New Grower Auto Berry Feminized first auto indoor grow for an old gardner...

I think something is not right...

I think I've discovered something amiss... What's this and what should I do about it? Both are at 60 days, just nute'd... Been fed CaMg (5ml) every watering/feeding... Pics were taken two days ago and it has gotten worse as the plant is packing on the buds.

3-5-2015 In the garden 9pm 008.jpg

3-5-2015 In the garden 9pm 010.jpg

P.S. The buds in this picture are tiny compared to what they look like today, so the plants have gone into overdrive.
Fixing the problem...

This is a continuation of what I've been dealing with on the live help thread;

It seems that now the that these gals are really trucking along in the bloom phase, we've evidenced what has most likely been a creeping deficiency of trace minerals and N (read your periodic table).

It was suggested that I round out my tool chest with another supplement to address my trace mineral issue as well as a surfactant to use as a wetting agent, which I didn't have. So I headed out this morning to the grow store and picked up the following to address these additional needs. Not what was recommended but I believe that they'll address my needs;

Fox Farm Boomerang for micronutes and N - which contains the following... BTW I think this is new to their product line.

BOOMERANG_pair_edfafcae7f1c02389cf9ba77c4b20eeb.png3-8-2015 wee hours mending plants 026.jpg

Advanced Nutrients - Wet Betty for a surfactant / wetting agent.

In the wee hours of the morning I hit the plants with a veg dose of N and CaMg (5ml as a matter of practice), soaked the soil, cut the mix and drenched the plants covering both topsides and under with the dilution.

This morning there was a discernible difference in many of the affected areas but not entirely. Lots of green coming back.

Just now, I gave them another dose of N adding bat guano based N via Roots Buddha Grow (1tb/gal), obiligatory CaMg and the specified dose of Boomerang for trace minerals. No foliar yet.

Later after the house has settled down, I'll re-inspect and proceed to do 1 foliar application to leaves only of this stuff which the folks at the grow store thought wouldn't hurt and might enhance my multifaceted effort at giving these gals what they need to 'go to the mat' in their final phase of flowering like mad. A feast for the eyes for sure.

Here's the stuff I'm going to try out...

Organic Rescue Mist which basically a Fulvic Acid** solution for foliar application... Comes premixed... I'll apply as usual, topside and under. Being a little less aggressive than last evening. Cool container huh?

organic resucue.jpg

Lastly some reference shots from after the treatment last night.
3-8-2015 wee hours mending plants 001.jpg3-8-2015 wee hours mending plants 012.jpg3-8-2015 wee hours mending plants 014.jpg3-8-2015 wee hours mending plants 017.jpg3-8-2015 wee hours mending plants 021.jpg

Cautiously optimistic... Time for dinner, then I'll get baked, throw on some tunes and mess around with the little ladies...

** Fulvic acid AND trace mineral solution (3-9-2015)

Cheers! RS :Sharing One:
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Update on the micronute and N rescue...

Real quick... After diagnosis and treatment recommendations from the AFN guru's, some 40 hours later all the ladies are reviving and in some cases it appears that the reference areas I've noted prior are reversing (re-greening). The bud growth is cranking better than ever and the new leaves are coming out with a healthy appearance.

All the stuff I just got is worth every penny I've paid. My tool chest is starting to fill up with some real good tools.

I'll post pics later...


NB - Another tweak... I have also raised the LEDs about 4 more inches. I think that the LEDs may have contributed some to this problem. I've also added a second timer and am turning on just the T5s at lights on and then firing up the LEDs an hour or so later, reversing the sequence prior to lights off. You know, like giving them a dawn and dusk of sorts...
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Today is week 7 for these girls. Still messing with the humidity in the two rooms, looking to eek out another 5-10% less in the flower room (present RH 43-48%). Getting another fan speed regulator for the flower room (didn't think I'd need it). That should get me on target for optimal humidity in the two tents which are in the same room.

I'll be feeding these gals the week 7 solution according to the feeding program I've been sticking to. I found it in an old post and when I started using it the results were nothing short of fantastic. I'm using it from the get go with all the young'uns in the veg room now.

That's it for now. RS

P.S. 51 days old

Quick update on my efforts in this regard... I've got the second fan speed regulator and am using for the Flower tent now and am able to adjust my fan speed now to achieve optimal RH in the tent. Shooting for 82f/38%. Or somewhere thereabouts...

Got my veg room dialed in with both temp and humidity now that all systems are in balance it's constant daytime of 78f/60%, nighttime of 71f/70% which is optimal for vegetative growth and proper internodal development as I've read. The girls in that tent are loving it.

I really wish I'd done certain things from the get-go but here we are... Older and wiser (again)... If you are going to have two tents, one for veg'ing and one for flowering, you really need those fan speed regulators. Regardless, they are nice in that you can dial in the right speed for temp/humidity/odor...

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Rhyce, happy to hear the girls are responding to the treatment

Yes, me too. :d5:

They will get a scheduled scheduled nutrition tomorrow which will include some flower power (Roots Buddha Bloom, Bud Candy & Roots HPK), I'm not going to add any N (fish emulsion) just using what I've got left over which is about a half gallon of juice from two days ago. Don't want to over do the N...
Before and after pictures...

I took a helicopter photo of the crew before their treatment for deficiencies and the same shot a couple of hours ago. Some three days later, what a difference! You can definitely tell that the stuff works. Taking reference shot has been real helpful for me to SEE what's happening rather than guessing and hoping... Check it out. Same lighting and same plants (a couple were spun around).
Before...3-9-2015 examining some buds 017.jpg
After.....3-9-2015 In the garden 11pm 004.jpg

The lime is turning green again and the flowers are still moving along... I'm going to give them a chance to rest another day until I give them their next scheduled feeding,.. The Berry's are on their way to looking Teal again and the Mango is deepening back to green again...

I know we're in good shape! Time to move on... RS


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