 totally different things and 120w @20% vs 50w @50% equal the same light output but will save money each minute in operation.
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Very nice light. Great design. Love it.
Did you have the driver custom built? I've never seen one that fits so perfectly.

4 or 5 of these would rock a 3x3 and allow for moving each light around a little to best serve the growth. I appreciate your honest claims also. Great job!