Indoor Auto Hindu Kush, Auto Il Diavolo hydro LED

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This thread should get :pimp: in a couple weeks :D

Can't wait for flower pics!
looks like 3 out of four of the newer HK seeds have germinated the one that didnt was the white one I did an experiment with one of the new seedlings as its root tip somehow shriveled up and died and left the top half of the tiny arched sprout alive i discovered this while spraying water on the tops of he cubes to keep them mosit for the new seedlings, when I got to this specific seedling the water mist hit it and it picked up and flew out of the hole it was in, when i looked at it close I noticed the root had died but the top was still alive, I took this sprout and dipped the end into cloning root gel then carefully placed that tip of the stem down into the rockwool plug as far as i could get it. This happened yesterday. now the sprout has turned more green the top part has sitll not unfolded but the sprout has not shriveled up and died so I can only assume the gel is working and that the sprout is focusing all its energy regrowing its root. This sprout if it survives will show me what happens when you give babies steroids. I have done some lookig arround and could only find one thread online about this type of thing but the guy said his plants slow down for about two days when he puts it on the stems at ground level of seedlings, then the stem gets super thick and the roots explode, if this happens then maybe there is something to this idea, if nothing else hopefuly it will at least save this sprout.
Sweet looking setup! I am growing autos under 180w of LED and they love it, super green leaves and great looking bud development and no heat issues. Now if only I could get rid of that slime I was talking about in gearbears thread.

My seedlings took longer for sure to get to where yours are now, I think I am going to have to build the feeder tube system with a time for my next grow. Looking good, cant wait to watch them grow
Sweet looking setup! I am growing autos under 180w of LED and they love it, super green leaves and great looking bud development and no heat issues. Now if only I could get rid of that slime I was talking about in gearbears thread.

My seedlings took longer for sure to get to where yours are now, I think I am going to have to build the feeder tube system with a time for my next grow. Looking good, cant wait to watch them grow

Have you tried h2o2 for your slime? I had slime my last grow. It was the only grow I didn't use h2o2 to flush every couple of weeks. I used a hygrozyme and h2o2 cocktail to get rid of the slime. Now I use hygrozyme at 1 tsp per gallon all the time. My roots are staying white and healthy. Hygrozyme is the best thing that I have used in my hydro setup. I use it as a cleaner and sterilizer. I highly recommend it.
Everything seems to. Be going In the right direction. I noticed that the AHK liked a higher ppm also. Diesel Ryder didn't like a high ppm at all. I wouldn't try to grow AHK and DR in the same Rez.. AHK and purple gem I believe would grow together.
yea the AHKs really seem to do wel in the Higher PPM, the Il Diavolo I was told is a bit more sensitive which i have definitly seen in one of the two ID that I have, the other seems to really like the ppm at the same lvl the AHKs do, I am thinking of crossing the two strains, polenating a small portion of the strongest ID, assuming one of the five AHKs ends up male. also I have a really wierd phenotype of the AHK, my little brother has called this plant ree-ree because of its retarded, asmetrical curly leaf structure, Ill get a close pic of this plant up later today, maybe someone has seen this type of leaf structure before.

Also I will be posting some new pics showing the root structure and tops of each of thefour larger plants soon.
new pics
here is the largest Il diavolo top and bottom shots
View attachment 9187View attachment 9188

here is the bigger Automatic Hindu Kush
View attachment 9189View attachment 9190

Here is the wierd AHK pheno (notice the odd leaf structure)
View attachment 9191View attachment 9192

Here is the smaller Il Diavolo (this one is more nutrient sensitive and got stunted by ute burn for a couple days, hense it is a few days behind)
View attachment 9193View attachment 9194

here is the top view of them, the first pic is the thriving AHK and ID the second is the slower ID and the wierd pheo AHK

View attachment 9195View attachment 9196
so some bad news today, i have seen no noticable groth of any kind in the smal seedling that I tried to save with the cloning gel, athough it has not shriveled up and died completely yet its top is really not looking very good, its still sitting just on top of the rockwool with its two seed leaves still pressed together unopened after almost four days. Also another one of the seedlings that popped up started uncurling two days ago then stopped uncurling and trying to spread its seed leaved and they stopped getting greener, yesterday I thought that maybe it was just pausing to work on its root sructure for a little bit but then this morning when i woke up it was laying on the rockwool no longer upright. I have no idea what is causing this sprout to die but it definitly seems to be dying, the only thing I can think of as to why is that maybe this seedling does not like the 350 ppm water that the four larger plants are doing well in. oddly enough the other sprout seems to be doing really well in the exact same conditons, I have been watering these sprouts with a spray bottle as the water level is now to low to allow popping bubbles to wick up the net baskets to keep the rockwool pugs moist. its really annoying when plants of the same strain react so diferently to the same conditions. one seedling thrives and one dies in the same conditions only four inches apart from eachother. Hopefully this sprout will recover but somehow I doubt it as it looks like something has happened to the root system. so out of three germinated seeds two of the sprouts look like they wont make it. the one that seems to like the conditions is doing well as it is showing the tips of the second set of leaves.
(looks like germinating seeds in the same rez that I have four larger plants in is not going to work well for me)

anyone have any ideas on why the one sprout was doing fine then suddenly stopped growing and started dying right as it started to stretch up to the light and open its seed leaves? my only idea is that it got shocked by the 350 ppm water when the sprayers turned on and saturated the net basket with nutrient water.

also once the seedling that got the cone gell medicine completely dies I will extract it to see if it did indeed grew any root structre before it died this will tell me if clone gell is viable for use on seedlings (if it causes this extremely damaged sprout to grow roots when it had its original root structre die, then it may be a viable way to drasticly boost root growth durring the seedling stage, which could have some nice potential outcomes later in the plants life)

now for the good news, the four larger plants have all exploded over night the larger ID grew a half inch over night and its root structures are growing rapidly as well, the AHKs root systems are also going crazy, and they also show new growth that was not there 12 hours ago.

Also today the sun is out in force I just moved all three sprouts outside onto my roof in a tray with only water no nutrients, maybe this can help the sprout that is having problems, and I know the healthy sprout should really enjoy it.
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