Indoor Auto Hindu Kush, Auto Il Diavolo hydro LED

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Pics, Pics, pics... etc. (chanted in tune like the song SHOTS)! Looking good putting on their leaves pretty quick
will post new pics of the four seedlings tomorrow they are doing well
The first four are doing very well they are getting bigger and today I added 8 23W CFL bulbs to my LED UFO I hung them off the UFO so they hang with thier tips seven inches away from the bottom of the UFO, this allows me to place both lights at their optimum distance (LED = 16 inches away from the plants and the CFLs = 9 inches from the tops of the plants) The CFLs being hung arroud the edges of the UFO allows them to be spaced well so that optimum penetration will be achieved. I will post new pics in a few hours of the light unit. They seem very happy with the new lights and Im sure the new lighting spectrum produced by 2x 2700K 23W CFL, 6x 6500K 23W CFL, and the 90W LED, will be much better suited to good photos as well. The light spectrum look much more balanced.
View attachment 8446View attachment 8445View attachment 8447 here are the pics of the new lighting setup, 84 watts of CFL and 90 watts of LED (there are 6x23w 6500k CFLs, 2x 23w 2700k CFLs and one 90w LED UFO with a spectrum range of 455-470nm, and 630-660nm) the combined spectrum and intensity of this new LED/CFL combination should hit nearly all of the right spectrums needed and should provide excelent penetration due to the physical arrangement of the lights and their intensity. The babies are loving it, since i put the new lighting in i noticed thier appetites have slightly inreased as they have take about double the ammount of nutrients out of the water as they have over the past few days, I can tell this due to the PPM reading of the water dropping even as the water level drops due to drinking and evaporation. Also this morning i used some tweezers and checked on the seeds that have not popped yet by gently removing the piece of rockwool covering the seeds while under a green light (to prevent light shocking any root that may have sprouted) all four seeds have broken thier shell and are starting to send out a root into the rockwool, they should be above ground in a matter of a couple days. Given that all four seeds(even the white one) look like they are doing great from being put straight into the rockwool as opposed to the four that drown in the wet paper towel method when i germinated the first 6 AHK seeds in a 6 hour soak then into a wet paper towel method (using this method 2 out of 6 germinated well the other 4 drown and never popped thier shells) given these results I can say with certainty that Lowlife Auto Hindu Kush seeds germinate better straight into the medium with no prep at all. this is not necesarrily true for the Il Diavolo seeds, as i have noticed different strains respond better to different germination methods (Il Diavolo had 100% success with the 6 hour soak then the wet paper towel and they poped their shells within 48 hours with this method) so for anyone who decides to grow Lowlife Auto Hindu Kush I would recomend germinating them directly in thier growing medium.
on a side note my bother cleaned out all our pieces today and decided to take a pic of our collection of glass, so here is the final fate that awaits these beautifull babies once they are all finished
View attachment 8448
Tried something new yesterday due to the crazy weather up here in the Az mtns it was beautifull full sun all day, the kind you get in the southwest that no grow lights can ever match so I took the sedlings in their net baskets and placed the net baskets in a tray which I filled with oxygenated PH adjusted nutrient water and placed then on my roof all day they absolutely loved it. Today when I went to place them in thier tray to go outside on the roof I noticed that all four of the plants above ground are now sending roots out of the bottom of the net basket, given this I cannot move them outside without damaging the roots that are now exposed. looks like they are confined to thier hydro unit from now on. The seedlings that are starting to break ground can still be placed outside in the tray untill they too put roots out through the net basket to take advantage of the sunshine on days where the sun is bright.

On a different note, my outdoor photo seedlings are being threatened by an imminent snow storm this weekend (the last attempt of winter to hold out) so I must make a trip out the my outdoor sites to place cloches over top of them and put a dark bottle of water next to them to absorb heat from sunlight and radiate it inide the cloche to keep the ground and the seedlings warm at night. Also I am going to deep water them today so that there is sufficient deep soil moisture to prevent freezing of the roots. For those that dont know a Cloche is a simple device that covers the plant to create a mini greenhouse environment around the delicate plant or seedling to protect it from early or late frosts or freezing winds, These can be as simple as milk jug with the bottom cut off and the top left on (to contain all heat on really cold nights) or the top removed (to allow some heat to vent out so as to avoid cooking the plant if it gets too hot durring the day) or a soda bottle done the same way basicly anything that lets light through but creats a contained environment. They are extremely usefull to outdoor growers as they can allow you to extend your growing season by up to a few weeks.
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got all my outdoor sites protected, was disapointed to find that a deer or havalina ( small feral hog native to my area) ate both sprouts at my site where i had two seedlings of The Purps a strain which i got from some buds that I purchased at one point from someone who overestimated his need for seed stock one year, I have 18 good seeds left of this strain and will be sowing a few more of them in the same spot, this time i'll sprinkle some human hair and piss on a couple trees in the area to keep the deer from getting them again, as deer and havalina have a good nose and will not come too close to anything that smells of people.

The roots look o be growig very rapidly as yesterday there were no roots showing through the net basket and today all four of the plants have them coming out, and there are more now than this morning Ill post a pic of them tonight, net basket and all so that there will be a view of the entire plant.
I have used chicken wire to build a cage around guerrilla spots, until i can piss around the area enough to keep deer at bay.
chicken wire here too... just enough to protect the first 2 feet of growth... after that they seem to leave it alone ok.
... piss works there? lucky you! lol... here they practically ask you out on a date if they see or smell you pissing... lol
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